Northstar Vale You’re no good to me as a rumour, blank & timeless.
Like a dream, the tree of life covers me, and dulls my eyes; I fall asleep.
776 Posts
Ooc — Meebee
The chocolate woman made her way quietly behind the group. Speaking when spoken to. Smiling when something funny happened. Mourning forevermore. At night she watched the stars blink at her and chose one for Burke. She hated that he couldn't have picked one himself. She placed him close to the brightest, her mother, and hoped she would not have to chose for her sons too. Little did she knew her eldest boy, Vassago (now going by the name of Tryp), had spend some nice days in the vale they arrived in.

When it was time to howl, she did so, joining the others in their triumphant song that shook the mountains. Though it was not home without Burke, she felt achieved.
~Adopt Avalon!~
~Fake name: Absinthe~[Image: warrior_zpsifen6kug.gif](Guardian)[Image: naturalist_zps22vypiui.gif](Astronomer 1/10)

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RE: You’re no good to me as a rumour, blank & timeless. - by Malice - March 03, 2018, 03:00 PM