Redhawk Caldera Swiss Cheese Land [Packtivity/Pack Play Session][MFT]
2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
Finley was bored. And when Finley got bored, Finley did such things as bear-tipping, playing chase with angry bull moose, practicing her snake-charming, or, as she was currently doing, searching for wolverine dens to dig up in hopes of unearthing a wolverine. Fortunately, Somnia's call rang out before the foolhardy beta had actually managed to find one. Even more fortunate was her inability to stay focused on one task for when she heard the call, all thoughts of searching for wolverines went clear out of her head as she turned and scampered on up to the level top of the Caldera.

A few had gathered by the time she arrived, and though her intention was to greet everyone, her attention was immediately stolen as her gaze landed on Fox. The beta cantered eagerly up to her besty and flopped down onto her belly, perpendicular to her so that when she laid her head down in the snow upon her paws, her nose was only inches away from the side of the alpha's stomach. "Hi birdies!" Fin chirped with a happily wagging tail. She poked at Fox's fur gently and giggled--a ritual meant to be a greeting for both Fox and the little buggers growing within.

After a few moments, Fin remembered suddenly that there were others gathered and that this was probably rather awkward for them (as well as for Fox). Reigning in her self control, she shuffled about to face everyone else. She smiled a bit abashedly as her gaze flickered from wolf to wolf, though her tail never ceased to happily flail about.
Messages In This Thread
RE: Swiss Cheese Land [Packtivity/Pack Play Session] - by Finley - January 12, 2015, 05:08 PM