Verdant Basin ≡ Before The Morning
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
All Welcome 
@Yukimi - Sorry for the delay on this!

Collision so enjoyed the summer mornings. The bitter bite of the cold was long gone, and it were as though the sun pulled you into a slow, warm, hug as the day carried on. Clear skies seemed to expand miles--endless. While he knew that to not be true, he took his time enjoying his walk. 

 A deep breath caught the ever-subtle scent of another somewhere. It could be fine to consider they had long-gone, and their scent marker had been left for him to find, but he wasn't too sure. The wind was on the move today and while he should've considered more caution at the smell; he dismissed it all the same. 

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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
Swiftcurrent Creek
54 Posts
Ooc — Cheetz!
Forward dating by around a week! (sorry for the wait!)

Coincidentally, it was the scent of another that brought her here.

It had been around a week or two since she washed ashore -- albeit with a busted rib and no recollection of her family's whereabouts -- but the girl was coping fine thus far. Every now and then she'd linger from her travel partner, Ash, to cure her wander lust with the promise to keep out of too much danger, lest she wish to worsen her injuries. Her Gait was slow and careful, much to her supressed energy's dismay.

The wind carried the trail of another in her direction, just in time for her to see the greyish-brown pelt of a man right before her. A wordless greeting graced her narrow features; a gentle smile, followed by a swaying tail.

Now who could this be?
[Image: 85512331_sBCUc47O1EZtqNO.png]
Fluent in: Common, Japanese, and Norwegian. Knows some Icelandic, but isn't very good at it.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
The scent had not been all too misleading. His eyes trailed across the body of another that had intercepted his walk. He drew to a slow stop and twisted his head inquisitively. She was so young to be alone.

While there were obvious signs she was not a child she still wore enough physical indicators of her juvenile status that Collision could not ignore, nor did he ignore the smile that graced her inky lips.

Collision dips his head to her in greeting but maintains his distance, "Hello," The word is short, only partially warm, and quite direct. She should have more discipline to cross paths with a man she did not know. Fortunately, she was in no danger. If anything, while in his presence, she was guarded: for now.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
Swiftcurrent Creek
54 Posts
Ooc — Cheetz!
He was bowing his head to her -- oh, where have Yuki's manners gone!?

She'd approached this man without a proper greeting. If anything, it was her who should've bowed her head to him first -- father taught her better than to disrespect her elders like that. Sorry! The young girl's ears flattened apologetically as she dipped her head in return. A little too far, actually, since her forehead was now touching the grass.

That was rude of me, I should've greeted you properly. 
[Image: 85512331_sBCUc47O1EZtqNO.png]
Fluent in: Common, Japanese, and Norwegian. Knows some Icelandic, but isn't very good at it.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
The only word Collision would probably use to describe her upon their initial meeting would be: awkward. There was a quirkiness to her that made Collision raised a brow, but truthfully a small smile just barely began to form.

"There's no need to apologize," And there wasn't. She had done nothing wrong. He watched as the girl stood before him with her head to the grass. What was she trying to accomplish here. Did he need to tell her 'at ease'? Honestly, he was stunned to a degree.

"My name is Collision," He was getting better at meeting strangers and managing conversation, "Where are you headed to?" Surely she wasn't alone in this place, though most he had met were.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
Swiftcurrent Creek
54 Posts
Ooc — Cheetz!

The older gentlemen was just that: gentle.

He did not hold Yuki's malmanneredness against her, and even reassured her that she'd done nothing wrong. The snowbird may have disagreed with him there, because she should've known better, but she was just glad the situation was put at ease. That, and because her head was beginning to hurt pressed against the grass like this.

She lifted her crown from the grass and shook her coat, rubbing her forehead to rid of the grass blades that stuck to it. Collision -- like how my head collided with the floor just now? She mused with a humorous grin, a tail sweeping behind her slowly over the grass blades below. Sir Collision, it's nice to meet you. My name's Yukimi! 

