Horizon Ridge And I know that you miss him, the way he used to listen
12 Posts
Ooc — KT
The pair had traveled inland in search of prey. Birds, specifically, were Raelle's favorite. Vixen found them to be too difficult. She didn't like how they had all of those feathers in the way. She didn't like their tiny sharded bones and she especially didn't like how they could fly and how that made them more difficult to hunt. But she did like this girl, at least a little bit. So she would put up with whatever to make her friend happy.

With two hunters at work, it took little time before they each had their own ptarmigan. Vixen had finished her meal while Raelle was busy mangling hers. She took the empty time to scout ahead and made sure not to stray too far.

The garish ursine stench came over her quickly; she couldn't think straight. Branches cracked. Cowering offensively, curled and snarling, she whirled towards the source and was surprised to see — Etienne?
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RE: And I know that you miss him, the way he used to listen - by Mercy - June 01, 2024, 12:36 PM