all welcome <3 looking for some interactions for my aggie !
summary: some time after she arrived in teekon, agana is suddenly hit by nostalgia as she remembers her northern homeland and puphood, and decides to go on a short trip for stargazing.
time: evening; 2/09
summary: some time after she arrived in teekon, agana is suddenly hit by nostalgia as she remembers her northern homeland and puphood, and decides to go on a short trip for stargazing.
time: evening; 2/09
The beige female took a stroll to the cliffs she spotted earlier, in hopes of clearing her mind. Nostalgia was present most of the time since she left, presenting itself at any given moment of her existence.
Agana kept a steady pace as her mind wandered away.. Agana. This was not her birth name, but a name she had given herself after all she endured back in the haven. They used to call her Malena; her tail twitched at the sound of that name. She had not used it in weeks — perhaps her mind had forgotten it for good. “Lena” was her nickname- her dear cousin, Hemera, used to call her like that a lot.
Back in the haven, Malena and Hemera were cousins and best friends. They did everything together; But something changed in Hemera- what exactly, she could not say. Her heart filled with hatred, and distanced herself from Lena.
But she was no longer in the uncharted norths. No, she was far away now, in a foreign land, hiding under a mask that was to be her new forever face. The female continued the rocky trail, walked by thousands of wolves before her. She glanced up as the sky changed color from cyan to an orange hue. The last rays of the sun reflected on her lean body, giving her the appearance of a fire wolf.
Night was slowly approaching, reminding her of the purpose of this trip: stargazing, her favourite activity in her puphood. Her yellow gaze spotted a large cliff to her right side, immediately heading towards it. The rock was warm from the sun, but as it gave its last breath for today, its surface slowly started to lose it. Slowly, she sat down close to the edge, admiring the view. It wasn’t that high, but it was good enough for her.
Her mind wandered once more to her family; ah, draga ei familie. That was all she could think about; suddenly, a low whisper came out her lips.
“Ce am făcut să merit o astfel de soartă?”
„common” — „romanian”
September 03, 2019, 02:05 PM
(This post was last modified: September 03, 2019, 02:06 PM by RIP Kavik.)
The alpha had searched the mountain for hours, tracking the herd of deer that frequented his territory. At one point, he had found them, but his attempts to hunt the herd solo had been completely unsuccessful. Even if he hadn't been thinner than normal and already run ragged, his chances of successfully taking down one of the creatures would have been very low. Still, he had tried, driven by the need to feed his children and pack.
As the sun began set, he had finally decided to give up and return home. Kavik hated that he would be returning empty handed, but he had exhausted his energy for the day and he hated being gone from the creek for too long, especially with their small number of adult pack members. He would be more useful patrolling or checking in on his family apparently.
It was as he was making his way down the rocky slopes that he picked up the fresh scent of a stranger. He paused, lifting his head to sniff the air, and then got to work tracking the wolf down. He found her sitting on a ledge, gazing down at the wilds below; it was a view he admired as well. She spoke something in a foreign language, and the only thing he could tell was that it was not the French spoken by his mates and children.
He released a deep chuff as he drew closer, not wanting to startle the woman, especially when she was sitting so close to the edge.
As the sun began set, he had finally decided to give up and return home. Kavik hated that he would be returning empty handed, but he had exhausted his energy for the day and he hated being gone from the creek for too long, especially with their small number of adult pack members. He would be more useful patrolling or checking in on his family apparently.
It was as he was making his way down the rocky slopes that he picked up the fresh scent of a stranger. He paused, lifting his head to sniff the air, and then got to work tracking the wolf down. He found her sitting on a ledge, gazing down at the wilds below; it was a view he admired as well. She spoke something in a foreign language, and the only thing he could tell was that it was not the French spoken by his mates and children.
He released a deep chuff as he drew closer, not wanting to startle the woman, especially when she was sitting so close to the edge.
I'm no good without you
September 03, 2019, 07:15 PM
(This post was last modified: September 04, 2019, 08:20 AM by Agana.)
All her thoughts were with her cousin. Hemera was her best friend; her only friend. Agana could rely on her, share her darkest secrets, enjoy life. She remembered how much they loved to play hide and seek, and dream about their future lives. Hemera’s sudden change rose a lot of questions, but each time Agana tried to confront her with this, she would just brush it off, or ignore her completely.
But she could do this too. Forget everything they did, every memory, for good. The beige female let the cold wind brush against her tail, bringing it closer to the edge, a symbolic gesture of “letting go”. Instead of bringing back old demons, she took a moment to appreciate the view that presented itself in front of her: once green landscape was now covered in shades of blue. Pale lights appeared one by one as the last rays crossed the horizon. The moon rose to her place on the sky, a guiding light to those in need of clarity.
Her inner peace was cut short by a sound coming from behind. Agana slowly turned her head to see a large, black male. His eyes shone like emeralds under the moonlight, a lot different than her yellow ones. But what was he doing here at this time? Perhaps he came for the view as she did? One way to find out. “Did you come here to admire the view like me?” She asked softly, turning a little to watch the moon.
But she could do this too. Forget everything they did, every memory, for good. The beige female let the cold wind brush against her tail, bringing it closer to the edge, a symbolic gesture of “letting go”. Instead of bringing back old demons, she took a moment to appreciate the view that presented itself in front of her: once green landscape was now covered in shades of blue. Pale lights appeared one by one as the last rays crossed the horizon. The moon rose to her place on the sky, a guiding light to those in need of clarity.
Her inner peace was cut short by a sound coming from behind. Agana slowly turned her head to see a large, black male. His eyes shone like emeralds under the moonlight, a lot different than her yellow ones. But what was he doing here at this time? Perhaps he came for the view as she did? One way to find out. “Did you come here to admire the view like me?” She asked softly, turning a little to watch the moon.
„common” — „romanian”
September 03, 2019, 08:54 PM
He paused as she spoke, but then continued forward, taking a seat on the same ledge a comfortable distance away.
Looking up, he turned his gaze on her.
No, not quite,he answered.
I picked up your scent a ways up the mountain, and I was curious,he added with a shrug, gaze fixed on the valley below.
Looking up, he turned his gaze on her.
It is a nice view, though.It wasn't often that he stopped to admire such things anymore.
Is that that the only reason you came up here?he asked, his curiosity growing. He rarely met strangers these days unless they were at his borders, and that was usually a far more tense situation; he always had to be serious and businesslike, but here, he could just be another stranger exploring the mountain.
I'm no good without you
September 04, 2019, 07:10 AM
(This post was last modified: September 04, 2019, 03:41 PM by Agana.)
Agana viewed the male with the corner of her eye as he sat down on the cold rock. The surface of the cliff finally lost its warmth, but it did not bother the female as she turned her focus to the valley below. After he finished his sentence, she let a chuckle escape her lips. "Curios, eh?"
The beige female nodded at his next statement, then turned her yellow gaze to face him. "No, actually, I came here to watch the stars, and.." a sigh, before turning away. "think." She closed her eyes for a quick second as she felt a cold breeze on her back.
The beige female nodded at his next statement, then turned her yellow gaze to face him. "No, actually, I came here to watch the stars, and.." a sigh, before turning away. "think." She closed her eyes for a quick second as she felt a cold breeze on her back.
„common” — „romanian”
September 19, 2019, 02:41 PM
Whatever words she spoke first were of a different language, but he oddly didn't think much of it. Likely, it was due to the fact that he was fairly used to an unknown language being used in his presence. Regardless, she was speaking again, and this time in the language he did know. She came here to watch the stars...and think. The former he didn't know much about, and as pretty as he thought the night sky was, he hadn't really had much time to gaze upon it lately. His pack and his family teetered on the edge of survival, and unfortunately, that left little time for things like stargazing. Thinking, though, he knew that well—far too well, and he wondered:
Thinking about what?He was curious about what kind of problems she might have. Maybe listening to a stranger vent would take his mind of his own troubles for a while.
I'm no good without you
September 20, 2019, 03:33 PM
(This post was last modified: September 22, 2019, 07:47 AM by Agana.)
The beige woman shifted her weight at the sound of the males voice; she did not know him, and perhaps that was for the best. She could vent to him with no fear of the information to get past this moment. However, as some say, even the wind has ears.
And so, with little to no thought, Agana parted her soft lips to answer his question. “My family..” a pause, followed by a deep sigh. “I miss them.” As much as she did not like to admit, she did miss them; if things were different, she would have never left; but what’s done, is done. “The stars.. they remind me of them.” sudden silence.
“Do you have a family?” Curiosity rose in her just as his did. Perhaps he was looking for them, or trying to hunt something for them? Agana turned her yellow gaze to the dark male, waiting for his answer.
And so, with little to no thought, Agana parted her soft lips to answer his question. “My family..” a pause, followed by a deep sigh. “I miss them.” As much as she did not like to admit, she did miss them; if things were different, she would have never left; but what’s done, is done. “The stars.. they remind me of them.” sudden silence.
