Haunted Wood royals
38 Posts
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All Welcome 
the woman has lain low thus far; remaining at arm's length as she comes to understand the power balance here, those members new and old. but today she waits in an empty clearing, her summoning howl for a sparring partner fast-fading in the frigid december air. the air is taunt with tension, the clouds above threatening snow. the woman is motionless as she waits, save for the gentle rise and fall of her chest, only the perfect cant of her auds signal of her readiness.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She heard a call and went to see who it was and she knew she must have been a new member since vengeance's scent still seemed to cling onto her pelt. She was silent except for a low chuff.
”Common” "Spanish"
38 Posts
Ooc —
it is the woman from the borders who arrives; she offers only a slight decline of her muzzle in response to the woman's chuff. she would not be here for any other reason, and so she sees no reason to delay. she moves suddenly, motionless until she is not, fangs bared as she seeks to grasp the woman's muzzle. it is hardly an especially strategic move, for she does not wish to end the fight quickly, but rather learn all she can from this one interaction. winning or losing is of no consequence; only the furthering of her own knowledge and her own, ultimate, goals.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
There was no words relayed between the two woman, she just went straight to the point and the Snow White female lunges towards her snout and serem curves her neck ultimately dodging the females move and went on to try grabbing onto her throat.
”Common” "Spanish"