Hushed Willows Taking on the day
394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
There was someone new here, Minnow had just caught the scent of something and she was going to search for it. Her mood had gotten a little bit better in the weeks following the death of her mother and she was finally able to sleep. So now she had a huge amount of energy and nothing to do. She put her nose to the ground and followed the scent until she came up to a wolf. “Hello! Who are you?” She said with a tilt of her head.

Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.
545 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Steph had been resting near Sunny's den, tired from her travels, but much too excited to get any sleep at all. She was happy she could be here with Sunny, though he was ignorant of her true reasons for coming. He was still under the impression she wanted to get to know some of the other males in his pack and potentially find a suiter. What he didn't realize was she wanted to explore her feelings for him. 

A voice brought her attention to the present, and Steph's head rose and her eye latched on to the pup. Her tail thumped the ground and she smiled, excited to already be meeting a pup! Hello, there, she said, her voice friendly. I'm Steph, a friend of Sunny's, she explained. Who are you? she asked, not realizing she was one of Sunny's children.
The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone ~Geothe
Sunny is allowed in all threads, open or private, created by Steph
394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The girl said her name and she tucked it away for later and wagged her tail. Minnow liked meet nice people who actually paid attention to her unlike her brother who seemed to completely avoid her. Her little ears perked when she said her dads name. “I’m minnow! My dad?” She didn’t know her dad had friends or at least she never met any of them.
Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.
545 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
The little girl said her name was Minnow. That's a very pretty name, Steph said, then nodded. Yeah, if Sunny is your Dad, then I'm your Dad's friend, she added with a chuckle. She wondered if any other pups were around, but couldn't really take her eyes off of the one in front of her. If Sunny ever returned Steph's feelings, and they decided to pair up... Would this child accept her? The poor thing had been through so much in her young life, and Steph didn't even know about the kidnapping. 

Are you supposed to be sleeping? Steph asked, her voice a whisper. She didn't want to get Minnow in trouble, but she also just couldn't tell the girl to go to bed. She wanted to get to know her, after all!
The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone ~Geothe
Sunny is allowed in all threads, open or private, created by Steph
394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She looked down and if wolves could blush she’d be red as a tomato. “Thank you.” She listened to the rest of what was said and gave a little sigh. “Uh no.” Well that was obviously a lie but she said it with confidence and a little smile. “I wanted to in...investiate “ she had heard one of the older wolves say something like that once and wondered if she used it correctly or if the other wolf would even know what she meant at all.

Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.
545 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
The pup seemed confident that she wasn't supposed to be in bed, though Steph had an inkling that it wasn't the truth. But, she wouldn't rat her out, that would be horrible of her. Besides, she was safe with Steph. She nodded, Oh, you wanted to investigate, Steph repeated after Minnow. Slyly, Steph looked to the right. And then to the left. Then, she lowered her head to Minnow. If you can keep a secret, I'll tell you about a time I went investigating, she offered up in a whisper. 

She began. I live in a pack that borders a mountain, and when my sister and I were about your age, we decided to sneak out to see what was at the top. So, we're going up the top, and a few times I almost slipped right back down! Steph's voice was full of passion as she told her story, trying to make it sound more interesting than it really was. When we were almost to the top, I heard a sound behind us, she went on, her voice getting lower. Then, all of a sudden, movement caught her eye, and from her peripheral vision, she knew Sunny had come upon them. Her voice went back to it's normal volume, I woke up and realized I was safe and sound in bed! Steph wondered how much of that Sunny got, and if she was going to be in trouble for telling stories like that. 

Sunny is gonna post next!
The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone ~Geothe
Sunny is allowed in all threads, open or private, created by Steph
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
Sunny had left the kids sleeping, or so he had thought. He had gone off to patrol one last time for the night and had come back to hear Steph's voice filled with passion. He paused and listener intently, slowing his steps so he had time to catch most of what was said. His eyes first fell to his daughter who looked enraptured and then to Steph who looked like a kid caught doing something bad. His eyes glimmered with amusement and he looked at them, coming closer and sitting down "Are we telling bedtime stories? Okay...I got one" he said warmly and slid to his belly, playfully lunging for his daughter and if allowed, pulling her to snuggle against him.

"One time when I was your age Minnow, I was hanging out with a girl who i considered my best friend, her name was Keoni. We were exploring and there was this ginormous icicle hanging from a tree. Well I went right for it and instead of investigating with my eyes i used my tongue and got stuck. It was embarrassing" he told the story with equal parts embarrassment and equal parts good humor.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She was listening to her story and her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she heard the story but she was a little disappointed when she said it was a dream. Minnow wished she had good dreams like that. Then her dad showed up and she froze; expecting another lecture she sighed in relief when he started a story and tugged her close and she snuggled next to her dad. she again listened intently all these stories however made her yawn. But she didn’t want to sleep. “I go on aventures!” She said enthusiastically.
Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.
545 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Sunny didn't seem upset at her story, and even offered up one of his own, pulling his daughter in closer to him while he told it. Steph's expression softened when Keoni was mentioned, and she listened to the story, chuckling when Sunny admitted he got his tongue stuck to the icicle. Did Keoni rescue you? she asked. It had been a long time since she spoke about her sister. It was bittersweet, but Steph had long ago accepted the fact that Keoni was gone, and learned to enjoy the memories that were made. 

