@Tzila Like I promised! C: but tagging @Vengeance so he could come into the thread later
Useless. That word stuck to him like a leech. Useless. They are all useless. Nothing else plagued his mind more than the anguish of his enemies beneath his claws. The taste of the bleeding hearts of his victims and the smell of their decaying flesh would drive him mad, mad with the lust to destroy more. The golden titan wanted nothing more than to smite those he deemed unworthy, annoying and innocent. He had a goal in mind, a goal that he would play like a movie in his mind, he would imagine over and over that he had become what he saught. He had become more than what those pests thought he could, he would calculate every move, every key pawn, like a chess game. The word was the board and he was the Omni-king, the one above all, he would be the one to set the pieces of the game to fit his view, his world.
One, two, three.
They all bow down to me.
His ghost eyes surveyed his surroundings, the willow trees dripped with despair, he loved every little dreadful thing this place had to offer him. This is where he would begin his success, his pleasure would satisfy his hunger, even if that meant removing the shameful wolves that dare walked on his world. Ghidorah's twisted mind would award him with new ideas, his charm, wit, and his impulses would let him flourish, let him thrive in this new environment. He wanted it all, he wanted every inch of it. His nose picked up on the scent of others, others that were unworthy of his time, but he would find a use for them later. The sun wolf titan stopped before the border of a claimed territory, his judgemental gaze looked beyond the border and into the deep of the territory. He titled his head in curiosity but his face was left emotionless, nothing could be read of him.
The smell of other wolves brushed his nose, it taunted him, his hunger was rising, but he calmed his spiking impulses with a smooth sigh. Ghidorah stood outside the border for he knew better than to step on the lands of someone else, but he started to make cognitive steps for himself. The muscular titan stood unmoving, his blank expression and his grim gaze watched the woods, watched who would come out and give him the opportunity he wanted.
December 25, 2019, 12:12 AM
At one point or another, the shadow and the sun were always destined to cross paths. And even to share that said path, for a time. For light to exist, there must be darkness. For shadows to be cast, there must be light. It was a fine balance, and one that Tzila understood well, but never bothered to acknowledge.
She had reason to be restless. Tensions she felt, were running high in this already volatile pack. Breeding season was on their doorstep and the prey animals had yet to return in full force. The edges of the misty forest seemed to be attracting attention of the wrong kind. Coyotes. They were growing bolder by the day, ignoring the borders while intent on stealing any little scrap of food they could find. They were a real thorn in the Shadow Queens side.
Feeling that yet another security check of the borders was in order, she stalked through the mist silently. Her keen eyes alert for the shapes of anyone or anything that didn't belong. Her paws stepped soundlessly over the snow while a scowl marred her features, in regards to the ever-increasing competition. In the end, she'd take it in stride and knew she'd come out victorious one way or the other.
The golden coat of a behemoth, the likes of which she had never seen before, caught her eye. She slowed to a standstill, wondering if her dark form had yet been spotted amidst the fog and trees. To his credit, he had not crossed the border, which meant that this one surely had some token of common sense in him. Unlike a certain gray scale man who was currently absent from the territory. Her scowl morphed into a more pleasant half smile, though it was hardly innocent. Approaching the rift between them with a high tail and a subtle little swagger, she addressed the handsome stranger. "I would dare say something has struck your fancy to come to these woods..." She appraised him again. Yes..she saw potential in this one.
She had reason to be restless. Tensions she felt, were running high in this already volatile pack. Breeding season was on their doorstep and the prey animals had yet to return in full force. The edges of the misty forest seemed to be attracting attention of the wrong kind. Coyotes. They were growing bolder by the day, ignoring the borders while intent on stealing any little scrap of food they could find. They were a real thorn in the Shadow Queens side.
Feeling that yet another security check of the borders was in order, she stalked through the mist silently. Her keen eyes alert for the shapes of anyone or anything that didn't belong. Her paws stepped soundlessly over the snow while a scowl marred her features, in regards to the ever-increasing competition. In the end, she'd take it in stride and knew she'd come out victorious one way or the other.
The golden coat of a behemoth, the likes of which she had never seen before, caught her eye. She slowed to a standstill, wondering if her dark form had yet been spotted amidst the fog and trees. To his credit, he had not crossed the border, which meant that this one surely had some token of common sense in him. Unlike a certain gray scale man who was currently absent from the territory. Her scowl morphed into a more pleasant half smile, though it was hardly innocent. Approaching the rift between them with a high tail and a subtle little swagger, she addressed the handsome stranger. "I would dare say something has struck your fancy to come to these woods..." She appraised him again. Yes..she saw potential in this one.
December 25, 2019, 01:00 AM
(This post was last modified: December 25, 2019, 12:02 PM by Ghidorah.)
The golden titan waited, with his patience starting to grow thin but he must remember to keep calm and remain where he was. However, his ears flicked up as a sound came approaching him which was music to his ears and with every closing step his heart started to race with what could be called excitement but it was more of impulse. His ghost eyes moved to see that a girl with dark fur and a hint of scarlett on her fur had approached him, his face grew a charming smile, after all, first impressions were the upmost importance to him. He made note of the woman's expression, her half-smile and the way she strode to him made him want to rip out her throat and let her bleed out at the edge of the territory. Ghidorah felt his veins pop with every pulse, so badly he wanted to kill her just because of her face alone, but he had to keep his impulses under control.
"Hello my dear," His tone was suave with his charming grin still painted on his face, the girl said that something must have struck his fancy in order to come to these woods. The fancy to know what your blood must taste like, he thought to himself which aroused his mind and he could feel a pool of sweat inside his bones, but on the outside, nothing strayed from normal. "Why yes, I have word that there is a pack of mercenaries in these parts, and I was wondering if this was the territory of the famous Nightwalkers?" With a smooth voice, his eyelids slid down just a tiny bit to make it appear that he was cool and contempt, but in reality, this was a big game of pretending, and he would hide behind a mask of what his true feelings were.
