Lion Head Mesa Que Sera, Sera
94 Posts
Ooc — Maria
All Welcome 
Quick post to catch up here, I've been out of town for a few days!

From the outskirts of the crowd, the mazoi watched as the two leaders professed their loyalties to one another. Kai's haunted eyes completely glazed over while loosely focused upon the paws of Satsu, which Ramesses had just kissed. This sort of dissociation was not uncommon for him so he was quite practiced at making it appear that his attention was instead unwavering. When the sweet words faded, the man let his attentions linger to the spot were Satsu's paws were no longer. Murmurs grew in volume until Sakai was snapped from his trance. A quick look around promised him a few familiar faces, though he was unsure how to insert himself into any of the already existing conversations. No matter, he could look busy.

"Excuse me. Pardon." Apologies were offered as the large figure slipped through the crowd. His plan? To simply make his way to the other side of the party and then slink back. This way, he was seen and heard, but didn't really have to socialize. His heart felt heavy lately and he didn't need that to taint the cheerful atmosphere of this ceremonious day.
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Ooc — hela
He felt the man bump slightly into his side, and the fellahin looked up to see the stunning mazoi making his way through the crowd. He knew what his place here was, and he knew what he was to be doing during the ceremony.

So Sayf followed after him, catching up to him on the outskirts of the crowd. Would you like some company? he asked, dipping his head respectfully. He looked maybe a little lost, or perhaps there was sadness in the lines of his handsome face. Sayf liked to listen to the problems of others; it made him feel like he was useful.
94 Posts
Ooc — Maria
The fellahin found himself before Sakai, taking the party-going zombie by surprise. "Oh," He grunted lightly, putting on his very best 'I definitely am so busy right now and was not just wandering around aimlessly, I do have friends I swear'  face. The sincerity of the question, offering the grey man his company, warmed his heart. Well, this would at least make him look less awkward. Brows that were once furrowed from overthinking softened as Kai's tail began to take a rhythmic wag. "Sure, I'd like that."

"I'm Sakai. I'm new-ish here." The introduction grew with animation as Kai felt a little less alone. His usual cheerful demeanor slowly dissipated any sort of gloom that hung heavy around him. "What about you? What is your name?" The company was a rather well-built coyote. A strapping man.
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Ooc — hela
He seemed to take the mazoi off-guard, which had not been his intention. Sayf's ears fell, apology clear in his features. But the other man quickly accepted his offer, and a soft smile curved the fellahin's dark lips. 

It is a pleasure to meet you, Sakai, he offered, his own tail waving slowly near his hocks. If he was new here then Sayf should make sure he showed the man what Akashingo was all about. I am Sayf. Another dip of his head. Would you like something to eat? the fellahin asked. I can bring you whatever you'd like. There was more than enough food. They had all been busy preparing for this day, and in return the wedding would leave no one wanting for anything.
94 Posts
Ooc — Maria
"Nice to meet you too Sayf." The man cleared his lightly, feeling his chest begin to tighten as wolves began to congregate in their area. The event had guests nearly flank to flank with eachother.

Five star service was the specialty of the lower ranked here. The very mention of food brought Kai's attentions to the cramped feeling in his empty stomach, his last meal having been the day prior and rather small at that. "Sure, what's on the menu?" Shadowed muzzle pointed toward a large sort of den enclosure in which the fellahin seemed to be coming in and out of. His black lined eyes found their way back to his new friend. "Also, the party seems to be following us. Not that I mind, but if one more wolf bumps into me I might take my hangry-ness out on them." He laughed but was absolutely serious. Saksi's peppered hackles began to bristle as he had never been around such commotion and felt a little overwhelmed. "Think we can find another place to dine?"
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The idea of food pleased the handsome mazoi, but his gracious words were shadowed by the tension Sayf could see and feel. His large muscles bunched under his ashen coat as someone bumped into him. The fellahin was going to ask if he would be more comfortable some place less crowded, but Sakai's next words were to ask if they could eat somewhere else. 

Sayf offered him a soft smile. I know a perfect place, he answered, happy to be able to sooth his anxiety some. I will take you there and then go fetch something for you to eat. It's not very far from here. The system of caves the fellahin used to entertain guests or have time to themselves was here, and his own den was separated and just outside the event. Far enough away to give them privacy but close enough should they need anything.

