Boartusk Heights one poor mother and one poor son, please
31 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
The new mother laid with her babies, licking each of them gently for their daily bath. So absorbed in them she didn’t hear the arrival of a male she did not know by sight.

He smelled of Reyna and, because of this, she quieted the growl that threatened to bubble from her at his intrusion. He was not to come near her children, but she would be friendly enough. 

From a distance.

“Hello.” Her eyes fell to her children, a slight raise of her eyebrow in confusion. Two babies are a lot in his eyes? For a split moment, she also felt like maybe she miscounted and had been neglecting other babies. But, no—that wasn’t right. She had a total of four babies, that was true, but the last two were conjoined and born sleeping.

“These two have been quite easy, thankfully. And, yes, we are quite comfortable here, though I know these two are going to be getting a bit restless enough to venture out soon. I am Scoria, by the way.”
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Messages In This Thread
one poor mother and one poor son, please - by Nivis - June 01, 2024, 05:59 PM
RE: one poor mother and one poor son, please - by Scoria - June 05, 2024, 08:40 AM