"And if I am correct, you are a member?" His voice raised in pitch only by a little with his eyebrows raising, and his head tilting to the side a bit, his eyes still looked down on her for they were studying her. He was making note of her frame, she is large for a female, but that is no matter to me, females are all the same, tools down to their biology. Ghidorah felt a slight toothy grin peel on his face with the pearls of his teeth glistening and lighting up the woods.
"Hello my dear," His tone was suave with his charming grin still painted on his face, the girl said that something must have struck his fancy in order to come to these woods. The fancy to know what your blood must taste like, he thought to himself which aroused his mind and he could feel a pool of sweat inside his bones, but on the outside, nothing strayed from normal. "Why yes, I have word that there is a pack of mercenaries in these parts, and I was wondering if this was the territory of the famous Nightwalkers?" With a smooth voice, his eyelids slid down just a tiny bit to make it appear that he was cool and contempt, but in reality, this was a big game of pretending, and he would hide behind a mask of what his true feelings were.
"And if I am correct, you are a member?" His voice raised in pitch only by a little with his eyebrows raising, and his head tilting to the side a bit, his eyes still looked down on her for they were studying her. He was making note of her frame, she is large for a female, but that is no matter to me, females are all the same, tools down to their biology. Ghidorah felt a slight toothy grin peel on his face with the pearls of his teeth glistening and lighting up the woods.
December 25, 2019, 01:14 PM
His suave tone might as well have fell on deaf ears. Tzila cared little for such mannerisms. Until she deemed his worthiness, or lack thereof. As he spoke his piece, inquiring if this was indeed the home of the Nightwalkers, and her affiliation with the pack, her faint smile slowly slipped away to be replaced with a more neutral expression. Feminine chiseled features hardened. There was but one of two reasons the golden one was at their door. Either he was here to offer his services or ask of theirs. Or, to join their dark ranks. The latter was more likely, being that he carried no scent but his own.
The thought of yet another filling up the slots made her eyes crinkle at the edges. More competition. More jostling for power. But at least he wasn't a female, as her hard wired instincts pinned them as a more direct threat to her status. "Indeed it is." She breathed, taking a calculated step forward. Her shoulders rolled with her stride, velveteen skin lining her muzzle beginning to crinkle. "Only the strong, the ruthless survive here. Murderers." Tzila had killed before, and not so long ago. She wouldn't think twice about doing it again.
To answer his second question. "I am. Tzila." The name slipped off her vipers’ tongue in smooth drawl, but hardly requiring much effort due to the nature of her voice. Here she was, alone at the borders with a stranger. The temptation was oh so great to exercise her dominance over him by default. To lunge, to pin him to the earth where he so rightfully belonged beneath her. To see if he would fight back...how much fire ran in his veins. She stepped to the side, prepared to begin encircling him like a shark out for blood. If this man thought that women were the weaker sex, then he had another thing coming. Tzila would gladly educate him of their superiority. "Vengeance is our Warlord. What is it you seek?" She pressed, not quite ready to summon the real Master just yet.
The thought of yet another filling up the slots made her eyes crinkle at the edges. More competition. More jostling for power. But at least he wasn't a female, as her hard wired instincts pinned them as a more direct threat to her status. "Indeed it is." She breathed, taking a calculated step forward. Her shoulders rolled with her stride, velveteen skin lining her muzzle beginning to crinkle. "Only the strong, the ruthless survive here. Murderers." Tzila had killed before, and not so long ago. She wouldn't think twice about doing it again.
To answer his second question. "I am. Tzila." The name slipped off her vipers’ tongue in smooth drawl, but hardly requiring much effort due to the nature of her voice. Here she was, alone at the borders with a stranger. The temptation was oh so great to exercise her dominance over him by default. To lunge, to pin him to the earth where he so rightfully belonged beneath her. To see if he would fight back...how much fire ran in his veins. She stepped to the side, prepared to begin encircling him like a shark out for blood. If this man thought that women were the weaker sex, then he had another thing coming. Tzila would gladly educate him of their superiority. "Vengeance is our Warlord. What is it you seek?" She pressed, not quite ready to summon the real Master just yet.
December 25, 2019, 01:41 PM
The man began to notice that her smile was starting to fade from her muzzle, oh good, we are actually going to get serious and stop playing kiddy games? The golden titan kept his stature as the woman stepped closer with her smooth strides, she did confirm that this was Nightwalkers territory which satisfied the first part of his quest. Ghidorah made a note on what her muzzle was doing, her mouth was wrinkling up a bit as she explained that only the strong may survive in this pack and that murderers dwelled here. "Ah yes, then I must be in the right place for many packs lack that ideology," he began with his voice smooth as caramel, "it is disappointing that many packs these days tend to forget the most basic rule of nature, the survival of the fittest."
The woman introduced herself as Tzila, the sun wolf dipped his crown like a gentleman, "Ghidorah," he purred as he craned his head back up and continued to fake his sly smile. Tzila then stepped to the side, his eyes followed his motion with his eyebrows raised and gave her a slightly unamused glance the female would soon fail to realize if she tried, that intimidation tactics don't quite work with him like it would with normal wolves. Ghidorah simply felt nothing, no fear, no submissiveness, and certainly no joy, only his lust for power, and the masks that he would wear to trick the people around him. The girl stated that this so-called Vengeance was their leader and his smile only grew more sinister. Tzila prompted him the question of what would he seek, he would, of course, lie about his true intentions, "I simply came here to serve the Nightwalkers," he lifted his chin slightly, "I can promise you my darling, that I am no stranger to the murder that this pack is so fond of, to exterminate those who dare oppose the mighty, wouldn't you agree?" He gazed down at her, his smile was like concrete and his eyebrows tipped up slightly, "the more wolves that are there to plague on the weak and innocent, the more probable it is for the titans that walk on this earth to thrive."
Ghidorah was of course only referring to himself, but he would try to see if the woman had the same ideals as him, to see if he could get on the same side as her, this would make his job all the more easy and enjoyable.