“Do you have a family?” Curiosity rose in her just as his did. Perhaps he was looking for them, or trying to hunt something for them? Agana turned her yellow gaze to the dark male, waiting for his answer.
„common” — „romanian”
October 29, 2019, 04:43 PM
She missed her family; it was a feeling he understood well. His gaze lifted to the sky when she explained that they reminded her of those she missed, lowering after a few moments to rest on her face.
What is it about the stars that reminds you of your family?he asked, deciding that might be an easier question for her to answer. He could inquire as to why she missed her family or where they where, but he thought it might not be something she wished to discuss.
I do,he answered, a smile curving his lips as he spoke.
A large family,he added. He loved them more than anything, and they were why he had wandered so far from home in search of prey. He hated to be gone from the territory at such a precarious time, but he was left with no other choice. The pack needed to eat, and he wouldn't watch his children go hungry because of his mistakes.
I'm no good without you
October 31, 2019, 01:00 PM
A breeze brushed into her sand-painted fur; tail and left ear twitched at the feeling. Agana tilted her head a little to the right, golden gaze focused on his emerald orbs. In a moment, her gaze lifted to heavens, a deep sigh escaping her now smiling lips. “Even if we are miles apart, we watch the same sky, the same stars.” And it was true; it was the same sky everywhere, so the fact that they may be watching it bought a warm feeling into her.
“Oh?” Attention focused entirely on the large ebony male beside her. The sand female tilted her head more to the left, attempting to rise an eyebrow (which, of course, failed.) “How large?” Agana imagined how life would be if she grew up in a large family — with two or three more siblings to share her parents with — in fact, no, she wouldn’t like it. So she shook her head (similar to when you have an insect in your hair), and focused, again, entirely on the emerald-eyed male.
“Oh?” Attention focused entirely on the large ebony male beside her. The sand female tilted her head more to the left, attempting to rise an eyebrow (which, of course, failed.) “How large?” Agana imagined how life would be if she grew up in a large family — with two or three more siblings to share her parents with — in fact, no, she wouldn’t like it. So she shook her head (similar to when you have an insect in your hair), and focused, again, entirely on the emerald-eyed male.
„common” — „romanian”
November 05, 2019, 04:26 PM
He nodded in understanding.
He smiled a little at her question.
That makes sense,he offered. He looked up to the stars, realizing he had never noticed that about them.
That's a good way to feel close to loved ones you can't be with.Maybe he would try that the next time he sought to comfort his grief over a missing family member; he would just have to remember that the stars were even there, which was something that escaped his notice often, especially with everything he had going on now.
He smiled a little at her question.
Fairly large,he answered first.
Two mates and six children,he continued, raising an eyebrow. How would she receive that piece of information? It certainly wasn't a normal situation, but it worked for him, and he honestly didn't even think much about how different it might seem to anyone on the outside looking in. They were a family, and that's all that mattered to him, that and making sure they were all safe.
I'm no good without you
November 08, 2019, 07:17 PM
Agana nodded back, tail brushing lightly her hip. It felt like they were here, with her; standing right there, waiting to be noticed by her sun gaze. She smiled to herself, a genuine feeling of happiness filling the blackness of her soul. Golden gaze turned to him, “It is; this way, I feel them close to me.” a pause.
Eyes widened, a nervous chuckle escaping her lips. “Well, that is indeed large,” Six children would be too much for her; but two mates? She was confused, but was not the type to judge easily. True, she was naive and believed quite many, but this was not the case. “How old are they? Your children,” the sand female was curious to know more about this rather unusual family.
Eyes widened, a nervous chuckle escaping her lips. “Well, that is indeed large,” Six children would be too much for her; but two mates? She was confused, but was not the type to judge easily. True, she was naive and believed quite many, but this was not the case. “How old are they? Your children,” the sand female was curious to know more about this rather unusual family.
„common” — „romanian”
November 13, 2019, 11:20 PM
She reacted about as he expected, surprise apparent in her words. But then she continued on, asking him more information about his children.
The older four are about six months now, and the younger two are about three months.He smiled a little as he thought about them. Even with all of the problems going on at the creek right now, he was insanely grateful for his mates and children.
And what about you? Do you have any children?he asked, smile remaining on his face. Maybe they were who she was missing right now, the ones who the stars reminded her of. He couldn't even imagine how worried she must be if that was the case. Even if his children were grown, he would still worry about them if they were too far away for him to check on.
