The Heartwood I came to stake my claim like a canine waitin' in a buffet line
128 Posts
Ooc — Kat
The words, "Let's get him!" had barely registered before Kyr sprang into action. Quell shouted, "Hol'up!" but laughed as she bounded after her comrade. In seconds flat, they surrounded the raccoon. Well, it was just the two of them, so it was more like they pinned him in from either side. Now trapped, their quarry responded to the threat in the only way left to him: by making himself look larger and fiercer. He then took it a step further by swiping a clawed paw toward Kyr.

"Come at me, bro!" Q hollered as she leaped in to nip at the raccoon while he was distracted, a move intended to rile him rather than harm him. It would've been smarted to go in for the kill straightaway, though where was the fun in that? Where was the challenge? The yearling cackled loudly as the "trash panda" hissed and turned toward her almost instantly, giving her a sound whack on the muzzle as his claws slashed into the soft leather of her nose.
Members of Sagtannet are welcome to power-play Quellcrist (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not she's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!
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RE: I came to stake my claim like a canine waitin' in a buffet line - by Quellcrist - April 06, 2020, 10:49 AM