The woman introduced herself as Tzila, the sun wolf dipped his crown like a gentleman, "Ghidorah," he purred as he craned his head back up and continued to fake his sly smile. Tzila then stepped to the side, his eyes followed his motion with his eyebrows raised and gave her a slightly unamused glance the female would soon fail to realize if she tried, that intimidation tactics don't quite work with him like it would with normal wolves. Ghidorah simply felt nothing, no fear, no submissiveness, and certainly no joy, only his lust for power, and the masks that he would wear to trick the people around him. The girl stated that this so-called Vengeance was their leader and his smile only grew more sinister. Tzila prompted him the question of what would he seek, he would, of course, lie about his true intentions, "I simply came here to serve the Nightwalkers," he lifted his chin slightly, "I can promise you my darling, that I am no stranger to the murder that this pack is so fond of, to exterminate those who dare oppose the mighty, wouldn't you agree?" He gazed down at her, his smile was like concrete and his eyebrows tipped up slightly, "the more wolves that are there to plague on the weak and innocent, the more probable it is for the titans that walk on this earth to thrive."
Ghidorah was of course only referring to himself, but he would try to see if the woman had the same ideals as him, to see if he could get on the same side as her, this would make his job all the more easy and enjoyable.
December 25, 2019, 02:41 PM
@Vengeance may make an appearance at any time now. This spar will last three rounds, as agreed by @KaijuWolf and myself.
So she had been right all along. He had come to join the ranks of the damned. Tzila wasn't entirely opposed to it. Should the time ever come if too great a divide formed between some Nightwalkers and the others, she would use her cunning to persuade him onto her side.
Which shouldn't be too hard. They were of the same mind. At those four simple words, "survival of the fittest", she lifted her chin, a dark glint of knowing in her eye. "A rule of which I abided from the day I was born. And so will until my last." She declared with a lash of her tail, her voice like steel. Even here amongst the ranks of the Nightwalkers, Tzila put her own well-being first.
Introduced as Ghidorah, she had ceased all movement for now, electing to listen to his flow of words in attentive silence. To which they were met with a simple "Precisely. The weak serve but one purpose; to fuel the strong. If the weak cannot help themselves...change...then they are a lost cause." One could learn strength, if they had the will. One could also just as easily be broken, if their spirit was frail. But would this man ever give the unfortunate such a chance at redemption?
"You wish to join us." She stated. "Then, prove your mettle." Uncoiling from her idle stance, the Shadow mistress transformed into a different being entirely. Setting her defenses by shielding her throat and pinning back her ears, the wraith like woman turned in a well calculated lunge to meet him with surprising speed despite her size. Oh how she loved turning like this, flipping that switch to take her targets by surprise. Some it worked on, others did not elicit the reaction she hoped for. Still, it thrilled her. Sickle like teeth were brandished, coated in gooey translucent webbings. There was no hell spawned snarl from her vocal cords as she aimed for that tender spot behind the neck, just above his shoulder. Where if she grabbed him, twisting around to reach her would prove difficult. Her hold would be firm, the crushing pressure behind restrained jaws the only hint that she meant to test him and nothing more.
December 25, 2019, 06:41 PM
Ghidorah was pleased when she agreed about his morality of survival of the fittest, the dark glint in her eye revealed to him that they both had the same ideals. Her body language illustrated that she felt strongly about the subject, he would use this knowledge to his advantage, "mmm yes," he purred, "it pleases me to know that you are someone who agrees and lives by that statement, very admirable." The lady then stood still and agreed with his statement about the weak and innocent, she too believed that the weak were useless and were only there to serve the strong. "It seems I have come to the right place after all," he tipped his muzzle down at her and let his smirk rest on his face, "with wolves like you here, there may finally be more order, pity that it's only restricted to one pack." The titan's face morphed into a more sinister look, he was constantly changing his expression but they all had one theme in common.
The woman than prompted that if he were to join them, he would have to do so by trial, and he was honestly itching to do so. Tzila quickly changed into a battle-ready stance, her ears were pinned back and she set up defenses for her throat, how predictable. Ghidorah was the type of wolf to always be calculating, even to calculate ahead of time. She launched at his neck with precision and speed, however, he was not phased by her actions, it wasn't in his coding to be phased by anything. How he could have to easily dodge, but he wanted to play with his food, so he stood like a statue as her fangs locked onto his neck, he did jerk back a bit due to her weight but an attack on the neck was so common for him that he found it boring. Tzila went for the back of his neck, he would have to admit that he did feel a stinging pain and he felt his blood start to break out from his flesh. His ghost eyes looked back at her and could tell by her method of attack that she was in his blind spot. But alas, everything has a blind spot, and just like Tzila, his face changes in a matter of seconds, his grin transformed into the face of the devil. Ghidorah peeled back his lips to reveal his cobra-like fangs and his eyes were that of a deranged wolf.
The titan knew he couldn't let her be on his neck anymore for too much blood loss could result in him passing out and that would never do. Her weight was starting to loosen his stone-like stance and he had to get the drop on her quick, so he did just that. It all happened in a blur, he kicked out his front paws from underneath and straightened himself like an arching dolphin with his back legs rooted into the ground, he fell backward with her on him. He would use her steel-trap jaws as an edge in this little spar so that she would have a harder time releasing her grip on him, and with a crash, he forced all his body weight onto her in a blink of an eye. If his plan worked, he would roll himself onto his paws and like a snake, he would rocket his snapping jaws at an open leg, didn't matter which, and he would pin that leg to the ground with all his might and yank her teeth off his scruff which of course would draw blood but he lusted for pain.
Ghidorah would then slam his front paw into her face to hold her down, afterward, he would dig his fangs into her leg and drag his teeth along her flesh. The muscular titan would pull on her leg with the force of a lion and dig his claws into her face with his eyes barbaric.
