Redhawk Caldera Swiss Cheese Land [Packtivity/Pack Play Session][MFT]
2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
AH CRAP I somehow forgot that this was a packtivity and thought there was a posting order Xx; LOL I'M DUMB

The scene continued to transpire and soon Somnia was up and addressing the entire crew that had gathered. Fin paid close attention as she explained the rules of the game she'd invented, but she quickly became lost as... Well, she was Finley, and paying attention for a long time was hard. She assumed that she'd gotten the gist of it, though, so she sort of zoned out while nibbling at a hard clump of snow between her forepaws.

That was, until she suddenly called Elwood up to join her as her assistant chaos-creator and Finley's blood suddenly froze in her veins. Jealousy swept through her, white hot, even stronger than it had when she'd been all hormonal at their Christmas dinner. Fin took a deep breath and urged the feeling to pass - Elwood didn't belong to her, and besides, he and Somnia were just friends, there was nothing going on.... WHY DID SHE PICK HIM THEN no, no, no shush Fin, quiet down you silly bitch...

Before she even realized it, her packmates were up and staking their claims on the holes at the opposite end of the play arena. Fin quickly hopped up and joined them, picking whatever hole was left and then turning just in time to hear Somnia shouting "Go!" and setting them all in action. Fin darted forward with the rest, sniffing at the ground eagerly until she came across what seemed to be a promising pile of upturned dirt. She began to dig, but barely even paid attention as she quickly shot her gaze across the playing field to see where Elwood was and what he was doing.

She didn't have to try all too hard to find him, for suddenly he was above her, harassing her as she dug. Her heart felt lighter as she playfully snapped back at him and hopped around, trying to shove him out of her way with her body. Though he had slowed her technically, Elwood's attention spurred her back into the game, and she dug with greater fervor to finally unearth her first skin, which she ripped the rest of the way out of the ground to carry as quickly as she could back to her hole, triumphantly waving it through the air like a flag as she went.
Messages In This Thread
RE: Swiss Cheese Land [Packtivity/Pack Play Session] - by Finley - January 19, 2015, 08:21 PM