@Kavik maybe?
The vale quickly became too small for her and her roaming-self came back, stronger than ever. It was not the same however; Agana had been feeling strange lately, but did not have a definitive reason as to why. Was it because of the weather? She would soon realize the season was at the door, and no matter how much she wanted to evade it, she couldn’t.
Agana left the vale, hoping to clear her mind from the latest events; praying the lion was no longer roaming the spires, and she could return to her usual cruises outside the court. The grey female was inexperienced in the matters of the other gender; the closest thing to affection was the kiss she shared with the duck, but she was no male.
The sun was at its highest point on the sky when she reached a cave; the same cave where she met the General of Diaspora. But he wasn’t there; no one was there; just her, and the echo of her heavy breath. The grey female leaned onto the closest rock before laying down on the cold surface of the ground. She shivered at the touch, reminding of an event that changed her perspective over a few things.
Agana did not always have a good relationship with her family and by running away she proved that right. Becoming homesick was, of course, usual, but after a meeting with a dark, green-eyed stranger, she changed her view over the concept of family. The grey female would find the silver is family, and it made her happier than ever.
Curiosity never left her; where was this dark stranger? Did he survive the famine? Did his family survive? A heavy sigh left her lips as her tail twitched from the cold wind that entered the cave.
„common” — „romanian”
December 30, 2019, 09:24 PM
He didn't leave his new home often, but this morning he had woken to more nightmares and had left the territory to wander and clear his head. He traveled south of the woods, giving the creek a wide berth before eventually making his way west into the mountains. He had only planned to skirt the edges of the range and trek just high enough that the exertion took away his ability to dwell on his guilt and grief. His despair weighed so heavily on him today that he thought he might crumble or burst from his skin or both. But a scent quickly changed his plans. At first, all he could tell from it was that it was fresh and that it was familiar. He had to investigate, so he climbed higher into the mountains, eventually finding himself at the mouth of a cave.
The scent was very strong here, and it was only then that he realized who it belonged to—the woman he had met the night he had wandered from the creek. That night felt like a lifetime ago. So much had happened. He padded through the opening, stopping just inside the cavern. His gaze searched the darkness until it adjusted and he spotted her reclined against a rock. He took a few more steps forward, careful not to get too close and startle her in case she wasn't yet aware of his presence.
The scent was very strong here, and it was only then that he realized who it belonged to—the woman he had met the night he had wandered from the creek. That night felt like a lifetime ago. So much had happened. He padded through the opening, stopping just inside the cavern. His gaze searched the darkness until it adjusted and he spotted her reclined against a rock. He took a few more steps forward, careful not to get too close and startle her in case she wasn't yet aware of his presence.
Hey,he said into the cave.
Exploring again?He didn't think this was really the safest place to be wandering around on her own, but it wasn't really his place to mention that, so he kept the concern to himself.
I'm no good without you
January 01, 2020, 08:01 PM
Agana’s position inside the cave was not too close to the entrance, and if someone was passing by, she wouldn’t notice their presence unless they came in; or if she caught their scent; same applied for those outside. But the grey female did not bother with it, no one would venture so high into the mountains on such a weather. The Quetelhtë was aware of the danger she exposed herself to when leaving the vale, but still left nonetheless.
It came as a surprise when her ears flickered at the sound of footsteps. She rose her golden gaze to greet a dark, tall figure, towering over her. A pair of green eyes stared back at her, giving her a shiver down the spine. That scent and those eyes were familiar to her and a shower of relief washed over her; she wasn’t in the mood to fight anyway. “Hey” she greeted, signing him he was welcome to approach if he wishes.
“It is a habit of mine.” And she was damn pround of it. “I see you survived the famine,” Agana eyed him from head to toe, but it was too dark to notice any scars he might have gained during the quackes. “How is your family? I hope they are well.” The grey female remembered how fondly he spoke of his children and his mates, how he felt when they were born and had to take in the role as their father. She rose her head and front legs, changing her laying position into a sitting one, golden gaze still on the dark male before her.
It came as a surprise when her ears flickered at the sound of footsteps. She rose her golden gaze to greet a dark, tall figure, towering over her. A pair of green eyes stared back at her, giving her a shiver down the spine. That scent and those eyes were familiar to her and a shower of relief washed over her; she wasn’t in the mood to fight anyway. “Hey” she greeted, signing him he was welcome to approach if he wishes.