The woman than prompted that if he were to join them, he would have to do so by trial, and he was honestly itching to do so. Tzila quickly changed into a battle-ready stance, her ears were pinned back and she set up defenses for her throat, how predictable. Ghidorah was the type of wolf to always be calculating, even to calculate ahead of time. She launched at his neck with precision and speed, however, he was not phased by her actions, it wasn't in his coding to be phased by anything. How he could have to easily dodge, but he wanted to play with his food, so he stood like a statue as her fangs locked onto his neck, he did jerk back a bit due to her weight but an attack on the neck was so common for him that he found it boring. Tzila went for the back of his neck, he would have to admit that he did feel a stinging pain and he felt his blood start to break out from his flesh. His ghost eyes looked back at her and could tell by her method of attack that she was in his blind spot. But alas, everything has a blind spot, and just like Tzila, his face changes in a matter of seconds, his grin transformed into the face of the devil. Ghidorah peeled back his lips to reveal his cobra-like fangs and his eyes were that of a deranged wolf.
The titan knew he couldn't let her be on his neck anymore for too much blood loss could result in him passing out and that would never do. Her weight was starting to loosen his stone-like stance and he had to get the drop on her quick, so he did just that. It all happened in a blur, he kicked out his front paws from underneath and straightened himself like an arching dolphin with his back legs rooted into the ground, he fell backward with her on him. He would use her steel-trap jaws as an edge in this little spar so that she would have a harder time releasing her grip on him, and with a crash, he forced all his body weight onto her in a blink of an eye. If his plan worked, he would roll himself onto his paws and like a snake, he would rocket his snapping jaws at an open leg, didn't matter which, and he would pin that leg to the ground with all his might and yank her teeth off his scruff which of course would draw blood but he lusted for pain.
Ghidorah would then slam his front paw into her face to hold her down, afterward, he would dig his fangs into her leg and drag his teeth along her flesh. The muscular titan would pull on her leg with the force of a lion and dig his claws into her face with his eyes barbaric.
December 25, 2019, 06:56 PM
Like Tzila, Vengeance was on the prowl. Silently the leviathan stalked his woods, ever watchful for any movement of an unwelcomed guest who decided to test their luck and grab a morsel from the caches of the Nightwalkers within. It was either brave or stupid and the Warlord couldn't quite decide which of the two they were. He moved like the mist, careful of his footfalls to not make too much of a sound despite his girth and looming stench that stained the air no matter where he went.
On his patrol a couple of voices echoed through the woods, rebounding off the trunks and alerting the Warlord to someone new speaking with Tzila... their muffled words only giving him the faint image of who it was according to their tones and vocals. Curious, he turned to his new path as the goliath made his way toward the meeting of the minds.
Just as the two began their little spar, he arrived. Emerging from the shadows and mist, the emperor of the haunted woods appeared. Without a word or a sound, he sat on the perimeter of their arena. Lowering himself onto his haunches in a smooth motion while the plume behind him curled along the ground. He would watch them both, Tzila included and study their abilities, their tactics. For now, the two seemed to be having a friendly spar, but should things turn sour... he would join the fray in a heartbeat to defend Tzila from the gold giant.
On his patrol a couple of voices echoed through the woods, rebounding off the trunks and alerting the Warlord to someone new speaking with Tzila... their muffled words only giving him the faint image of who it was according to their tones and vocals. Curious, he turned to his new path as the goliath made his way toward the meeting of the minds.
Just as the two began their little spar, he arrived. Emerging from the shadows and mist, the emperor of the haunted woods appeared. Without a word or a sound, he sat on the perimeter of their arena. Lowering himself onto his haunches in a smooth motion while the plume behind him curled along the ground. He would watch them both, Tzila included and study their abilities, their tactics. For now, the two seemed to be having a friendly spar, but should things turn sour... he would join the fray in a heartbeat to defend Tzila from the gold giant.

December 25, 2019, 09:55 PM
Round two, just to keep track.
Tzila expected nothing less than savage acceptance towards her attack. In knowing that Ghidorah was of the same mindset as she, she wasn't at all surprised by his violent shift. She welcomed it...wanted to see it for herself. To experience that monster within to leave no doubt in her mind that his blackened heart was truly fit for the Nightwalkers.
In her youth, she liked to think that she was a decent fighter. But at only two years old, there were many wolves more experienced than her. She preferred to learn as she went, conjuring up new tactics and testing these experiments when the time came. Fueled by the hot surge of adrenaline racing through her body, her eyes gleaming like twin silver stars were full of a sickening glee. He was not like the brute she and Serem had slain, who had crumbled, writhed and screamed for mercy. This one had a mind of quick thinking. Her grip on his neck loosened ever so slightly as he reeled back, bringing her with him. She would need the leverage, but underestimated her timing by a split second. In a dizzying whirl they were flipped and she was nearly pinned beneath his bulk. But like a true serpent, Tzila was an agile creature and slid deftly out from under him, scarlet guard hairs just grazing his underbelly.
Turning to face him without missing another beat, snow and mud erupted violently in the wake of her skidding paws, although one such foreleg she had not withdrawn in time. His teeth clamped down over the limb, slicing through flesh and drawing beads of ruby red. Here, Tzila imployed a new tactic of which she had been considering as of late. Instead of trying to jerk away or crying out in agony, a sadistic little smile formed on her lips. She hissed in a delighted voice, while actually pushing her leg into the touch of his fangs, using the white-hot sparks of pain to fuel her own fire. Out of the corner of her eye, she glimpsed the looming form of Vengeance. Watching but not interfering. "Good. Bear witness to my ritual. Watch as the shadows...my shadows and I work as one!" She proclaimed wordlessly yet clearly in her own mind, and his own.
Seeing Ghidorah's mistake by raising his paw to try and claw at her face, cat like, she went for it. Her jaws, lined with his freshly spilled blood, opened on their hinges, clamping down with bone shattering force around said paw. Grunting dementedly, she twisted the joint. Whipping her head back around a second time, she slammed her cranium into the tender and unprotected stretch of his throat, where his windpipe would sustain a bruising.