I'm no good without you
November 19, 2019, 12:09 PM
(This post was last modified: November 19, 2019, 12:09 PM by Agana.)
apologies for late (and quite messy) response ! <3
Not once the thought of having children ran into her mind. Perhaps because of her current situation, her age, her odd relationship with her cousin. She sighed, the question heavy on her shoulders, unsure of her answer. “I do not,” nor will I ever have.
Golden gaze turned to face his green one, a warm smile on his face. Agana attempted to rise one of her eyebrows, questioning; “Why did you ask?” a whisper; trying to not disturb the peaceful night.
Tail moved to her left, an unusual feeling, a question; what if. What if... she became a mother? Would she be a good one? Would her children abandon her, just as she did with her parents? Agana tried to hide the worried expression on her face by looking away and taking deep breaths.
„common” — „romanian”
November 20, 2019, 11:19 PM
no worries <3
It seemed she didn't know what it was like to have children. At her question, he gave a small shrug of his inky shoulders.
Just curious, I suppose.He really had no other reason for asking other than to possibly exchange parenthood stories.
Do you think you ever might?he asked, possibly being a little nosy. He honestly wondered if she had ever considered it. He hadn't really thought much about having children before he became a father. Of course, that was probably because it had been an accident. He had thought briefly about it when he and Liri led the plateau, but no amount of thinking about it could have prepared him for just how much it changed his life.
I'm no good without you
November 21, 2019, 04:25 PM
This is a question she had asked herself a few times before, but did not give the answer much importance. “I do not know..” she looked away, ”But you can never be sure what the future holds,” who knows, maybe one day she will find a male worthy of her affection. They would settle into a safe place, have children, and watch them grow. But for now, she could not worry about such things, she had other burdens on her shoulders.
Golden gaze turned to the black male, ”Did you ever think you would one day become a father? How did you feel when they were born?” Agana could never understand the love he holds for his children, but finds it fascinating and considers it the purest form of love. Her lips curled into a smile as she thought about it. This children talk made her curious, and perhaps overwhelmed him with her sudden questions, ”I apologize..”
Golden gaze turned to the black male, ”Did you ever think you would one day become a father? How did you feel when they were born?” Agana could never understand the love he holds for his children, but finds it fascinating and considers it the purest form of love. Her lips curled into a smile as she thought about it. This children talk made her curious, and perhaps overwhelmed him with her sudden questions, ”I apologize..”
„common” — „romanian”
November 26, 2019, 09:16 PM
(This post was last modified: November 26, 2019, 09:16 PM by RIP Kavik.)
You couldn't be sure what the future would hold; Kavik knew that better than most. He nodded in agreement, a small silence settling between them before she asked a question of her own. Two questions, both making him smile.
You don't have to apologize; I don't mind the questions,he gently offered first.
I figured I would be some day; it was always something I wanted, but I didn't expect it quite at this time.Her next question was easy to answer.
The days they were born, I had never felt so happy and so scared at the same time. It's kind of a helpless feeling, really, but the love for them over shadows it all.He loved them more than he had ever loved anyone, would gladly and without question trade his life for the lives of his children.
Any helplessness felt in the beginning was soon forgotten, though, at least for me. I fell into the role of their father without hesitation. I assume that's how it is for most other parents as well.Obviously not all; he wasn't naive enough to think that all parents did right by their children.
I'm no good without you
December 06, 2019, 04:38 PM
last from me! would love another thread if you’re up to! <3
The joy in his voice when he spoke of his beloved children was simply priceless. His words opened a door in her mind, a door she never knew existed. And she thought; what if her parents loved her as much as he did with his children? Of course they did; maybe it was wrong to run away? Perhaps; but all her decisions, both good and bad, led her here; to this moment.
“I see,” she muttered, golden gaze turned to him, “But I guess I kept you away from them enough. I should also go and find myself a place to rest,” she rose to her paws and nodded, a silent ‘thank you’ gesture. She was grateful for this moment; even if it did not last long. ”Safe travels.” He needed to get back to his children, and she already felt bad for being the reason he stood away from them so long. The beige female turned to walk away, a sudden brightness in her.
„common” — „romanian”
December 27, 2019, 12:55 AM
He shook his head at her words.
I would have been out here anyway, you have just provided me with a nice distraction,he assured her. He dipped his head at her departing words.
Safe travels to you too,he offered in return. Then he too rose to his feet and turned to head down the mountain, ready to return to his family, even if he hadn't found any substantial food to bring them. Talking so much about them had made him miss them all, and he was ready to be back home.
I'm no good without you
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