“It is a habit of mine.” And she was damn pround of it. “I see you survived the famine,” Agana eyed him from head to toe, but it was too dark to notice any scars he might have gained during the quackes. “How is your family? I hope they are well.” The grey female remembered how fondly he spoke of his children and his mates, how he felt when they were born and had to take in the role as their father. She rose her head and front legs, changing her laying position into a sitting one, golden gaze still on the dark male before her.
„common” — „romanian”
January 02, 2020, 02:49 PM
He closed the remaining distance between them at her invitation, eager to feel the warmth of another. He had been climbing the mountain through the cold wind and snow, and the cave and her company was suddenly very inviting. He took a seat in front of her, smiling as she began to speak. But the conversation quickly took a turn into the territory of things he really didn't want to talk about. He didn't want to be rude to her, which meant he couldn't just ignore her question, unfortunately. The smile immediately fell from his face, replaced by shadows of deep, persistent pain. He sighed and looked away.
They were not as lucky,he started. Although, it was hard for him lately not to consider them the lucky ones.
I lost them all to a landslide in the mountains—all but two of my children.And was immensely grateful for that. His shoulders sagged under the weight of his grief and he was quiet for a few moments, unable to think of anything else to say while his mind reeled with the awful memories of that day.
What about you?he asked quietly.
How has the famine treated you?His gaze still held unfathomable pain as he finally rested on her once more. He was desperate to change the subject, and he hoped she would understand.
I'm no good without you
January 02, 2020, 03:55 PM
Agana remained speechless for a moment; it was not the best question, but she did not mean to wake the haunting memory of their disappearance. She knew how it felt to loose someone dear, but not as much as to lose a child. As words did not help her at all, the grey female instead closed the distance between them, and leaned onto him, attempting to offer him emotional comfort. She sighed heavily, a little unsure of her gesture; was he going to push her away? Or maybe accept her embrace?
“Pretty well,” silence, “Maybe just a minor fear of water for a while.” She whispered then quickly changed the subject, “Are you residing somewhere close? Not many venture the mountains now, if none at all.” Was he a part of some pack nearby? Or maybe he was a loner? No, he couldn’t be, he still had three mouths to feed. Tail twitched in anticipation, while golden gaze searched for his green one.
“Pretty well,” silence, “Maybe just a minor fear of water for a while.” She whispered then quickly changed the subject, “Are you residing somewhere close? Not many venture the mountains now, if none at all.” Was he a part of some pack nearby? Or maybe he was a loner? No, he couldn’t be, he still had three mouths to feed. Tail twitched in anticipation, while golden gaze searched for his green one.
„common” — „romanian”
January 03, 2020, 06:27 AM
Kavik allowed the affection, welcomed it actually; it was the only way he knew so far to ease his torment, even if it was just temporary. His entire frame seemed to relax a fraction. He pressed even closer to her, gently resting his head on her. For a few moments, he said nothing, just waited for her to continue speaking or pull away or both.
When she spoke, he pulled back just enough to see her face.
When she spoke, he pulled back just enough to see her face.
A fear of water?he asked, concern pulling his eyebrows together. Of course, she may not want to talk about whatever caused that fear and if she didn't answer, then he would drop it. It was honestly just a relief to be talking about anything other than his family.
I help lead a pack in the forest just north of here in the valley,he answered.
Uaine Gorsedd.He paused briefly and then continued.
I try to avoid the mountains since...he didn't finish.
But I was exploring the the lower parts of the range and picked up your scent and was curious.He was glad it had been her scent; it was nice to see someone familiar.
And what about you? Do you live near here?His expression grew stern.
This is not the safest place to explore by yourself.
I'm no good without you
January 03, 2020, 03:14 PM
Agana sighed; this ‘fear’ wasn’t something she was really proud of, but with time, it will subside; hopefully. “A dear friend fell into the rapids of the Gorge. My attempt to rescue her was successful, but…” golden gaze turned down, “I was close to drowning, and it affected me.” She remained quiet then; gaze remained down until he spoke again.