December 25, 2019, 10:49 PM
The golden titan was relishing every taste of blood that sprayed into his mouth, he was lusting every single moment of scraping up her leg, but he had to remember to hold back, he had to remember to be calculative. The presence of another's scent wafted into his nostrils, he took his eyes off of Tzila for a second and saw that another large wolf was spectating this battle. That must be the Vengence that she was referring too, don't worry... I won't kill her... Yet... His ghost eyes only revealed villainy, he wanted to make sure that every move he made wasn't a mistake, and even if it was, he would be quick to improve his failures and make his weaknesses stronger.
The girl didn't cry out, Ghidorah would have prefered it since the agony of others only fueled his pleasure, but to her credit, she was more strong-willed than he anticipated. Yes, yes! Show me your areas of strength! reveal to me your areas of growth and your calculative strategies! The male was enjoying himself, his years of training by the warriors of his past was paying off, but one lesson almost slipped his mind, never underestimate your opponent's capabilities. While his paw placement on her face could be seen as a mistake, Ghidorah's flamed ego didn't see any fault in his calculations. Tzila quickly latched onto his large paw like a venus flytrap and began to dig her fangs and began to twist his joint. The sun wolf could feel his blood beginning to spill, but he wouldn't let her get the drop on him so easily. The pain was doing quite the opposite for him, he felt a sinister chuckle arise from his throat and his eyes getting more savage with every laugh he uttered.
He was enjoying himself.
This girl was giving him such amusement that he was missing up to this point that his impulses were starting to take control of his conscious. With a demented grunt, the female tried to ram her skull into his throat, Ghidorah's mistake would have been to dodge him which would have left him wide open. Thankfully, his memories served him well, taking hits is all part of the fight, are you afraid of pain? If you are struck, it is better to take the hit then dodge like a coward and leave yourself wide open. Tzila did land a successful hit on his windpipe which made him grunt a bit for that would be a natural response to getting hit there, the hit would knock him back a few paces but he saw that as an opportunity. Leaning on his back paws like a loaded spring, he felt the world going into slow motion as he was preparing his attack, his barbaric gaze and drooping jaws staring back at her. Ghidorah continued to chuckle with pleasure and almost burst out laughing, but he would save that for later. He would want to lunge at her with teeth flying but he wanted to play with her a little longer, and when his world resumed to normal time, he launched his skull right towards her. With his charged up hind legs unloading their stored power, he thrusted himself with the speed of a cheetah.
With the strength of a charging rhino, he would smash right into her chin, the force of both his weight and acceleration would send a shockwave to the girl's mouth and would definitely leave a mark. However, Ghidorah didn't use all his strength, he didn't want to leave her with a broken jaw, after all, this was a friendly little spar. The titan would slam his front paws back onto the ground once he lost momentum and whipped his wild face to meet hers, but instead of lunging for her, he would stay where he was. He straightened his stature to a proud and arrogant stance, but his face was coated with insanity you could swear his pupils condensed into small pebbles in his eyes. The truth to why he didn't attack again is he wanted to see what she would do next, what would be her next attack? These questions made him giddy and his body started to shake a bit from all the excitement, and he braced his muscular, battered up, golden body for her next move.
The girl didn't cry out, Ghidorah would have prefered it since the agony of others only fueled his pleasure, but to her credit, she was more strong-willed than he anticipated. Yes, yes! Show me your areas of strength! reveal to me your areas of growth and your calculative strategies! The male was enjoying himself, his years of training by the warriors of his past was paying off, but one lesson almost slipped his mind, never underestimate your opponent's capabilities. While his paw placement on her face could be seen as a mistake, Ghidorah's flamed ego didn't see any fault in his calculations. Tzila quickly latched onto his large paw like a venus flytrap and began to dig her fangs and began to twist his joint. The sun wolf could feel his blood beginning to spill, but he wouldn't let her get the drop on him so easily. The pain was doing quite the opposite for him, he felt a sinister chuckle arise from his throat and his eyes getting more savage with every laugh he uttered.
He was enjoying himself.
This girl was giving him such amusement that he was missing up to this point that his impulses were starting to take control of his conscious. With a demented grunt, the female tried to ram her skull into his throat, Ghidorah's mistake would have been to dodge him which would have left him wide open. Thankfully, his memories served him well, taking hits is all part of the fight, are you afraid of pain? If you are struck, it is better to take the hit then dodge like a coward and leave yourself wide open. Tzila did land a successful hit on his windpipe which made him grunt a bit for that would be a natural response to getting hit there, the hit would knock him back a few paces but he saw that as an opportunity. Leaning on his back paws like a loaded spring, he felt the world going into slow motion as he was preparing his attack, his barbaric gaze and drooping jaws staring back at her. Ghidorah continued to chuckle with pleasure and almost burst out laughing, but he would save that for later. He would want to lunge at her with teeth flying but he wanted to play with her a little longer, and when his world resumed to normal time, he launched his skull right towards her. With his charged up hind legs unloading their stored power, he thrusted himself with the speed of a cheetah.
With the strength of a charging rhino, he would smash right into her chin, the force of both his weight and acceleration would send a shockwave to the girl's mouth and would definitely leave a mark. However, Ghidorah didn't use all his strength, he didn't want to leave her with a broken jaw, after all, this was a friendly little spar. The titan would slam his front paws back onto the ground once he lost momentum and whipped his wild face to meet hers, but instead of lunging for her, he would stay where he was. He straightened his stature to a proud and arrogant stance, but his face was coated with insanity you could swear his pupils condensed into small pebbles in his eyes. The truth to why he didn't attack again is he wanted to see what she would do next, what would be her next attack? These questions made him giddy and his body started to shake a bit from all the excitement, and he braced his muscular, battered up, golden body for her next move.
December 25, 2019, 11:09 PM
Quietly he sat, a titan in the shadows, cloaked within the mist as its wispy tendrils danced along his muscular frame. Little fingers caressing every curve of his brawny figure while brilliant lava hued irises continued to study the battling duo, watching their actions carefully, picking them apart and brutality to decide if they were getting too rough and it became less of a friendly spar and more so a struggle for life. Though every Nightwalker was to their own, he would not lose Tzila to a male who did not promise to fill her place.
