Stone Circle With wondering eyes, do they appear.
The bear whisperer
78 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
All Welcome 
Quote:Trying to bring him back in. Anyone can come and mingle with him.

Bjorn, despite being part of Kvarsheim for some time now, he had taken a great amount of time to explore the territory and land within Rising Sun Valley. This caused him to be away from the main camp of the pack, so he was partially behind on some of the happenings. Once he had satisfied himself, he had begun to go to nearby water bodies and catch fish to help fill up part of the packs food resources. He thought of it as a contribution, and he is quite the angler.

As he ended one if his usual fishing trips, he had stopped on his way back to admire once more the mysterious and mystical stones that towered in a circle. He wondered about them, their history.
Active weekdays: Monday (evenings), Saturday, Sunday — Most evening times are open (PST: Pacific Standard Time)
96 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
The air surrounding the heim was buzzing. With Gunnar ailing, it was as though there was a collectively held breath. Vale herself remained distant from the Fadir and his family. Putting her efforts elsewhere into maintaining their land

Having set herself on wandering the territory, the stone circle soon came into view. As well as a small bear! Or— no. Just a rather large wolf. Vale paused, her head askew. He was a stranger to her, but he carried the scent of the territory. She studied him for a bit, as he stood by the stones. 

Miss Taktuq knows most about the stones from what I understand. She called out as she approached.
The bear whisperer
78 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Quote:Yes! Thanks for the time to reply. :3

His focus upon the large stones had been broken by the sound of a voice, a delicate one. He turned his head to look at the small she-wolf, a smile on his face. She may have seemed confused at the sight of him, at first, although he was used to it. She then went on, telling him that Taktuq, the former Alpha of Kvarsheim, knew about the stones. “Hello. I’m positive she does, I just haven’t seen her in quite some time.” “I am Bjorn by the way. And who might you be miss…?”
Active weekdays: Monday (evenings), Saturday, Sunday — Most evening times are open (PST: Pacific Standard Time)
96 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Of course! Excited to write with you!

My name is Vale. She reflected his smile back to him. She sat back onto her haunches near him, keeping a polite distance to the stones and the grounds within the circle. She still recalled her conversation with Gunnar over the mysterious monoliths. The ground was hallowed, a resting place that she would not traipse through needlessly. A slight pang in the back of her mind knowing that there may be another visit here in the near future.

Chasing the thought away, her ears piqued as she looked to Bjorn, I must admit I have not seen you before. Have you kept yourself busy within the territory?
The bear whisperer
78 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
The female sat down next to him, she reflected her smile. Likewise, he hadn’t met her, but they would meet each other now.

“Vale, that is a fine name.” He complimented, and then continued to converse. “Well, I’ll say I haven’t met you either.” He chuckled, “I am Bjorn, I’m pleased to meet you.” — She asked if he had been busying himself around the territory, “Yes, I suppose so. I try to busy myself keeping our food cache filled. With the cold of winter coming fast, it is almost a necessity.”
Active weekdays: Monday (evenings), Saturday, Sunday — Most evening times are open (PST: Pacific Standard Time)
96 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Vale's head nodded along as she listened. The last traces of summer were quickly consumed by the autumn chill. A part of her wondered when the frost would give way to snow in the valley. It was wise to prepare. And a reminder that there was more she could do than worry at this time. There were more productive things to do.

She maintained the smile on her face. Fancy yourself a hunter, then? I can't imagine much can get away from you! Her head angled slightly. Do you favored type of game? I tend to stick to smaller creatures myself.
The bear whisperer
78 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
She Listened to his every word, smiling and nodding along.
With the cold winds blowing, frost should be not far behind. In order for a pack to survive, food was a necessity. 

She spoke, presenting a question and reply.
“Possibly. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to pick myself up a trade. But as long as the pack is being helped, then I’m satisfied.” He probably sounded modest, but he really did love serving others. “I do seem to have some luck, especially with small and medium game.” “And as for a preference, I like to try for medium sized game, but I especially enjoy fishing. I was taught how to do it by a master back in my homeland.”

“What about you, Vale?” He returned a question. Perhaps she would tell a little about herself. If so, he would be more than pleased to listen.
Active weekdays: Monday (evenings), Saturday, Sunday — Most evening times are open (PST: Pacific Standard Time)
96 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Vale shifted her weight between her paws. She had not finished her circuit before stopping to chat. The lingering energy began to build up in her legs. An itch to start moving again.

By myself I tend to keep things small. Rabbits. Muskrat. The odd bird, if it doesn't see me first. Certainly no master, myself. She clicked her tongue thoughtfully. I don't believe we have many specialists for hunters in Kvarsheim. I think it would suit you, if you did decide to pursue a trade.

She paused. Smiling more to herself. Many in Kvarsheim were like-minded to Bjorn. Altruistic and good-natured. It affirmed her decision to join. It made her want to do more. She knew there were many in their number, a large portion being children born within the year. Her mind drifting back once to a conversation with the Fadir. Perhaps it was time to start evaluating her own skills and talents.
The bear whisperer
78 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
The young lady shifted her weight from paw to paw, he could tell she was one to build up energy if having sat still for too long. But, she politely responded, replying despite her energy build up. 

“Small game can be just as satisfactory as larger game.” He told her, “I’m no master either, but you make a good point. A trade in hunting is most definitely worth pursuing.” Another thought came to his mind, and he rolled it around his tongue for a moment, contemplating before speaking: “Ya know, if you ever wanted to go on a duo hunt, I’d be more than happy to have you.”

He offered her this, whether she accepted or not, it was up to her, and he would respect any decision she made. But it would be nice to have a hunting partner for once.
Active weekdays: Monday (evenings), Saturday, Sunday — Most evening times are open (PST: Pacific Standard Time)
96 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
It had been almost an entire month I am so sorry.

I would like that sometime! Vale's tail wagged idly. She really needed to work on her skills should a pack hunt occur. Practice with a partner would keep her up to snuff. The pups would be learning to hunt soon, too. She would have to keep up if she wanted to help more than hinder.

I spend most of my time walking the borders. But If I find a trail, I can certainly let you know.
The bear whisperer
78 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Her tail wagged at his invitation. He smiled, glad to make someone’s day, and he himself was pleased. “That would be wonderful. I look forward to it.” He casted his gaze up to the sky, it was beginning to turn that wintery grayish white. The cool wind blew, ruffling his fur. “That chill is coming quick. Hopefully the pack will be well prepared.” 

He stood up, “If you’ll excuse me, Vale, I must take my leave. But I am sure I will see you again soon.”
Active weekdays: Monday (evenings), Saturday, Sunday — Most evening times are open (PST: Pacific Standard Time)