“I see curiosity never left you,” she giggled now, thinking about their first encounter, when he found her stargazing close to the Silvertip. How long had it been since she last went stargazing? Too long; she needs to find a suitable place into the vale, high enough to study them better. “It’s better to stay away from the mountains now as well; a lion is said to roam the Spires. I haven’t seen her the whole way up here, but just in case she is still around.” The grey female did not know if he was aware of this; but since he was helping leading a pack, she thought it’s better to warn them too.
“Yes, in Courtfall actually; I heard Uaine Gorsedd and Courtfall are allies?” Agana sighed then, and rolled her eyes. “I know but it’s been months since I last left the vale, and I got bored of it.” She protested; the grey female felt like a scolded child and her expression turned into a frown.
“I see curiosity never left you,” she giggled now, thinking about their first encounter, when he found her stargazing close to the Silvertip. How long had it been since she last went stargazing? Too long; she needs to find a suitable place into the vale, high enough to study them better. “It’s better to stay away from the mountains now as well; a lion is said to roam the Spires. I haven’t seen her the whole way up here, but just in case she is still around.” The grey female did not know if he was aware of this; but since he was helping leading a pack, she thought it’s better to warn them too.
“Yes, in Courtfall actually; I heard Uaine Gorsedd and Courtfall are allies?” Agana sighed then, and rolled her eyes. “I know but it’s been months since I last left the vale, and I got bored of it.” She protested; the grey female felt like a scolded child and her expression turned into a frown.
„common” — „romanian”
January 03, 2020, 08:11 PM
He watched her explain what was clearly a traumatic event for her, emerald gaze studying her face as fear twisted her delicate features.
He met her next comment with a raise of an eyebrow, a sly smile curving one side of his mouth.
The mention of Courtfall piqued his interest enough to distract him from the lion situation. He had heard of their alliance and was intrigued to learn that he and this woman were now allies.
That's understandable; I think that kind of experience would affect anyone,he offered gently.
I'm glad your friend is okay, though. I'm sure they're grateful you were there to help them.He hoped his words and their continued closeness would ease her pain the same way it eased his own.
He met her next comment with a raise of an eyebrow, a sly smile curving one side of his mouth.
It seems we are both guilty of following our curiosity,he replied, a low chuckle rumbling from his chest. But when she spoke of the mountain lion she had seen near here recently, any lingering humor left him. That was a serious problem. He was not naive enough to believe that they didn't share the wilds with such beasts but one being so close to home was worrying. He would need to alert the council of this.
I will make sure to keep an eye out. I hope you will tooShe had wandered here alone, and he hoped she had been careful.
The mention of Courtfall piqued his interest enough to distract him from the lion situation. He had heard of their alliance and was intrigued to learn that he and this woman were now allies.
Well, then we'll have no excuse not to see more of each other,he said playfully. The comment was misleading, he knew, but her presence was so soothing that he knew he would want to see her again, regardless of the fact the he could offer her nothing substantial should she ever want that from him. He was eager to indulge in anything that offered even the smallest relief from his constant inner torment. And to her reason for trekking through the danger of the mountains alone, he couldn't help but sympathize with her. The frown made him chuckle softly before gently touching his nose to her cheek if allowed.
I'm sorry; it's hard for me not to see the potential danger in every situation. You are, of course, free to explore wherever you'd like.She was neither his mate nor child, and so she had no obligation to humor his overprotective ways.
I'm no good without you
January 06, 2020, 01:50 PM
100 posts! <3
“Yes, she is.” And the pearl truly was grateful for it; she became her companion then with whom she ended up in Courtfall. She still thought of their intimate moment, but now her mind was here; and she nuzzled and buried her face deeper into his fur, afraid someone might take him from her. Who could blame her? The grey female knew she had to let him go, but not now, no.
“True,” she chuckled along him, yet the laugher soon faded. “I will.” A few weeks passed since Andraste told her of the lion, but her eyes never spotted one on the rare occasions she ventured out of the vale, not even a shriek, or a scent, nothing. It’s not as if she was searching for it; she had no death wish.
Golden gaze turned down to see a faint trace of her white paws, her vision clouded by his dark fur. He was everywhere; his scent would follow her for days after this. But she wanted it; she wanted his scent to cling to her fur for as long as possible, until they meet again. “I would…” she stuttered, gold met emerald, “Yes, I would… like, to see more of you.” then she gave him a warm smile and allowed his nose to touch her already burning cheek; her lips parted to speak, but her voice left her. A heavy sigh left her throat as she swallowed in empty; his touch was soothing, something she did not expect to feel.
