Swiftcurrent Creek I am as constant as the northern star [IC Joining]
he came and stole the wild
1,016 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Estoc made to tackle him, and rounding his shoulder out, he met his brothers force and made to hold himself, a grin smoothing avross his features as he cast a playful nip to the silver male's cheek. Estoc rivaled him in size as well -- it was clear they held the same blood by build alone, though the peppered male was certainly more agile than Scimitar himself. Nicknamed 'Bear' for not just his size but his lumbering lack of grace at many times, Scimitar recalled the days of their youth with fondness, despite being older than the two before him.

"I hope this means you intend to stay," he rumbled as he cast a quick glance over his sibling. He did not need to ask what Estoc was capable of.. He had seen it first hand many times.
he came and stole the wild
a crime so old as the sky and bone
Messages In This Thread
RE: I am as constant as the northern star [IC Joining] - by Scimitar - October 30, 2014, 06:36 PM