Porcupine Ridge Bonjour Cher Voisin ! (à contrecœur)
Montagne de Ciguë
217 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Limit Two 
Visiting as discussed! @Hex @Muskrat

Both packs now formally recognized, Viskani believed it was time to return to her usual work; diplomacy. It was something she had come to enjoy, and with another pack so close it made her travels rather easy to manage. There was no need to shelter overnight, and she could simply yell if she needed assistance.

So now she came to the borders bearing gifts. Bundled in the clean pelt of a rabbit she had gathered what she thought to be suitable - various herbs collected by Kaaya, a lotus from the spring, and plenty of other more decorative items. She did not want to insult them by bringing too many resources, after all they had not asked for such things.
[Image: Untitled373-20240819135642.png]
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If you see this, it is because this wolf is currently pregnant! For each thread that she joins, the amount of symptoms, and which she is experiencing will be randomised.
194 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He was beginning to regain strength, though it would be a long road ahead to full capacity. His coat had regained some luster, and his bones didn't jut so much from the skin.

Still, it was a fairly gaunt Hex that greeted the visitor—the neighbor to the east. He'd heard tell of her from his warrior women and so approached warily, though friendly enough.

His eyes lit upon the bundle with a mixture of curiosity and mistrust. Gift-giving and trading were not among his own traditions (not so far, anyway). Was he to reciprocate?

And what exactly was it, anyway?

Hello, he said, giving a slight nod in welcome. Questions to be settled after pleasantries, he supposed. Hex. What brings you here?
Montagne de Ciguë
217 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She was soon joined by what Viskani saw as nothing more than a boy. She couldn't help but tilt her head at the sight, but was quick to put a stop to such behaviour.

Placing the bundle gently on the ground, she returned the greeting. "I am Viskani." She stated, "I have come from the pack in the vale, bearing gifts." She nodded to the bundle sat before her.

"I met a woman of your pack previously, a young girl as well. I do not believe we have been acquainted, however" She kept a fridged demeanor, stood strong. Put simply, her warm smiles and polite formalities were more often than not saved for interactions past borders when it came to men.
[Image: Untitled373-20240819135642.png]
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If you see this, it is because this wolf is currently pregnant! For each thread that she joins, the amount of symptoms, and which she is experiencing will be randomised.
194 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He caught the brief gesture upon his arrival but decided to ignore it. Perhaps he only reminded her of someone else, or she had a sudden thought. He was no mind-reader.

Well, now we are, Hex replied casually. Thanks for the gift.

He wondered whether Muskrat would come as well, though he would not call for her. What he could learn from the woman about her pack in the vale? He supposed he would find out soon enough.

So, what can we do for you? he continued, shifting his weight and looking at her with cool intrigue.
Montagne de Ciguë
217 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"I wished to discuss a gathering at the pillars." The other did not seem to wish to skip around it, so she got straight to the point. "A celebration, now that each of us are beginning to be recognized as formed packs. We live quite close so it would be good for our members to become acquainted."

A good relationship with the ridge was in her best interests. She did not know enough to understand how aggressive or docile they may be, but when she left for her travels she did not want her mind to be burdened by the possibility of conflict.

The pack she now resided in was not the unstoppable force that it's mother pack had been - precautions had to be taken, relationships were not to be treated lightly.
[Image: Untitled373-20240819135642.png]
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If you see this, it is because this wolf is currently pregnant! For each thread that she joins, the amount of symptoms, and which she is experiencing will be randomised.
194 Posts
Ooc — mercury
A celebration at the pillars. Hex thought he recalled Muskrat, or maybe Nutu, saying something about the place. That said, the line between reality and dreams in the days following his return has been heavily blurred, so he couldn't be for certain.

He pondered her idea for a few quiet heartbeats with pensive mien. He had neither experience with nor love for alliances; he'd either been alone or with small isolated groups for the majority of his life. 

The latter being how he'd imagined the Ridge. . .until they received neighbors all but breathing up their necks. And by then, he'd grown attached to this place.

We'll consider it, Hex replied. I'll speak to the others and see how they feel. He could already imagine the various responses from the assortment of personalities gathered here.
Montagne de Ciguë
217 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Consideration was better than a flat out rejection. She was satisfied. "I'll be awaiting a response then." 

"I hope you can understand my intention. I only wish to relieve any present tensions." Snip it in the bud early. That was always the best way to go about things in Viskani's eyes.

She did not have to like the ridge wolves, but with their ranks so small it was necessary to build a relationship. When the Montagne's strength grew, other considerations could be made.

Deciding it was time to leave, she turned away from their borders to face her own. "Good day to you." With that, she took her leave.
[Image: Untitled373-20240819135642.png]
Please read my player preferences here!

If you see this, it is because this wolf is currently pregnant! For each thread that she joins, the amount of symptoms, and which she is experiencing will be randomised.