Her eyes shifted to the tiring pup, who announced she went on adventures, too. Maybe you can tell me about them tomorrow, she said softly, knowing Minnow might just tucker out before she got a full story told.
The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone ~Geothe
Sunny is allowed in all threads, open or private, created by Steph
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
Sunny chuckled at Steph's question and nodded, a sheepish grin spreading across his maw "Yeah. She taught me how to melt it with my breath" he said and fell silent, studying Steph for a moment before Minnow piped up about adventures. He quirked a brow and smiled though images of Dawn climbing trees flashed across his mind causing him to give a nervous laugh "I'm sure you have, you're my little wanderer" he said in a sort of fond way. He looked to Steph as she encouraged Minnow to tell her tomorrow and he felt his heart skip at the realisation that she would be staying. He nodded after a moment of dopily staring at Steph "and while you tell us, perhaps we can all go on our own adventure. I'll get your brothers to go too" he said as enticement to fall asleep throwing in a stern look "but only if you get a good night's rest" 
Birdcatcher: 4/10
394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The little fluff ball yawned and shook her head. “But I’m not tired.” Which again was an utter lie as her eyes grew heavy. The. Her dad said they’d go on an adventure. He drove a hard bargain and she smiled. “Okay daddy.” She said finally as she let the sleep take hold.
Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.
545 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Steph chuckled softly at the image of Sunny trying to get his tongue removed from the ice, glad that Keoni had been there with him to show him how to get it off. Her gaze caught Sunny's, and for a moment, they simply looked at each other. Steph wondered what her life would be like if she ever got to find a love like Sunny had. He was lucky enough to find two! Did he want a third? 

Her trance was broken by Minnow's voice, and her smile transferred from Sunny, to his daughter. The pup was seriously fighting sleep, but at the promise of everyone taking an adventure tomorrow, she finally succumbed. Steph leaned over towards Sunny, her voice a whisper as her gaze moved back to his face. You're a great Dad, she complimented him. Minnow and her siblings were lucky to have such a devoted father. Steph hadn't had that in her life, though she felt she turned out alright with Valette as her mother.
The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone ~Geothe
Sunny is allowed in all threads, open or private, created by Steph
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
Sunny's lips twitched as Steph chuckled at his misfortune and he wondered if she knew that Keoni had never returned his feelings and that he had pathetically pined for the whole first year of his life. Aliac had been his first and even that had seemed weird at the end when things got rough. Yes it was love but perhaps it had been puppy love. 

His thoughts were that as he gently groomed his daughter's fur, only to be startled out of them by the sudden proximity of Steph's whisper to his ear. His breath rushed out in a startled croak, the reaction openly and embarrasingly physical and he immediately ducked his head and gently grabbed Minnow, slipping into the den and laying her on the bed, tucking the furs around her. When he was done he slowly left the den and looked at Steph opening his maw to say something as if he hadn't just groaned suggestively and shutting it again, sighing and looking hopelessly embarrassed "um...sorry you startled me" he tried and gave her a sweet sort of playful smile, hoping if he used humor she could perhaps ignore it. Or perhaps she wouldn't notice at all and he'd just seem like a spazz.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.
545 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Her eyes widened in surprise, her head whipped back, and her shoulders followed. Steph hadn't expected that reaction from him, and her heart hammered in her chest. She hadn't meant to startle him at all. Sunny lifted Minnow and took her into the den while Steph moved slowly into a sitting position. Her ears swiveled back in an uneasy feeling. She had no idea what just happened. 

Sunny reappeared and apologized. No, I should be the one apologizing. I didn't mean to startle you, she said softly. She couldn't really meet his eyes as she had before, and she cleared her throat in an effort to clear out the awkwardness of the situation. It didn't work. I should probably go ahead and find a spot to sleep for the night, she suggested, giving him an out to any further conversation.
The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone ~Geothe
Sunny is allowed in all threads, open or private, created by Steph
394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She woke up slightly when her dad picked her up and laid her down inside the den and was gonna go back to sleep until she heard the other wolf say she was gonna go and she groggily stood up and kinda waddled over . “Noo peas don’t go.” She said a little sad that she said that and half asleep. Minnow likes this wolf and was a little afraid she wouldn’t come back.
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
His heart began to slowly calm down and as she seemed contrite and just as embarrassed as he was. He chuckled nervously and shook his head  "No it's okay it didn't both-" he rushed to stop her from going as Minnow came out and pleaded her so sweetly not to go. He glanced down at his daughter with a slow smile and his gaze softened "You can stay here Steph, it's big enough" he invited her peering up shyly, smiling slightly.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.
545 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Sunny began to talk, but a smaller voice drown him out. Steph's eyes went to the den entrance, and her expression immediately softened. She couldn't say no to Minnow, but she still felt a little off with Sunny. You know, I'm a long way from home, and there I get to snuggle with my younger siblings, she explained to Minnow. Will you snuggle me with instead? Steph asked. She figured if she was snuggling with the pup, she would be out of Sunny's way. Steph was beginning to get the idea that he wasn't comfortable with close contact, so she was determined to give him space.
The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone ~Geothe
Sunny is allowed in all threads, open or private, created by Steph
394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She was tired yes but the woman’s voice made her open her eyes and ears to see and hear her better. She gave a half sleepy smile and nodded her head. “Yes!” She said happily.
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
The sight of his daughter growing close to Steph already warmed his heart and he smiled happily, watching the interaction between the two silently. He wondered if Aliac could see them and for the first time he wondered whether she would support him trying to slowly move on or if she would be angry that he was allowing another woman to tend to their daughter. The idea that she'd be mad or hurt by his happiness didn't sit right with him, he knew he was being silly and so he brushed the thoughts aside  "How about you show Steph your bed and the two of you can get settled in? I'm going to go check on everyone real quick and I'll be back soon" he suggested to them, giving Steph a smile. When they woke up he wanted to spend some more time with her, though he wondered if she'd say something about him keeping her from the bachelors.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The young pup perked up and quickly nodded her had as she tugged a bit on Stephs tail. “Come on! My beds cozy.” She said thrilled. Minnow could only barely contain her excitement when her dad said to show her stuff.