“There’s no need to apologize, I like to be cared after.” And she did not lie; being the first and only born, the world was at her feet; she might act spoiled, but she was no brat. Agana raised an eyebrow and giggled; she has not laughed so much in quite a while. She enjoyed every second in his embrace, and smiled as her gaze hovered over his muzzle on her cheek.
„common” — „romanian”
January 14, 2020, 01:02 AM
sorry for the wait! <3
sorry for the wait! <3
She wanted to see more of him too. His heart began to beat faster in his chest at her words. She was soft and warm and comforting, and he would gladly make these meetings a more regular thing. But with his contentment also came guilt. He wasn't sure things could ever be more than stolen time together. What if he was leading her on? He didn't want to think about it right now. So he released whatever tension might have built due to his anxious thoughts and settled closer into her. She not only accepted his affection, but she seemed to enjoy it, which only made his heart beat faster. Just like that, he pushed the worries from his thoughts to be dredged up later when his mind wasn't busy.
Well that's good because I can't usually stop myself from doing it,he said, keeping his muzzle close to her face so he could periodically offer gentle nuzzles to whatever part of her was closest. He paused though as a thought came to mind.
You may have already heard, but a member of my pack found a woman murdered in the creek near our land. So you should be extra careful travelling on your own.A member of his pack was supposed to visit the vale and warn them, so she may already know all of this.
We've implemented a curfew and a rule that women should travel in pairs when leaving pack lands. Until we figure out what's going on, it seems like the best way to keep everyone safe.He looked at her pointedly, his expression implying that she might want to take the same precautions. She was one more wolf he would worry about meeting the same end. He resumed his gentle affection, wondering how she would take the news. Mostly, he hoped she would take his suggestions seriously.
I'm no good without you
January 23, 2020, 01:56 PM
thank you! <3
and it's totally fine! i apologise too!
and it's totally fine! i apologise too!
Agana breathed heavily as he nuzzled her more; she could feel her heart racing whenever their bodies made contact. She felt beautiful; he made her feel beautiful. Her eyes flickered under the dim light that entered the cave as she watched him; was this a dream? Certainly not; it felt real, he was real. However, what was this? The grey female noticed the sadness in his eyes when she bought up his family. She did not want to be just a distraction from his mates whenever he needed. But for now she will allow herself to revel in his arms. She couldn’t help but smile; the thought of being cared of made her feel wanted.
The news of a murder in the spires shook her to the core. She lifted her head and looked him in the eye, concerned. “A murder…?” she gulped; realization she could have been murdered in cold blood because of her ‘hobby’ struck her like lightning. “Thank you for telling me. I was not aware of this,” And she wondered; who was that woman? Why did she get killed? Agana stared at the darkness that surrounded them for what seemed like an eternity before she spoke again. “Was she from a pack nearby or a loner?” Even if she was bored of the vale, she was surely not going to leave it any time soon.
„common” — „romanian”
January 24, 2020, 04:46 PM
Of course,he murmured against her cheek. He had not been able to stop himself from lavishing her with gentle affection. Their closeness soothed his hurting more than anything else he had tried to distract himself with, and so he couldn't help but offer a constant stream of gentle nuzzles or brushes of his nose along her cheek.
I want you to be safe,he added.
Your pack members too.Hopefully learning of this information would make her think twice before wandering in the mountains on her own.
He shook her head at his question.
We don't know who she was; it was only clear that she had been murdered.Sadness twisted his expression.
I can't help but think about her loved ones that may be looking for her.How many times had he looked for his children? Wondering if they were dead or alive. He hated the idea that this woman's family was likely doing the same thing. But it was beyond his control for now, and he tried not to torture himself with the thoughts; it was easier said than done, unfortunately. He sighed and buried his face into the fur on her neck.
I don't want the next body found to be someone I care about,he confided. It drove him crazy thinking about all the what ifs, images of the wolves he cared for lifeless in the water. His stomach turned as a sudden wave nausea rushed through him. He had to swallow and draw in a few deep breaths to try and calm himself.
