Haunted Wood Entertain me
It's Scary What a Smile Can Hide
42 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
@Serem ! C: some mercenary stuff or whatever

The meeting held by Hela left everyone on edge, the announcement of Vengeance's death and the outspoken comments against her leadership made Ghidorah giddy.

His opportunity would come.

Every member seem on edge, the death of the previous warlord and the absence of the general put everyone in a scramble, all Ghidorah needed to do was set the cards in place. The titan strode along the forest with a wicked smile, he even let out a few chuckles for he was pleased on how things were going. He had just arrived and boy did he arrive at a perfect time, but being a new member would mean that he would have to keep his cards close to his chest. Everything was but a big strategy game to him, he would need to meet some of the members, he would need to get to know them and their takes on this whole situation.

He would need to come out as a friend.

The sheer thought of this type of manipulation made a rumbling growl in his throat, but that growl would turn into a booming laugh of sheer sinister joy. But, he slowly stopped, he had to keep his Demeter tightknit for the man was wanting to meet someone important, someone who was close to Vengeance.

His Mate.

Ghidorah wanted to make his presence known so he rubbed against trees like a purring feline for a bit of a distance with his handsome golden pelt shimmering in the darkness of the forest. The titan finally came upon a rock which then he moved his powerful muscles in a leap and landed perfectly on the rock with grace. The sun wolf had to thing for a moment, he was powerful physically, but if Hela took down Vengeance then size meant nothing.

He would need to take his time and plan out everything.

Ghidorah didn't mind waiting, in fact, every little victory he would have only fueled his ego and ambition. First, he must get to know everyone and their fighting strategy, know thine enemy, this was a teaching that he would carry with him forever. The rival Alpha sat on his haunches with his head craned up with his muzzle straight, the wind soon picked up in an ominous way and swayed his fur around. The man waited for the women to hopefully find him, the newly appointed general would be a beautiful resource for him and he would use maliciously. 
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Everything was in disarray and the pack seemed divided. Not that they were a united bunch to begin with and that's what serem didn't like. Hela only a mere child took down the brute and serem dound herself questioning everything. For now the only thing that would matter would be the survival of her young if anything came out of it.

For now the new General would stick to the borders. Her heat nearly subsided so she felt more comfortable with leaving the den. However she kept her guard up so when the howl came she would answer it promptly and she looked to the golden wolf. He sure was a sight unlike most of the wolves who resided here and with a smirk she spoke. "You called?"
”Common” "Spanish"
It's Scary What a Smile Can Hide
42 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
The scent of the woman reached his nose, and oh how her scent delighted him. Ghidorah was facing away with the woman, and with one final smirk on his face, he turned to her with a completely different mask on his face, his expression illustrated that he was quite pleased. "Ahhh, my dear General, I am so glad to see you," the titan replied to her with a suave tone as he leaped down the rock with the precision of a mountain lion with his powerful muscles popping from his legs. His ghost eyes locked onto her figure with his face oozing an aura of a weird sinister friendliness that could not be accurately pinpointed.

The man moved a few paces closer with him obviously looming over her with a creepy intimidation aura surrounding his body that screamed unpleasant vibes, but his face didn't. Ghidorah looked very calm with his breathing even and his brows at an even level, his tail swished from side to side with his eyes only flooding with tranquillity. "I know you are not familiar with me for I am a new member of this pack," he began with his smile turning into a small grin, "allow me to introduce myself, I am Ghidorah," he purred as he bowed to the woman. Though much to his disgust, he had to show her that he wasn't a threat to her power so he had to look submissive, once he craned his head back up, he looked at her with admiration. 

"It seems that Vengeance is unfortunately dead," he suddenly switched to a sympathetic look, all be it being fake, "I may not have known him for very long, but he seemed like a true warrior, an Emporer." Ghidorah continued this false reality of sympathy to see what her reaction was to her words, "I do not mean to speak ill-willed about him, but doesn't it seem quite odd that he was taken down by a pup?" The titan tilted his large head a bit with his ears forward and his brows raised as a slight frown formed on his face.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The golden male sounded strange his tone at least but perhaps it was just her heat that had her on edge as well as the death of her 'mate' though that may be what it was technically called, she knew what kind of relationship they had and it was completely platonic. Deep down she was thrilled to be able to raise her children as she saw fit. "And who may you be?" She questioned, she knew he was either let in by vengeance before his passing or by hela but her scent was not on his pelt.

He crept closer and she watched him carefully he came off as submissive but Serem brushed it off as him probably being a kiss ass. She knew deep down that all that resides here had there own hidden agenda and that did not exclude herself either. "I am Serem." Was all she said in response; she knew not what he had expected a welcome; if so he was talking to the wrong female.

