Golden Glade Wily Trees
186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
All Welcome 
Galloping in like a miniature wild stallion the peaks of Heron Lake Plateau and Nimbus Summit herded Paeon into the Golden Glade. The rushing air smelled sweet as it entered her nostrils and the sun's light flickered across her face as it flowed through the green leaves of the sugar maples almost ready to change color.

She was on a runner's high with a heaviness in her chest telling her she was challenging her body. As she continued into the glade the trees became less sporadic and bunched together, making it difficult to freely run. Now instead of speed, she focused on dodging, quick movements, and reaction time was her aim. Ready to take on any surprises that popped up in her path.
"If only everyone were as straight-forward as I..."
12 Posts
Ooc — Peppermint
Rose had always loved sun-dappled forests.  They offered some amount of cover without being gloomy or dark--and that attracted prey.  The vixen had been stalking a nice, plump rabbit when Paeon tore through the brush, scaring off her prey.  Rose herself was nearly swept off of her nimble black feet in surprise, so focused was she on her hunt. 

Some, or maybe even most creatures would have just walked away and tried to hunt somewhere else--but Rose was already having a bad enough day without one of those obnoxious wolves scaring off her dinner.  "HEY!  Get back here!"  She called angrily.

I may not be comfortable with certain topics due to the fact that I am a minor.  Cursing and suggestive or sexual behavior (beyond simple romance), even in-character, is a definite no for me.  If you wouldn't be comfortable posting something knowing that there may be a child reading it, do not post it during a roleplay with me.  :) 

Rose can be really nasty when she's grumpy/provoked.  If you don't want your character bullied by her, please let me know and I'll make her a bit milder for the thread.  Anything rude or spiteful that she says is completely in-character, and has nothing to do with my actual demeanor or 
186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
As she darted through the trees the wind felt refreshing against her face and a smile rose on her face while her tongue stuck out. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a rabbit darting past. Paeon thought nothing of it until she heard a sudden 'HEY. Get back here.' from behind her.

She slowed down quickly and had to trot her final few steps to stop herself from tumbling over. Looking around her ears twitched trying to pinpoint the origin of the call. After a moment her eyes settled on a red fox looking her way. Still high off her run she responded "I'm not sure that rabbit is going to listen to you. If every meal that escaped me simply came back after I asked life would be a lot easier." Paeon responded humorously.
"If only everyone were as straight-forward as I..."
12 Posts
Ooc — Peppermint
Fair warning, Rose is really mean when she's grumpy. I promise that I'm not as mean as she is--just say the word and I'll turn down the nastiness for the rest of the roleplay. If Paeon wants to retaliate with claws, I'd be alright with that.

The look that Rose gave Paeon was so sour it could have curdled milk.  Cursing whoever made wolves so goofy, Rose made her way towards the she-wolf.  Stopping a couple feet away, the vixen looked down her long ginger nose at Paeon, a feat rather impressive, considering that Paeon was a fair bit taller than her.  "YOU scared away my dinner.  What in the blazing forests of the wilds are you doing zipping around like an intoxicated firefly?  How do you even hunt enough to eat, with the racket you make?  Or do you only eat carrion?  It would explain the smell."  

Rose wrinkled her nose, for Paeon did smell unbearably of wolf.  She figured that she might regret insulting the wolf so ruthlessly later on, but right now, there was nothing that Rose wanted more than to wipe the stupid grin off of her face.  A tiny voice in the back of her mind made the vixen feel a bit bad about lashing out on Paeon, but a far louder voice wanted to vent all of the day's frustrations onto the wolf that had disrupted her peaceful hunt.

I may not be comfortable with certain topics due to the fact that I am a minor.  Cursing and suggestive or sexual behavior (beyond simple romance), even in-character, is a definite no for me.  If you wouldn't be comfortable posting something knowing that there may be a child reading it, do not post it during a roleplay with me.  :) 

Rose can be really nasty when she's grumpy/provoked.  If you don't want your character bullied by her, please let me know and I'll make her a bit milder for the thread.  Anything rude or spiteful that she says is completely in-character, and has nothing to do with my actual demeanor or 
186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
That's alright. Most of us understand that characters and their actions are not a direct window into the thoughts and feelings of their writers. Playing happy and cheerful characters all the time can be tiring. Need to throw in some fun and conflict from time to time :)

Paeon couldn't help but laugh. Despite being told off and seeing clearly that she had irritated the fox, being called in an intoxicated firefly was a first for her and the image that came to mind made it hard for her to hold in her reaction. "I'm sorry to laugh but you are rather quick and imaginative with your words." she stated.

She did feel bad having ran off this fox's meal. In other circumstances, she would have cared little about the fox's feelings, like if she had been trying to grab food away from one of Paeon's recent kills. But as they stood there the fox posed no threat and it was Paeon who had ruined her meal. "Is there anything I can do? To make up for your meal I mean. I certainly couldn't live of rabbits, but it must be quite the meal for an animal of your size." she said with good intentions, although a more aware wolf might have thought the comment potentially condescending.
"If only everyone were as straight-forward as I..."
12 Posts
Ooc — Peppermint
So sorry for the late reply!

Rose was angry enough when the insolent creature decided to laugh at her.  Laugh!  The vixen stood there for a moment, glaring at Paeon, struggling to think of a punishment horrible enough for her.  Hickory Rose, last of the Autumnfire Skulk was being talked to like a kit!  By a wolf, no less!  Quick and imaginative with my words... HA!  She's about to get much more than a couple of 'imaginative words'.

Rose stuck her nose into Paeon's face, amber eyes blazing.  "What's your name?"  She growled, practically a whisker away from losing all restraint.

I may not be comfortable with certain topics due to the fact that I am a minor.  Cursing and suggestive or sexual behavior (beyond simple romance), even in-character, is a definite no for me.  If you wouldn't be comfortable posting something knowing that there may be a child reading it, do not post it during a roleplay with me.  :) 

Rose can be really nasty when she's grumpy/provoked.  If you don't want your character bullied by her, please let me know and I'll make her a bit milder for the thread.  Anything rude or spiteful that she says is completely in-character, and has nothing to do with my actual demeanor or 
186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
The fox's temper did not settle and Paeon could see in her eyes the blaze of red. She could imagine steaming clouds billowing out of her pointed ears. The fox closed the gap between them, lifted its nose to her, and asked Paeon's name. It sounded more like a demand than an ask given her tone of voice.

She had offered to help and yet this fox was still frustrated. Paeon didn't see how the fox knowing her name would help the situation, but perhaps she wanted to know Paeon's name before speaking further about how she could help. "My name is Paeon. Now would you like my help or would you rather I leave you to your own devices?" Paeon asked and lifted her head to give them some space. If the fox did not want her help there was no purpose in her staying. After all it was the fox that called her over.