Swiftcurrent Creek I am as constant as the northern star [IC Joining]
16 Posts
Ooc — Avery
The youth laughed softly as Scimitar rounded his shoulder and sought to meet his force. The greyscale male brushed his shoulder against his older brother's affectionately. "I hope this means you intend to stay," he did indeed, but they didn't need to know it just yet. Estoc was the troublemaker of the three, he loved mischief at times but he was fearsome in battle. Hardened muscles rippled under his coat and swift paws moved as quick as the wind. He was no softie, but a true warrior. He grinned when Kas mentioned Father, despite the fact the brute was strict, he was not brutal and he thanked his father many times for the skills he had given him.

Sparring school, Estoc recalled fond memories of it and bright golden eyes glistened with happiness for a brief moment before pulling his indifferent look decorated with a smile back onto his face. "I love ya both and I'll love to stay but I am a traveler, an adventurer and there are so much more undiscovered." he paused and made to hug the two of them before a broad grin spread across his features. The youth laughed, bright eyes that resembled the sun gleamed, "Of course I'll stay, you two along with Saber need someone to look after your hides, and because Lord Scimitar would want my advice when he rules as king of these lands," he offered a bow to his older brother, though only a moment later, he made to hug his brother. Although he would never admit it to them, Estoc had missed his siblings a lot.
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RE: I am as constant as the northern star [IC Joining] - by Estoc - November 06, 2014, 06:09 AM