She was on her way back to Blackfeather now that the deeds were done. She’d successfully bred two times this season but she was still in heat and feeling frisky. She stopped at the near by stream to get refreshment and lapped up the water feeling the coolness on her tongue.
leaving this vague because the conception threads aren’t finished yet. @talisman
February 06, 2024, 03:55 PM
(This post was last modified: February 06, 2024, 04:01 PM by Talisman.)
“I’ll be nearby,” turned out to be a big, fat lie.
He couldn’t stop thinking about how childlike @Kusuma had seemed in her vulnerability. And no matter how far down the mountain he went, he swore he could still smell her. It put thoughts into his head that squicked him out badly enough that he made a beeline straight out of the territory.
He didn’t stop until he came to the bend of a small river. Talisman bent down to lap greedily at the water. He could feel his heart thudding from the exertion of his hasty exit. He wondered if he ought to stay away for a few days, lest he be seduced by temptation. Talis wanted children, badly, but not enough to take advantage of someone.
The pale coyote shuddered and stood up straight, peering around at his surroundings. He tipped his muzzle into the air, unaware that he was downstream but upwind of yet another siren.
He couldn’t stop thinking about how childlike @Kusuma had seemed in her vulnerability. And no matter how far down the mountain he went, he swore he could still smell her. It put thoughts into his head that squicked him out badly enough that he made a beeline straight out of the territory.
He didn’t stop until he came to the bend of a small river. Talisman bent down to lap greedily at the water. He could feel his heart thudding from the exertion of his hasty exit. He wondered if he ought to stay away for a few days, lest he be seduced by temptation. Talis wanted children, badly, but not enough to take advantage of someone.
The pale coyote shuddered and stood up straight, peering around at his surroundings. He tipped his muzzle into the air, unaware that he was downstream but upwind of yet another siren.
February 06, 2024, 04:18 PM
The crisp winter air felt nice in her fur and as she finished quenching her thirst the wind brought forth another scent and she couldn’t tell what it was so her curiosity got the best of her and she followed it to see a wolf like creature.
she had heard of coyotes but had never actually seen one before and she chuffed softly as she approached as to not scare them off. “Hello.” She was still in her little zone and mission for wanting puppies but the woman would not seem too eager with this one. Go with the flow this time.
she had heard of coyotes but had never actually seen one before and she chuffed softly as she approached as to not scare them off. “Hello.” She was still in her little zone and mission for wanting puppies but the woman would not seem too eager with this one. Go with the flow this time.
February 06, 2024, 04:51 PM
He heard footsteps in the grass, crisp from the wintry cold. Talisman shifted his pale gaze in that direction, tensing slightly when a dark she-wolf materialized. She was jet black save for a frosted muzzle. One eye was brighter than the other. Talis thought he made out a small scar over one.
His lips parted as if he was about to say something—perhaps “hello” or “what happened to your eye?”—only to slam shut when her scent wound its way into his nose. The young coyote let out a loud groan. It had taken all of his self-control to flee Moonspear; there was none left now.
Quiet as a sigh, he approached her. He kept his head bowed, his tail low. It wriggled in supplication as he came within a foot of the stranger and reached up to nuzzle at her faded chin. He didn’t even know her name but Talis wanted her, oh so badly. Would she have him?
His lips parted as if he was about to say something—perhaps “hello” or “what happened to your eye?”—only to slam shut when her scent wound its way into his nose. The young coyote let out a loud groan. It had taken all of his self-control to flee Moonspear; there was none left now.
Quiet as a sigh, he approached her. He kept his head bowed, his tail low. It wriggled in supplication as he came within a foot of the stranger and reached up to nuzzle at her faded chin. He didn’t even know her name but Talis wanted her, oh so badly. Would she have him?
February 06, 2024, 05:03 PM
The man was silent and of course that wouldn’t scare the woman away. She could easily read body language. He walked up to her and she felt his muzzle touch hers. Her posture relaxed now and her ears flicked as the breeze blew.
She craved the warmth of another now and she gave a soft lick on his cheek as her fluffy tail swayed behind her. She felt as playful as a puppy right now and her heart beat with excitement. She gave a playful bow followed by her rolling on her backside to show submission but in a play.
Surely one of these many little trysts would result in children.
She craved the warmth of another now and she gave a soft lick on his cheek as her fluffy tail swayed behind her. She felt as playful as a puppy right now and her heart beat with excitement. She gave a playful bow followed by her rolling on her backside to show submission but in a play.