He seemed to have stated the obvious and she let out an annoyed scoff. "I do not need your sympathy." She didn't want it, deep down she could care less if vengeance died; in the end she got what she wanted. "Clearly he was not as strong as everyone thought."
”Common” "Spanish"
It's Scary What a Smile Can Hide
42 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
The woman introduced herself as Serem, she was the previous mate of Vengeance, and she didn't seem to care that he was dead. Ghidorah didn't mind her scoff, in fact, it gave him more insight on her mindset and his once sympathetic look slowly morphed into one of slyness. "My dearest apologies," he purred with another small grin peeling on his lips, "it seems that I was wrong to assume that you two cared for each other in that regard." The titan locked his silver misty eyes on her own with a slightly impish glance, "I would agree that he shouldn't have let himself be taken down by a brat, it would be utterly embarrassing to one's reputation." With his last words, he craned his head further up and tipped his nose down to her, his grin getting slightly wider to partially reveal his bear-like fangs, "wouldn't you agree?"

"But it seems you don't care about his reputation," he tipped his muzzle a bit higher and towards the side like a pompous king with his lips slightly puckered up, "so what about your own?" Ghidorah slid his eye down to her with an ominous aura staining his orbs, "surely a woman like yourself wouldn't let a mere child stay at the top?" The titan just wanted to see if he could get to a point where they could relate, and if she would agree to some degree, then he would test her skill with a friendly spar.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
His sympathies ceased and she loosened up a bit but not by much as she continued to watch the male still cautiously as ever. He seemed to apologize for it and again serem didn't really care but this time didn't show it by much. "The only thing he was used for was to provide me with a strong generation for which I can mold into my liking nothing more nothing less." They knew what it was and they were okay with it. 

She listened as he went on to speak of the situation. "Seems his reputation doesn't mean much now hm?" She said simply. "I was never one for full on leading but if she proves to be worse than the brute who knows. "
”Common” "Spanish"
It's Scary What a Smile Can Hide
42 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
Serem seemed to be more and more distasteful towards Vengeance, Ghidorah only found this mindset more agreeable and his grin remained but one of his brows to dip in as a show of interest of what words she was spewing. The golden titan listened as she spoke about her young and how Vengeance was only good for providing a strong generation, this piqued his curiosity, but not in a good way. "I see," his voice rumbled as he slided his muzzle back to face her, "a mother who only sees the potential in her kin, very admirable," he purred. In truth, the sun wolf couldn't give two shits, if she was going to waste all of her admiration on her pups then he could only look at her with loathful contempt.

"Yes, Vengeance would only be remembered as someone who was slain by a mere brat," he stated simply, he was glad that he was reaching her on her thought process in some way. But Serem mentioned something that he was searching for, her thoughts on the new Warlord, it may not be much but it was a small gap into what he wanted to ring in his ears. "Why stop at General?" He blinked at her, his eyebrows raising in slight interest and slight disappointment, "why wait and see what this child could do, if Vengeance was able to be murdered by her, then was there really any big paws to fill?" His face remained the same, but he tilted his head slightly at her.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
This man really did talk a lot more than anyone here or at least the ones that she had met and when he spoke of her future children she didn't really feed more into the topic and listened to whatever else he had to say. "If I was pining for the higher rank do you really think I'd tell anyone?" If she decided to go for the warlord position she wouldn't be announcing it to the world
”Common” "Spanish"
It's Scary What a Smile Can Hide
42 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
Serem replied to his question about challenging, she countered him by asking why would she announce a rank challenge to everyone. But Ghidorah didn't see this as a counter, in fact, she was only saying things that pleased him, "who said anything about announcing?" The titan gave her a small mischevious look, "my dear I am only trying to help you, you see," he lifted his chin and slid his eyes back towards the heart territory. "I would do it myself, however, I am not well known, it would be foolish of me to attempt the climb in power since I am new," he made himself appear a bit standoffish to sink in the effect that he was isolated and alone.

"But you might say, why not attempt to get to know everyone?" Ghidorah's eyes were on her as if he never left her gaze, the man moved his muzzle back down and looked at the General with his brows slightly up, but his expression remained blank. "And to that, I would respond with, you are absolutely right, but it won't matter would it? You might still challenge me, you could beat me." The sun wolf's words trailed off and he kept slightly tilting his head from side to side like he was listing things, "so why waste all that effort when I can help you instead?" The man slowly made his head still in an uncomfortable way.

"Yet... You won't need my help, or anyone's help, you are very capable from what I am seeing," his flat expression turned into a small smirk, "I can only tell you that your time is running out, others look to take the power." At the meeting, he could see Tzila with a determined expression on her face, the girl looked like she was ready to spring at the new Warlord and take the title for herself. "Take out the competition with the swiftness of a midnight warrior, then," Ghidorah paused ominously as if shadows were wisping around his paws and climbing up his flesh and planting itself on his back.

"There will be no one left to stop you" His smirk peeled back into a grin, a very sinister grin, with his fangs and eyes glowing as if his golden fur submerging into the background.