Redtail Rise viridian
437 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
All Welcome 
Redd felt lighter than she had in a long time, leaving her encounter with Masque.  Her sisters assumed spurning had weighed heavily upon her these past months, but all of that was now behind them.  She still bore insecurities around her place as Wealda, but these no longer centered on another.

She knew she would be asked as soon as she encountered a packmate, so she remained to the borders for a time.  It would be easier to allow Masque to speak for herself.

The encounter had gone well but had also taxed her socially.  Perhaps emotionally as well.  Redd caught the trail of a stoat as she passed, paused to consider following, before dismissing the notion.  She did not wish to lose herself to a hunt just know.  Her thoughts were still turning - she would allow them to finish.