Kildeer Rest aapa
82 Posts
Ooc — bon

someone approaches. these footsteps were different from aapa, so ghelan doesn't scramble to hide his collection. instead, he only pulls his forearms inward to himself, a gentle shield.

a face he recognized as one of the many in saatsine. still, he was a stanger to ghelan, and in his scent the boy recognized his father. perhaps it would've been smarter to further hide his amulet-to-be — god forbid the man would recognize it as sharadoii and reprimand him. or worse, warn father of his treacherous son — but he wasn't smart, and a part of him had faith in this stranger.

'collecting'.. ghelan's brows furrowed while trying to recall what the common word meant. yes. for.. uhm. the caribou son rises just lightly to gesture to his amulet with the clumsy wave of his arm. this.
"lanzadoii" · "-sharadoii-" · "common"
ghelan is the name given by his father in lanzadoii. akiak for sharadoii & seal hunters given by his mother. brave one is the common translation for akiak. his username will change often.
Messages In This Thread
aapa - by Ghelan - December 29, 2024, 11:26 AM
RE: aapa - by Kekoa - December 29, 2024, 04:08 PM
RE: aapa - by Ghelan - December 30, 2024, 04:54 PM
RE: aapa - by Kekoa - January 04, 2025, 12:49 AM