Surely one of these many little trysts would result in children.
February 06, 2024, 05:15 PM
She seemed receptive. Talisman barely stifled a second groan as her tongue pressed against his cheek, leaving a damp, warm spot there that quickly cooled in the February chill. Before he could think of returning the favor, she dipped into a bow, just like Sialuk had done.
He was feeling rather desperate, though if she wanted to flirt and frolic a bit, then he would certainly oblige her. Talis bowed back. He couldn’t quite swallow the eager whine that burst from his mouth as her scent continued swamping his senses, though he made a conscientious effort to turn it into a playful growl before it tapered.
On a frisky whim, he darted forward to plant a kiss on her forehead, tongue swiping right between her viridescent eyes.
He was feeling rather desperate, though if she wanted to flirt and frolic a bit, then he would certainly oblige her. Talis bowed back. He couldn’t quite swallow the eager whine that burst from his mouth as her scent continued swamping his senses, though he made a conscientious effort to turn it into a playful growl before it tapered.
On a frisky whim, he darted forward to plant a kiss on her forehead, tongue swiping right between her viridescent eyes.
February 06, 2024, 05:51 PM
The man seemed willing and this was confirmed by him mimicking her bow and she felt his tongue across her forehead. The action only made the she-wolf more eager than ever. He may have held back his whine but the woman didn’t, she wanted to make it straightforward what she wanted.
At this point, she was sure he wouldn’t be swayed. The woman walked to his side, brushing her body against his, she also waved her tail throwing her scent toward his nose
At this point, she was sure he wouldn’t be swayed. The woman walked to his side, brushing her body against his, she also waved her tail throwing her scent toward his nose
February 06, 2024, 05:57 PM
Her responding whine did things to him. Talisman straightened, considering snatching at her scruff—not forcefully, of course, but just to move things along. Before he had the chance, she sidled forward, brushing her flank against his and drenching him in her scent.
The coyote couldn’t resist the urge to nip at her hip as it glided past. His nose then slanted toward her rump. The last wisp of his self-control evaporated as he reared onto his hind legs, grabbing at her waist. Before he went any further, he made himself pause to check in first.
The coyote couldn’t resist the urge to nip at her hip as it glided past. His nose then slanted toward her rump. The last wisp of his self-control evaporated as he reared onto his hind legs, grabbing at her waist. Before he went any further, he made himself pause to check in first.
Please…he whispered.
Can I?
Can you please pop an "M" at the beginning of the thread title? :D
February 06, 2024, 06:23 PM
She felt his nose trail her back and her tail as if on cue moved out of the way for him she felt his weight as he reared onto her and she listened as he asked for her permission before continuing. They were already in position so there was no use in her flirting anymore. The woman was about to get what she wanted. She gave a soft smile followed by a nod of approval.
We can fade if you want.
February 06, 2024, 06:56 PM
He thought he saw the curve of a smile, although he couldn’t be entirely sure from this angle. There was no uncertainty when it came to her nod, or the way she planted her feet to take his weight. Talisman let out what could only be a pleased purr as he arched forward to grasp her scruff.
Afterward, he sprawled in the grass beside the water, utterly sated. He was tempted to fall asleep, but instead Talisman shifted, propping his weight on an elbow as his pale blue gaze sought the woman’s. Just like with Sialuk, his awareness suddenly sharpened in the afterglow.
Afterward, he sprawled in the grass beside the water, utterly sated. He was tempted to fall asleep, but instead Talisman shifted, propping his weight on an elbow as his pale blue gaze sought the woman’s. Just like with Sialuk, his awareness suddenly sharpened in the afterglow.
What’s your name?he asked with a soft, sheepish laugh.
February 06, 2024, 07:07 PM
The deed was done and the dark woman was winded but she felt happy knowing she’d get her babies for sure within a few moons. The male laid down in the grass and the woman did the same and began to catch her breath he finally wanted conversation which she tried to do in the beginning but nature took its course. “My name is Moonshadow and yours?” she questioned
February 06, 2024, 07:36 PM
I’m Talisman, though most call me Talis,he replied, taking a moment to look at her face and memorize her features.
Where do you live? I’m with Moonspear,he said in the next breath, motioning lazily at the great peak soaring to the west.
February 06, 2024, 08:34 PM
She took his name to memory and returned with one of her own. “My name is Moonshadow. Nice to meet you.” even though did more than just meet each other.