As for his question, he'd be met with a pretty straight-forward answer. I don't know, I was hoping a bystander such as yourself could tell me. She couldn't even tell how far she'd traveled from where her and Ash stayed, but at least his scent wasn't too faint -- Yuki could trail back if she wanted later.

You don't live here?
[Image: 85512331_sBCUc47O1EZtqNO.png]
Fluent in: Common, Japanese, and Norwegian. Knows some Icelandic, but isn't very good at it.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
The young woman strikes him as naive. As if he had been any different as a younger man. He wore wisdom, but she wore youthfulness and innocence. He assumed the world had not been cruel to her. Yet.

  She does her best to tell a joke and Collision smiles warmly and shakes his head, "I suppose it is exactly like that," Collision hummed, "The pleasure is all mine, Yukimi," He decides that he doesn't want to leave her in her curiosity, but also that he mustn't quit moving along. He resumes his pace and walks towards her.

  Upon arrival to her side he waves his head in the general direction he was headed, "I could use the company. Walk with me," Then he could answer the questions she did have.

    A familiar scent loomed around her. Dismissed, for now.

    "I don't live here. I did frequent it until I finally found somewhere to settle down, and if you aren't sure where you're headed then perhaps--what are you looking for?"
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
Swiftcurrent Creek
54 Posts
Ooc — Cheetz!
"Naive" was a pretty spot-on representation of Yuki. Perhaps it was her refusal to be lonley in a world where her family wasn't here right now, or the curiosity for the locals here. The young girl had never considered that she'd been persistently putting herself in danger by doing so, and not recognizing the fact that not everyone had to be a freind. For the present, however, Collision's geniality drew the snowbird in.

He even accepted her company, to Yukimi's relief. She'd felt much more secure wandering this area in the presence of someone older than her, that's for sure.

As they walked, he explains how he wasn't from here -- but was in the process of settling down. Most likely a pack as she sensed a collection of scents along his pelt; rather faint, though. You have somewhere to call home, then? She asked.

The questions were then turned to her -- though there didn't exist a clear understanding of what she wanted as of yet. So Yuki answered to the best of her abilities, a thoughtful hum vibrating her chest. What I seek is a better understanding of these wilds -- what is where, to put it simply. She explained. When I first came here, I was washed ashore on the coast with no knowledge of where I was. I don't feel comfortable with the constant feeling of not knowing where im going when there's so much out there. It's one of the reasons I like traveling.
[Image: 85512331_sBCUc47O1EZtqNO.png]
Fluent in: Common, Japanese, and Norwegian. Knows some Icelandic, but isn't very good at it.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
They walked together in a relaxed way. Collision was in no particular hurry to get anywhere. It has been a long time coming and he had finally learned to slow down and enjoy things for what they were. She was a talkative young then; He enjoyed it. In her youth she saw the world for still beautiful and a mystery worth discovering. Where there any mysteries left for him to uncover?

He nods his head to her question and hums his response, "I do. Recently, actually. I've decided to stay with Mrs. Eshe and Mr. Argent. They are forming Two Rivers Isle. I felt as though staying somewhere that hadn't been tainted yet would give me something...more," Simply, politics and bad leadership didn't have time to take hold. There was still something to be protected within the Isle. He didn't know if she could comprehend all of that yet--he didn't know her story.

  She talks about wanting to be more familiar with where she was and where she was going. Collision had done a lot of travelling. More than he intended to do, but that was over now, "I think it wise to know where you're going," His head rolled back and forth, contemplating the thought that he had, "I also think it wise to have somewhere consistent to rest your head," He slows down and looks to her now. There was something grace in his next words, "You must be careful, miss. Not everyone has good intentions. You said you had a friend? Keep them close and don't ever be afraid to run away from a bad situation. Not all things are worth the cost of battle," Those words stung. If he hadn't been so headstrong and eager to prove a point in his youth, perhaps his advanced years would've been easier. Ultimately, though, he just didn't want to know harm came to such a sweet young woman.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.