I'm no good without you
January 26, 2020, 05:02 PM
Her ever-so stubborn self always ended with marvelous situation; be it being attacked by some animal, or putting herself in danger by roaming the mountains at night, no one will tell her what she can do or what she cannot. Or this is what she lets other believe; if a dear one informed her, then she for sure will not (or will) do it. “Of course, I will restrain myself from leaving the Vale on my own.” it came out more as joke, but she truly took the warning seriously. Why bother with these now, when she had a man to look after? The corner of her lips tugged in the warmest smile she has ever given to someone, and even a giggle escaped her throat; his soft nose against her cheek was thickling her, but the argent did not dare speak about it (truth be told, she liked it).
Agana saddened when he informed her of his doubts about the womans family. It felt surreal; she herself was a runaway from home. The argent dreamed sometimes of her family; how they waited every day for their daughter to come back; their Malena. How they stood every morning gazing at the horizon, hoping a shape would form and a guard would announce their daughter’s return. The dreams stopped before the Court arrived, and she couldn’t help but think if they surrendered to the illness that plagued their hearts. She would have felt it if they were to be dead; right? ”I pray no one else will be harmed by that..” she kept herself from finishing that sentence.
The grey female brushed her muzzle against his, offering support and affection; she knew very well he needed it so much of it now that his family had joined the realm of the dead. “I should have asked this the first time we met, but —” she tried to change the subject as he was clearly uncomfortable with anything that was related to death and family. “What should I call you? I like ‘handsome, dark emerald-eyed stranger’ but it gets old and too long to reproduce.” Agana never actually asked his name- and it was a perfect gateway to lift the heavy pain off his shoulders. But did she just- call him handsome? She wanted to take it back, but it was too late now; she regained her composure quite fast and eyed him a quizzical look.
Agana saddened when he informed her of his doubts about the womans family. It felt surreal; she herself was a runaway from home. The argent dreamed sometimes of her family; how they waited every day for their daughter to come back; their Malena. How they stood every morning gazing at the horizon, hoping a shape would form and a guard would announce their daughter’s return. The dreams stopped before the Court arrived, and she couldn’t help but think if they surrendered to the illness that plagued their hearts. She would have felt it if they were to be dead; right? ”I pray no one else will be harmed by that..” she kept herself from finishing that sentence.
The grey female brushed her muzzle against his, offering support and affection; she knew very well he needed it so much of it now that his family had joined the realm of the dead. “I should have asked this the first time we met, but —” she tried to change the subject as he was clearly uncomfortable with anything that was related to death and family. “What should I call you? I like ‘handsome, dark emerald-eyed stranger’ but it gets old and too long to reproduce.” Agana never actually asked his name- and it was a perfect gateway to lift the heavy pain off his shoulders. But did she just- call him handsome? She wanted to take it back, but it was too late now; she regained her composure quite fast and eyed him a quizzical look.
„common” — „romanian”
January 31, 2020, 12:49 PM
He was too distracted by her soft cheek and the giggle that came from her as he continued his affection to pick up on the joking tone of her words. Instead, he took them at face value.
He nodded solemnly at her next words. He too hoped that no one else met the same fate as the murdered woman. He closed his eyes and leaned into her affection, taking the comfort she offered. When she spoke again his eyes slowly opened, and a playful smirk curved one side of his lips. Had he really not given her his name? And now that she brought it up, he realized he also didn't know her name. Things had just felt so comfortable between them, names hadn't even come up.
Thank you,he whispered, grateful that she hadn't tried to fight him on his request. He was so used to his daughter pushing against every boundary he set that he had automatically expected some push back from her too. Thankfully, there was none.
He nodded solemnly at her next words. He too hoped that no one else met the same fate as the murdered woman. He closed his eyes and leaned into her affection, taking the comfort she offered. When she spoke again his eyes slowly opened, and a playful smirk curved one side of his lips. Had he really not given her his name? And now that she brought it up, he realized he also didn't know her name. Things had just felt so comfortable between them, names hadn't even come up.
Handsome, huh?His expression remained teasing but his gaze heated.
Kavik,he offered along with a soft graze of his nose along her jaw.
What about you? What do I call you?he asked after a few moments. That was the real transgression here—that he had stolen this moment and her affections without learning her name first.
I'm no good without you
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