The name of his pack sounded familiar but she couldn't put her nose in it. “I currently am not a part of any pack I've taken up residence in Blackfeather woods however.”
The name of his pack sounded familiar but she couldn't put her nose in it. “I currently am not a part of any pack I've taken up residence in Blackfeather woods however.”
February 06, 2024, 08:39 PM
He couldn’t help but laugh a little at her nicety. He brought up a little red paw to muffle the sound, then held it there to press back a yawn.
Hmmm, I’m not sure where that is,Talis admitted, hoping she would give him an idea of its location. Better yet,
You should think about joining Moonspear. It’s great. And I’d love to help you with any kiddos that result from this,the coyote said, flapping that same paw at her with a smile.
February 06, 2024, 08:52 PM
She looked over in its direction point with her nose before speaking. “It's just a ways over that way.” She’d hoped for her babies to be born there but she wasn't sure anymore. “I’ll definitely think about it. If any babies come from this I'll be sure to come find you. “ It was only fair if they wanted to be involved.
February 06, 2024, 09:00 PM
Moonshadow said she would consider it, which was all he could really ask of her, he supposed. Talisman didn’t say anything else right away. He was glad she offered to come find him in the event of puppies, though he was sort of bummed that he wouldn’t get to be there for them in the way he would for Sialuk’s. He probably should’ve thought about that before banging a complete stranger…
The young coyote thought about suggesting they make certain by having another go. The spirit was willing but the flesh was weak. He’d had quite the adventuresome day today!
I would like that,he said softly, pale eyes soft.
I’ve always wanted to be a dad. Even if I don’t get to be as involved, it’s still nice, knowing they’re out there… well, hopefully,he said, looking at her belly as if demanding her innards to tell him if they’d successfully conceived.
The young coyote thought about suggesting they make certain by having another go. The spirit was willing but the flesh was weak. He’d had quite the adventuresome day today!
You can call on me anytime, Moonshadow,he said, slowly pushing himself into a sit.
Is there anything you need from me right now? Anything else, I guess I should say?he added with a weird little wink.
February 06, 2024, 11:04 PM
The man stated he had always wanted pups and to be a father and she sympathized with him. She felt the same about being a mother. “If any pups come from this once they can travel if I don’t decide to join your pack.“ she didn’t want to make any promises so she left it open. “I will bring the young ones by.”
The deed was done she was relaxed and it seemed that her heat had been fulfilled. She was satisfied and content but she was also hungry now. She stood slowly and gave a big stretch before drinking some water from the stream next to them. She chuckled softly at his remark. “I was thinking about doing a quick hunt if you’d like to join. If you have the energy of course.” She teased slightly.
The deed was done she was relaxed and it seemed that her heat had been fulfilled. She was satisfied and content but she was also hungry now. She stood slowly and gave a big stretch before drinking some water from the stream next to them. She chuckled softly at his remark. “I was thinking about doing a quick hunt if you’d like to join. If you have the energy of course.” She teased slightly.
February 06, 2024, 11:25 PM
He gazed off toward Moonspear, wondering again if he should keep his distance. Moonshadow’s question snagged his attention, his blue eyes dragging back to her. Truthfully, he didn’t feel up to it. But since he wasn’t sure what to do with himself at the moment, why not?
He idly wondered if she’d had other partners, like Sialuk. He didn’t care. He didn’t have any sort of claim over Moonshadow. He was just delighted to be part of it, just like with Moonspear’s leader. A happy little sigh escaped him as he moved to fall into step beside the swarthy she-wolf.
Yeah, sure,he agreed.
If we catch anything, it’s all yours. You’re eating for two—or more—now, right?
He idly wondered if she’d had other partners, like Sialuk. He didn’t care. He didn’t have any sort of claim over Moonshadow. He was just delighted to be part of it, just like with Moonspear’s leader. A happy little sigh escaped him as he moved to fall into step beside the swarthy she-wolf.
February 08, 2024, 11:58 AM
It was decided he would hunt with her and she smiled as she caught the scent of prey and she followed it until they came up a lone deer and the chase was on.
They caught up to it rather quickly and once they felled the beast she and her hunting companion feasted until they were full and after reassuring him that they’d meet again. The two canines parted ways.
They caught up to it rather quickly and once they felled the beast she and her hunting companion feasted until they were full and after reassuring him that they’d meet again. The two canines parted ways.
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