If the touch was allowed, he was brush against the giant as he turned. Follow me. It took a few minutes and a short hike up a rocky path before they were standing in the opening of a small cave. Sayf had taken the idea from Jawahir and made a cozy bed out of furs. Light peeked in just enough to dimly illuminate the space, going with the homey feeling he was going for. He wanted this to be a place where everyone felt comfortable. My quarters, he said, dipping his head and motioning for Sakai to head inside. I will bring you some options for food, he said. I'll surprise you and if you don't like what I bring, then I'll keep trying. He smiled again. It was clear he didn't mind doing it at all. And then he turned and hurried away.

When he returned, he was dragging a flat piece of a log, covered with various foods. He had found the decaying tree, fallen somewhere outside the territory while he was exploring one night and had broken a piece off that was small enough for him to pull around. He used it from time to time. When the fellahin had pulled it inside, he stopped and turned to his guest. There is the thigh of a deer, a few rabbits and voles if that's more to your liking. I also brought some of the fermented berries; we've been preparing them for a while for this event. They will make you a bit drunk if you're not careful. He looked hesitantly at the mazoi. Does this please you? he asked. If not, then he would go fetch more things for him.
94 Posts
Ooc — Maria
Sayf said just the words the mazoi was hoping to hear. A weight seemed to lift from his frame and with a gracious nod of his head, Sakai closely followed the appealing servant. The brush of the smaller man against his chest had the warrior biting his tongue as he followed to the isolated den. He was well aware of the relations the Pharaoh held with some of the fellahin from his initial meeting with the Sun God and Jawahir. Their interlacing before him gave him all of the information Sakai needed to know and he wasn't sure if this extended to Sayf. What a pity if it did.

The dwelling was warm and inviting. The peace and respite that was offered by the den brought a light sigh from the man as he smiled gratefully at his savior before heading inside. Before Kai could say anything else his companion had gone to fetch morsels. He carefully, as to not disrupt the interior decoration of the place, lowered himself to find a comfortable place to rest. It didn't take long before the faint figure of the coyote could be spotted, but this time dragging something. What the hell is that?

Before eyes could see, Kai's nose could smell the food. Upon coming closer, his waiter was found to be dragging entrees on a log. He couldn't help but chuckle to himself at the endearing sight, the effort was appreciated. The menu sounded amazing, better than the wolf could imagine. Did this please him?

"You please me." The man fell to his temptations for a moment, an entirely different wolf when desire overtook him, but able to snap back rather quickly when needed. He needed to snap back now. "With all of these choices, how could someone not be pleased?" His voice rose an octave from the lustful rumble used before, his eyes looking less like a hunter's and more innocent. The coyote had such beautiful sunny eyes placed in contrast above dark grey shadow. "I appreciate it Sayf. Would you like any? You must be hungry."
232 Posts
Ooc — hela
The rumbled words from the handsome mazoi had warmth blooming in Sayf's stomach. He wanted to please him in other ways, and it seemed right then that the ashen wolf wanted the same. The fellahin knew that look; it filled him with validation to know he had incited such feelings within the other man. He was kind, attractive, and gracious—all things that added fuel to the heat in his veins. He smiled and dipped his head. I'm glad, he offered before moving over and settling down right beside the mazoi. Sayf shook his head when offered food. I have already eaten, and I brought this for you. 

If allowed, he would begin to groom the beautiful, lush fur of Sakai's neck. His scent was calming, masculine and woodsy. Sayf enjoyed how it filled his nose and diffused more heat into his blood. What else would please you? the fellahin asked. He very much wished the mazoi would put into words what Sayf had seen in his mesmerizing, silvery gaze and what he had heard in the soft, deep rumble of his words. But whatever the charming wolf wanted, the fellahin would grant without hesitation.
94 Posts
Ooc — Maria
As his small companion settled next to him, Kai felt a smile grow and his chest fill with radiating warmth for the first time in a while. He hadn't had companionship like this in quite sometime, but he still wondered about whether it was appropriate or not. No matter, it's not like he was going to resist t this point. It was a party after all. The wolf allowed the fellahin to groom the tuft of white fur that thickly coated his neck, all the while craning his muzzle around the coyote to hold Sayf in a light embrace. Slow, deep and thoughtful breaths escaped him as his eyes all but nearly lulled to the back of his head. The way the mesa camouflaged man touched him was entrancing and on the cusp of relieving.

