Snowforest Taiga alkaa
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
All Welcome 
@Ceallach. Set somewhere between Redtail Rise, Silver Moraine, and Larksong Grotto. Timeline ambiguous on Easy's end. Other tags are for reference.
Sometime after returning from her trip to Easthollow, Easy found herself travelling in a northernly direction once more. She had half a mind to head back toward Drageda - there'd been a girl there, older than her but still young enough to have fun with. Perhaps Easy, @Steph, and @Blixen could form a secret club together and do super cool girl stuff. @Lavender could come, too, but Easy didn't think she'd want to, somehow.

Well. They'd get someone. It was important to be friends with all the girls-of-similar-age in the wilds, after all. For now, Easy would focus on mapping out all the cool places they might wan to go when they formed their Cool Girls Only Club. There wasn't much in this area, but Easy guessed they could come here to hunt. The flatlands were just past Morningside's claims, which meant they could sleep here without worrying too much about scary monsters coming to get them. Helpful.

But there still wasn't much in the way of excitement. Easy approached the only thing of note for miles - a bleached white skeleton, still almost perfectly formed. She could tell that it had been an elk at one point - both the antlers were still attached to the skull.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
awake my soul
99 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Droppin' in! Feel free to PP her in the background, tagging along and checking stuff out.

Maybe life with Easy wasn't always easy (har har), but the sisters could at least explore together with a sense of quiet between them. It was a bit awkward at first when Morningside had finished their trek to their new territory, but after a few days Lavender had settled in to a new routine that involved a lot of exploring - and that also meant she had to get used to having company. Unlike the previous weeks wherein everyone else got to have fun and go on adventures while she sat at home in the den, now it was Lavender's turn. When Easy proposed that they venture far afield, the dappled girl didn't think twice about it. She didn't really know what sort of things they'd get up to, but if it meant she could go further than usual - heck, yes!

So that is what pulled Lavender out of the territory. She ran about behind Easy, occasionally giving in to the mindlessness of her herding instincts as they navigated to strange new areas, but generally the girl kept to herself. She didn't want to get in Easy's way if there was any kind of plan, and was often too distracted by new scents, or a big stick, or the sound of something moving that she might as well try to chase. Things were warming up now that it was spring (even if there were hints at a potential storm), and Lavender relied on her dense coyote coat to protect her; she wore it so often now that it was rare to see her without it.

While she was searching the soil for yet another weird smell, Lavender almost missed the way Easy darted ahead until she caught sight of her silhouette - she had stopped with her head canted low, and with a piqued curiosity Lavender swept up behind her. She saw the bleached skeleton with its curved rack of antlers, and let out a gasp.
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Let's keep going withou Ceallach XD We can just have a sister thread.
Easy couldn't stop staring at the skeleton, even when Lavender came up beside here. There was something incredibly eerie about the carcass, but it took her a moment to place just what was giving her that feeling.

"Nobody ate it," she said quietly, seeing that there were still some places where bits of dried and shrunken fur and flesh were attatched to the bone - mostly over the ribcage, which was often the first thing to be parceled out among the Morningsider's. No one had ripped them away from this creature. It seemed as though no one had touched it at all.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier