Ankyra Sound you got good looking friends, you're a sharp-dressed man
1 Posts
Ooc — Laur
Tags are just for reference <3

Although only a child and inexperienced with the ways of the world, when said world trembled underfoot with an almighty rumble, Fletcher knew something was terribly wrong. It had never done this before, and the ocean had never looked like that before. He stared out at the churning, heaving sea, his own breathing becoming as troubled and frantic as the waves. A piercing cry sounded above as a flock of gulls took flight into the tumultuous winds, a sign that it was time for the wolves, too, to flee.

And that is exactly what Fletcher did, abandoning the shell he had been inspecting and taking off towards the forest that bordered the grotto. Raleska's howl was barely heard as he sent his own shrill voice into the wind. "AMMY!" He had left his sister, @Amora, earlier to go explore on his own, but now was desperate to get back to her. Desperate for some familiar face in a world turned suddenly chaotic and scary.

The boy was just about to yell out again — this time for either @Dalia or @Velen — before he spotted the lean, brown-coated man at a distance and began following him on bumbling, gangly legs. The stranger led him to a gathering of fellow pack mates, where Fletcher drew up silently, chest heaving and eyes wide in panic. He searched the small crowd but saw neither his sister nor his parents. Where were they?
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RE: you got good looking friends, you're a sharp-dressed man - by Fletcher - September 17, 2019, 09:38 AM