Sun Mote Copse Thinkin' bout why we're here, and where we're goin
gubraithian fire
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Her head tilted slightly at his opening. It seemed like a pretty personal subject, which made Wildfire extremely curious. Perhaps two seconds before he asked, she suddenly guessed what was coming next. Her insides clenched a little. Being in charge of these matters was going to be a true test of her leadership, particularly her ability to use sound judgment. Pragmatism wasn't one of her especially strong points.

She didn't know Colt very well, nor Niamh, and that was part of the problem. But from what she did know about him, she felt she could speak forthrightly. "I'm having a litter, plus I'm almost positive Elwood and Finley plan for one too. Truthfully, I don't know that we'll have the resources for a third." The Sovereign paused, drew in a breath, held it for a moment and said, "And I don't know either of you very well yet. Let's work on that. And maybe we can revisit later in the season."
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RE: Thinkin' bout why we're here, and where we're goin - by Wildfire - February 12, 2019, 06:51 PM