The strange male's silver eyes landed on the Warlord and Vengeance, in turn, gazed right back. A fiery depth that locked onto his gaze, staring past the man himself and into him, through him. The mad king would not be swayed by some cocky ogre who came knocking on his doorstep. He should be groveling in gratitude at the colossus' feet for not joining in immediately. The boy's laughter and stance only gave off some cocky attitude, a mightier than thou air. He had come across individuals like that before, and they always pissed the Warlord and General right off almost immediately with continuous empty boasting.
Tzila, of course, was holing her own, something he was not surprised to see. She was his first choice after all. The Warlord's non-too-impressed scowl was poised purely on the golden boy himself.
The strange male's silver eyes landed on the Warlord and Vengeance, in turn, gazed right back. A fiery depth that locked onto his gaze, staring past the man himself and into him, through him. The mad king would not be swayed by some cocky ogre who came knocking on his doorstep. He should be groveling in gratitude at the colossus' feet for not joining in immediately. The boy's laughter and stance only gave off some cocky attitude, a mightier than thou air. He had come across individuals like that before, and they always pissed the Warlord and General right off almost immediately with continuous empty boasting.
Tzila, of course, was holing her own, something he was not surprised to see. She was his first choice after all. The Warlord's non-too-impressed scowl was poised purely on the golden boy himself.

December 25, 2019, 11:38 PM
Her maddened grin lingered just long enough so she might note his reaction to the slice of teeth in his tender paw. He actually chuckled at it. While it wasn't what she was expecting, it pleased her in some small way to know that her opponent also may use physical pain to his advantage. But ah, how tempted she was to press that limit. And then to break it. Her strike to the golden male’s windpipe worked, but only earned a grunt out him, while he backed away, leaving her to free his paw at last.
She knew that with the space now placed between them, he would have room to gather for his next attack. It showed in her body posture as her shoulders rolled, head sinking down intently in between. Her eye landed on the twitch of the bunching muscles in his hind legs. A dead giveaway. When he charged with such blistering speed for his size, she let him come. At the last second she met him head on with open jaws, but the force of his blow was great, and her jawline, just a little too low, resulting in the bruising impact. Stars danced before her eyes. As before, she did not cry out in the agony he wished to hear. If Tzila wanted to master this new fighting tactic of hers, she would have to learn to embrace the pain. To welcome it like a dear friend.
Turning her head back to face him, her jaw still throbbing, she saw not an oncoming attack, but the form of the man at stand still. Practically quivering from head to toe, no doubt riding his own high from the spar. Tzila by contrast, had adopted an eerily air of calmness about her. Which couldn't be a good thing. For there in the shadows behind him, she had spotted a tool that would prove most useful to her. Step by step, she moved closer. Forcing herself up against him and in turn, forcing him to step back. Until the sharp poke of jagged, broken off branch of a tree tickled his flesh. She could easily impale him in a single thrust if she wished. Dark lips quivered, ruby painted teeth flashing. "Submit. Or we shall dine on your flesh and drink the wine that is your blood." She hissed in a venom laced voice, jaws coming to part and graze those sharpened blades almost gently over the bridge of his muzzle. A tender but no less sinister threat, wrapped with deaths ribbon.
She knew that with the space now placed between them, he would have room to gather for his next attack. It showed in her body posture as her shoulders rolled, head sinking down intently in between. Her eye landed on the twitch of the bunching muscles in his hind legs. A dead giveaway. When he charged with such blistering speed for his size, she let him come. At the last second she met him head on with open jaws, but the force of his blow was great, and her jawline, just a little too low, resulting in the bruising impact. Stars danced before her eyes. As before, she did not cry out in the agony he wished to hear. If Tzila wanted to master this new fighting tactic of hers, she would have to learn to embrace the pain. To welcome it like a dear friend.
Turning her head back to face him, her jaw still throbbing, she saw not an oncoming attack, but the form of the man at stand still. Practically quivering from head to toe, no doubt riding his own high from the spar. Tzila by contrast, had adopted an eerily air of calmness about her. Which couldn't be a good thing. For there in the shadows behind him, she had spotted a tool that would prove most useful to her. Step by step, she moved closer. Forcing herself up against him and in turn, forcing him to step back. Until the sharp poke of jagged, broken off branch of a tree tickled his flesh. She could easily impale him in a single thrust if she wished. Dark lips quivered, ruby painted teeth flashing. "Submit. Or we shall dine on your flesh and drink the wine that is your blood." She hissed in a venom laced voice, jaws coming to part and graze those sharpened blades almost gently over the bridge of his muzzle. A tender but no less sinister threat, wrapped with deaths ribbon.
December 26, 2019, 01:00 AM
(This post was last modified: December 26, 2019, 01:01 AM by Ghidorah.)
Ghidorah felt the eyes of Vengeance meet his, and the world seemed to stop as the two titans locked eyes.
The rival Alpha had finally met the Emporer.
Vengeance seemed displeased with his presence as he watched their battle, his nightmare eyes rested on his ghostly gaze like he was seeing through him. Everything else faded around Ghidorah, even his opponent, his deranged laughter stopped as the flow of time solidified in this very moment, the glowing presence of Vengeance and his judgemental aura was all he could see. The golden wolf looked at him, he wasn't worried about what the Warlord was thinking of him, perhaps it was disgust? Perhaps he was not keen on his narcissistic attitude, whatever it was, he could care less, look at me with your scowl all you want my dear king, be detached all you want, it won't save your maggot ass. I want you to come down here so that you will be kissing at my paws for mercy so that I may spare your inconsequential life.
The titan's gaze was calm and collected, he was unphased by his presence.
The world seemed to have begun moving again and like a switch, he swung his head back to the battle at hand and he put on his demonic vampire face with his demonic eyes staring into her own orbs.