Kai let his embrace loosen but let his pale eyes linger upon the man for a moment longer, sharing a knowing moment before turning his attention towards the food. Kai started with the deer, daintily tearing flesh from the thigh as he didn't want to come off as barbaric. He was a goddamn gentleman.

"What else would please me?" The wolf chuckled to himself as his shoulder gently nudged Sayf, looking down at him with a spark in his eyes. Getting up on all fours, Sakai hesitantly pulled away from the attractive servant so that he may fully face him while at his full height. Sayf looked so small, so easy to overpower. The young warrior bowed his chest to the ground and let his front legs splay on either side of the fellahin while his rump stayed pointed to the sky. He looked childish in this playful position, nearly nose to nose with his partner, but his eyes were devious.

"I think you spending the night with me would please me." It was word vomit. The man had no idea if this was allowed in the pack, but he didn't really care at the moment. The way Sayf looked at him pushed nearly all rationale from his mind. Nearly.

"Is that something you would like?" He whispered directly into the russet and grey man's ear, letting his tongue linger to trail the cartilage before pulling away completely and standing at full height again. "After the party, of course. I don't want to take you from your duties." He was absolutely the jealous type, even if there was no reason to be. But other's needed to be tended to as well.
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Ooc — hela
Sayf leaned into the embrace and buried his muzzle deep within the mazoi's soft, warm fur. It was exactly the reaction he had hoped for. The giant could easily engulf him, and the fellahin would enjoy every second of it. He was big and strong and warm. He made Sayf feel safe, which was something he desperately needed. He was drawn to the feeling like a starving man to a feast.

When the mazoi broke the embrace, Sayf lifted his gaze to meet the quicksilver pools that were the handsome wolf's eyes. Want filled the fellahin's expression, matching what he saw on Sakai's face. It made heat burn more in his stomach as his heart beat furiously in his chest. When the giant turned to eat his meal, Sayf rested his head on his delicate paws and watched intently. So he noticed when the the mazoi paused his eating to respond to his question. The nudge had the fellahin lifting his head again, and then he stared up with blatant appreciation when Sakai towered over him. 

Then he was face to face with the stunning man. He smiled as the aspen wolf asked for them to spend the night together, his firelight eyes dancing with need. Sayf remained still as the mazoi brought his peppered muzzle close to his ear and murmured his question. The feeling of a warm tongue against the sensitive skin of his ear made him shiver, a shuttering breath leaving his dark lips. Then the mazoi was gone, towering over him again. The fellahin wanted to be buried beneath the weight of the striking man. I would like that very much, he finally said, the words breathy.
94 Posts
Ooc — Maria
Sayf's eager response had the white gentleman teeming with anticipation. The more his partner reacted, with ever shuttering breath and wide-eyed gaze, the more addicted Sakai felt. He needed the dainty creature before him, one way or another. His mind raced between thoughts that should be left unspoken and those that urged him to stay respectful. He was never the type to take something that wasn't readily offered, nor was he ever rough.

Kai gave his friend a half smile, a cheeky grin as the switch that controlled his demeanor flipped. He felt much better than he did before, and silently he thanked Sayf. The awkwardness fell to the back of his mind as lust overtook him. Slinking behind the coyote who was still laid on the ground, the wolf stepped just behind him so that his body nearly covered the fellahin's. Crouching down slightly, his muzzle found its way to the man's scruff and nibbled delicately. "I'll see you then." He promised before taking his leave, looking back with excitement before returning to the gathering.
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Ooc — hela
i can start a new one for us <3

It was if Sakai could read his mind and knew what he had just been imagining because the mazoi moved behind him. Sayf still didn't move, as if one shift might send the man away. Then the giant crouched down and the fellahin could feel his warmth everywhere—the feeling had a hard swallow moving down his throat. His mouth was suddenly as dry as the sands of the mesa. 

When he felt the nibble of teeth on his scruff, Sayf's eyes fell closed and he drew his tongue across his dry lips. The mazoi's warm breath heated the skin of the back of his neck as the promise was murmured against his fur. And then the warmth was gone and the fellahin's eyes snapped open and searched for the guard. Sayf watched him walk away, his expression heated as his own excitement squeezed his stomach. He knew he would not be able to keep the man from his thoughts while he worked, but he would seek him out the second he was able.