Blacktail Deer Plateau God I’m so over always making you feel better
40 Posts
Ooc —
Another man came. The white one's leader, she guessed.

He looked upon her, and she stepped closer. But what he said next surprised her.

Your mother, Wanheda? Mountain woman first in years. She hadn't heard of another calling themselves this in quite some time.

We travel to make home in mountain. Her and her miniature retinue. But perhaps it wouldn't be so after this.

Common | Trigedasleng
` ` Blood must have blood. ` `
Messages In This Thread
God I’m so over always making you feel better - by Orvax - February 03, 2023, 01:23 AM
RE: God I’m so over always making you feel better - by Osleya - February 03, 2023, 02:43 PM