Like Ghidorah had planned, his move hit her square in the jaw and she stumbled back. As he outlined, he wanted to see if the girl would try to attack him while he was a sitting duck. Tzila, the impressive warrior, she pounced at him and slammed into him, this force would, of course, make him stumble back with the weight of her body shifting his defensive stance. And just like that, he felt the jab of a tree branch piercing his flesh with his blood trickling out of his body like a broken sprinkler. Instead of being surprised, he raised his eyebrows in interest and his maddened face allayed as the titan looked back with his head to see what had cut him. His face was unamused that it was merely a feeble tree branch, she could have done better in his own mind, he then moved his giant head back and looked at her viper gaze. The female started to demand that he submit or that they would feed on his flesh and drink his blood.
Ghidorah started to chuckle, chuckle like a maniac.
The woman had entertained him long enough, "my my, you certainly possess the capabilities of a warrior," he purred as he complimented her with a complacent look on his face. The young girl tried to snap at his muzzle but Ghidorah was ready like he was before she forced him to be grazed by this tree branch, he swiftly recoiled his head with serpentine movement so that her fangs would miss. The titan's diabolical expression returned and he began to howl with a wicked laugh, even if she did not see it, he wanted to mislead her and give off the vibe that he was truly having fun. While it was true that he was having fun, but it was not the fun that she was thinking of. "While I am enjoying our spar, I don't think I can let you win so easily my dove," he said with a suave voice, and what happened next would make you miss it if you blinked.
The sun wolf ripped open his jaws with dragon-like fury and trusted his mouth into his muzzle with his hot breath oozing onto her muzzle and without a second thought, he snapped his jaws closed like a steel trap with his fangs digging into her muzzle. He wouldn't let the girl writhe out of his trap this time, he then launched himself forward for every centimeter he moved forward, he would tighten his grip on her muzzle. Ghidorah looked into her eyes one last time, his silver eyes locking onto hers, he gave a fabricated impressed look at her before he slammed his paws onto the ground and turning his head to the side. Like a loaded spring, he then rocketed his head forward with most of his might and sent the girl flying away from him with her blood spraying and staining on his fur. But like before, he didn't chase after her, instead, he sat on his paws with his matted tail wrapped neatly around his bloody and bruised paws, the girl did leave some marks on him and he could feel the stinging cool air hit his wounds but he didn't flinch. The titan's beautiful golden fur was tangled but he didn't care, he then gave a look of pleasure and contempt, he was satisfied with the brawl that she had given him but he figured that she could have given him more.
Ghidorah looked at Tzila and waited to see if she wanted to continue, he would be more than happy to continue this battle, he could fight with her all day and he forced himself to give her a slightly joyful smile, but his face still reeked with sin.
The rival Alpha had finally met the Emporer.
Vengeance seemed displeased with his presence as he watched their battle, his nightmare eyes rested on his ghostly gaze like he was seeing through him. Everything else faded around Ghidorah, even his opponent, his deranged laughter stopped as the flow of time solidified in this very moment, the glowing presence of Vengeance and his judgemental aura was all he could see. The golden wolf looked at him, he wasn't worried about what the Warlord was thinking of him, perhaps it was disgust? Perhaps he was not keen on his narcissistic attitude, whatever it was, he could care less, look at me with your scowl all you want my dear king, be detached all you want, it won't save your maggot ass. I want you to come down here so that you will be kissing at my paws for mercy so that I may spare your inconsequential life.
The titan's gaze was calm and collected, he was unphased by his presence.
The world seemed to have begun moving again and like a switch, he swung his head back to the battle at hand and he put on his demonic vampire face with his demonic eyes staring into her own orbs.
Like Ghidorah had planned, his move hit her square in the jaw and she stumbled back. As he outlined, he wanted to see if the girl would try to attack him while he was a sitting duck. Tzila, the impressive warrior, she pounced at him and slammed into him, this force would, of course, make him stumble back with the weight of her body shifting his defensive stance. And just like that, he felt the jab of a tree branch piercing his flesh with his blood trickling out of his body like a broken sprinkler. Instead of being surprised, he raised his eyebrows in interest and his maddened face allayed as the titan looked back with his head to see what had cut him. His face was unamused that it was merely a feeble tree branch, she could have done better in his own mind, he then moved his giant head back and looked at her viper gaze. The female started to demand that he submit or that they would feed on his flesh and drink his blood.
Ghidorah started to chuckle, chuckle like a maniac.
The woman had entertained him long enough, "my my, you certainly possess the capabilities of a warrior," he purred as he complimented her with a complacent look on his face. The young girl tried to snap at his muzzle but Ghidorah was ready like he was before she forced him to be grazed by this tree branch, he swiftly recoiled his head with serpentine movement so that her fangs would miss. The titan's diabolical expression returned and he began to howl with a wicked laugh, even if she did not see it, he wanted to mislead her and give off the vibe that he was truly having fun. While it was true that he was having fun, but it was not the fun that she was thinking of. "While I am enjoying our spar, I don't think I can let you win so easily my dove," he said with a suave voice, and what happened next would make you miss it if you blinked.
The sun wolf ripped open his jaws with dragon-like fury and trusted his mouth into his muzzle with his hot breath oozing onto her muzzle and without a second thought, he snapped his jaws closed like a steel trap with his fangs digging into her muzzle. He wouldn't let the girl writhe out of his trap this time, he then launched himself forward for every centimeter he moved forward, he would tighten his grip on her muzzle. Ghidorah looked into her eyes one last time, his silver eyes locking onto hers, he gave a fabricated impressed look at her before he slammed his paws onto the ground and turning his head to the side. Like a loaded spring, he then rocketed his head forward with most of his might and sent the girl flying away from him with her blood spraying and staining on his fur. But like before, he didn't chase after her, instead, he sat on his paws with his matted tail wrapped neatly around his bloody and bruised paws, the girl did leave some marks on him and he could feel the stinging cool air hit his wounds but he didn't flinch. The titan's beautiful golden fur was tangled but he didn't care, he then gave a look of pleasure and contempt, he was satisfied with the brawl that she had given him but he figured that she could have given him more.
