Profile of Madhuri: Quick Facts
Played By: mercury
Basic Info
Full Name: Madhuri "Madhu" Rhian verch Taliesin
of White Spine
Subspecies: Mixed wolf
Size: Medium, Athletic
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 1 (July 24, 2022)
Birthplace: White Spine
Profile of Madhuri: Details

A finer, daintier image of her paternal grandsire, with plush golden fur and sapphire eyes.

ESTP-A (Entrepreneur) | Leo , Gemini

A spoiled princess with a chip on her shoulder due to her parents' unwed status—though improving in empathy, somewhat, since gaining further perspective and worldliness. Speaks common tongue, plus some Welsh and a fair bit of Hindi.

Vibe: Karisma Kapoor as "Aarti" in
Raja Hindustani
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The product of a fling between her parents, Madhuri was born in White Spine alongside two dead siblings who were never named or discussed thereafter. Her hot-headed nature clashed with her mother's similar mien, and she parted ways with her maternal family at eight months, joining the court of Mynydd and her father, the heir to Llewellyn's throne.

At the dawn of 2024, she is sent—albeit reluctantly—on a mission to the Teekon Wilds, to find Moonspear and pass along some news. Where she goes from there is yet unknown.
Father: Taliesin ap Llewellyn
Mother: Eldest Anjali of White Spine

Paternal Grandparents: Llewellyn ap Gwynedd and Rhian verch Taliesin
Maternal Grandparents: Aditya and Easy Morningside
Piblings: Dutch, Satya, Surya, Shanthi, Brook, Stone, Silktail, Waxwing, Persia, Jade, Rosewood, various Llewellyn children
Cousins: Numerous unnamed wolves of Mynydd
Others: Blackberry, Brave, Dandelion, Dauntless, Dawn, Eurwen, Eventide, Frost, Grayday, Heulwen, Journey, Juniper, Kasatka, Kipcha, Lavender, Meadow, Minnow, Nutmeg, Phillip, Preeti, Primrose Eversong, Radcliffe, Seren, Shale, Storm, Sunny, Timberlake, Valiant, Winterbourne
Profile of Madhuri: Additional Information
Registered on January 06, 2024, last visited 2 hours ago
Art Credits
Avatar picture: Khevyel (Dawnthieves)
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