Qeya River [m] standing moon
480 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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maybe @Kekoa? <3

borders graced with his scent again, pathways refreshed, sun eater wandered beside the river, morning light washing warm over his shoulders.

he remembered the look of the healer when they had returned; he knew such an expression.

in his jaws hung a sloppily-wrapped bit of plant plucked fresh, soil still hanging upon the roots.

single slate eye roved for the young wolf, but he did not call. their paths would be guided by lanzadoii spirits.

this character is rated R

Ghost Talker
River Walker
173 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
The waters of Saatsine had grew to be an obsession, never did Kekoa seem to be anywhere else. He slept, ate, breathed, next to them. They were what allowed to live, to see.

Now he walked beside the river, the figure of another pulling him out of his morning haze. Sun Eater. The boy lowered his head, for he wished to remain respectful. To remain in the man's good graces.

For a moment his gaze wandered to the plant hanging from his jaw. The work was sloppy, but he would never voice such a thing - it would only drive attention to his own mediocre work.
Please read my player preferences here!
Kekoa suffers with psychosis due to a consistent usage of hallucinogens'. Not everything he is described seeing, hearing, etc. is accurate to reality.
480 Posts
Ooc — ebony

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: mention of drug use

ice scented the young wolf now; he smelled strongly of the river's cold belly.

plant, tossed now to the ground where its limp bindings came apart.

"it is spirit leaf." he did not know its name but this did not matter. "eat two bites on this," pointing to stem. "or take five seeds, crush, mix," pointing to the cold water beside which the healer seemed to exist.

"not both. not more. will kill."

the single eye watched. "take. have vision. come to me. i make you ghost talker to saatsine."

this character is rated R

Ghost Talker
River Walker
173 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
The plant was offered to him, and as Sun Eater spoke his interest quickly spiked. Talk of visions, of a new role in Saatsine. These were things Kekoa craved, and now Sun Eater was serving it to him on a silver platter.

"Yes, Sun Eater. Thank you."

Gently he took the plant. Following instruction, he bit the stem twice.

He wished to consume the plant where Sun Eater could see. Proof that he had done what he was told, proof that he would not lie to him.

How fast would the vision come? He could not help but wonder.
Please read my player preferences here!
Kekoa suffers with psychosis due to a consistent usage of hallucinogens'. Not everything he is described seeing, hearing, etc. is accurate to reality.
480 Posts
Ooc — ebony
sun eater's deep surprise did not convey upon his face. he watched the boy with a deep sense of rightness. "go now. walk," beside river and in pools of autumn sun, across stone and up into wintry crags until his soul found itself.

"maybe you have new name. when you come back."

and maybe it would not be the lanzadoii man who named him, but the spirits.

this character is rated R

Ghost Talker
River Walker
173 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Kekoa gave a nod, quick to respond to Sun Eater's orders.

He continued down the river, allowing his mind to wander. Would he see Kaisaan? Would he really earn a new name?

Above all else, he wished for his vision to be of use to Sun Eater. Something that made sense, something that concerned more than just him. More than just a nightmare.

He had to deliver - of what use was he otherwise? He was hardly a healer.
Please read my player preferences here!
Kekoa suffers with psychosis due to a consistent usage of hallucinogens'. Not everything he is described seeing, hearing, etc. is accurate to reality.