Ghidorah looked at Tzila and waited to see if she wanted to continue, he would be more than happy to continue this battle, he could fight with her all day and he forced himself to give her a slightly joyful smile, but his face still reeked with sin.
December 29, 2019, 10:04 PM
Tzila liked to believe that she could kill this man, if she truly wanted to. But he was older and clearly an experienced fighter. Better than her, though she dared not admit it. Spilling his life blood would do no good this day. He was an asset that the pack could use greatly. As he spoke in mock praise of her efforts thus far, she had nothing to offer him other than a soft little huff. In the blink of an eye he had clamped down his jaws around her muzzle, to which she elicited a rumbling growl like thunder from storm clouds.
Before he sent her form flying away, she reared up, seizing the opportunity by the throat. A wolves nails were sharp, but not nearly as so as a felines. Raising her paws, she flexed her toes and dug those said nails around his forehead, dangerously close to his eyes where beads of blood oozed from those black little talons. Thrust aside and onto the ground, she hissed again whilst a set of fresh slicing cuts lined her muzzle. Tzila was full of stamina, and used the rolling momentum to get back to her feet. Shaking out her coat and any debris stuck within, she pointedly sat down, declaring an unofficial end to their match. "Tch. Well, you have proven enough to me." Her eyes skipped to Vengeance, her diabolical King, then back to Golden Boy. "Now he will pass judgement." She declared, handing over the floor to the Warlord.
Before he sent her form flying away, she reared up, seizing the opportunity by the throat. A wolves nails were sharp, but not nearly as so as a felines. Raising her paws, she flexed her toes and dug those said nails around his forehead, dangerously close to his eyes where beads of blood oozed from those black little talons. Thrust aside and onto the ground, she hissed again whilst a set of fresh slicing cuts lined her muzzle. Tzila was full of stamina, and used the rolling momentum to get back to her feet. Shaking out her coat and any debris stuck within, she pointedly sat down, declaring an unofficial end to their match. "Tch. Well, you have proven enough to me." Her eyes skipped to Vengeance, her diabolical King, then back to Golden Boy. "Now he will pass judgement." She declared, handing over the floor to the Warlord.
December 30, 2019, 11:58 AM
The two fought, both of them unwilling to lose to the other despite it being a spar. The male was clearly knowledgeable in battle, a true Nightwalker candidate especially if he were to compare him with someone else he had let in just recently... Glancing over at Tzila, a crooked grin was offered to her, seeing the frustration was fun for him at least, it was a colour she was not easily painted with. That same smile faded as he turned his attention back to the golden boy,
Ghidorah, he heard the name before arriving. He would keep an eye out on this one too, he seemed like trouble, but trouble for who? The Warlord, or anyone else who may be above him?
He has my blessings.was all he said before rising from the ground with thick muscles making the task easy, as smooth as butter - then turning away back into the misty woods with nothing but a flick of his tail.
Ghidorah, he heard the name before arriving. He would keep an eye out on this one too, he seemed like trouble, but trouble for who? The Warlord, or anyone else who may be above him?

December 30, 2019, 03:24 PM
As she anticipated, Vengeance was swift in passing his judgement. He had seen all he needed to see from the golden titan, who had effectively held his own against Tzila in their mock duel. A satisfied glimmer settled into her eyes while she watched the Warlord then turn and slip back among the mist from which he came. Though she did have to wonder...what would a spar look like between Ghidorah and Vengeance himself? That was an occasion she hoped to one day witness.
Now labeled a true Nightwalker, she turned to the ex-loner, her expression unreadable. She appeared neither thrilled nor miffed that he had been accepted so swiftly. With a swish of her tail above her spine, she strode past and simply offered "Make yourself at home." Then she was gone, back into her domain of shadows to recoup.
Now labeled a true Nightwalker, she turned to the ex-loner, her expression unreadable. She appeared neither thrilled nor miffed that he had been accepted so swiftly. With a swish of her tail above her spine, she strode past and simply offered "Make yourself at home." Then she was gone, back into her domain of shadows to recoup.
December 30, 2019, 08:25 PM
The warlord made his way down to the sparing wolves, Ghidorah looked at him with a neutral and blank expression but his ghost eyes were glued on him for he was anticipating what he would say. The Emporer said that he had his blessings which made Ghidorah smirk with satisfaction when Vengeance turned and walked away into the misty woods. The girl then approached him and told him to make himself at home with no emotion in her words, but he didn't care, he didn't need her approval, he didn't want her approval.
The golden titan got what he wanted, a gateway into the pack, and his first step was completed, and now he had more opportunities than he could count but he needed to play his cards carefully. "Oh, I will," Ghidorah replied to her with a smug look but had hinted on sinister intentions, then man rose to his paws and moved with purpose and followed both Vengeance and Tzila into the territory and he couldn't stop smirking. Once the two wolves weren't in earshot anymore, he started to slowly chuckle, and that chuckle turned into a laugh, and that laugh turned into an outbursting cackle with his eyes popping out of his skull. He threw his head up and cackled into the sky as his laugh broke the sky and crows darted from their trees.
This was going to be his new life, and he couldn't wait to play with his new toys.
The golden titan got what he wanted, a gateway into the pack, and his first step was completed, and now he had more opportunities than he could count but he needed to play his cards carefully. "Oh, I will," Ghidorah replied to her with a smug look but had hinted on sinister intentions, then man rose to his paws and moved with purpose and followed both Vengeance and Tzila into the territory and he couldn't stop smirking. Once the two wolves weren't in earshot anymore, he started to slowly chuckle, and that chuckle turned into a laugh, and that laugh turned into an outbursting cackle with his eyes popping out of his skull. He threw his head up and cackled into the sky as his laugh broke the sky and crows darted from their trees.
This was going to be his new life, and he couldn't wait to play with his new toys.
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