Firefly Glen Light the Shadows
237 Posts
Ooc — Impala
All Welcome 
It was nifty how all of these little lights were, in fact, bugs. To be honest it was a bit pestersome up close, and yet pretty enough in the distance as they seemed to light the way. On occasion one would fly too close and Collision would snap at it in warning. He wasn't a particularly violent boy, but he did have his reservations about things in his face. Which was news to him. Eager to reach some sign of life that could actually teach him something about the lands he had stumbled upon--that had become his new goal of sorts. After all, the lands were potent with the stench of his kind.

 He had plenty of time to think about his life and the turns that it had taken. His slow movements took a hurried pace as a quiet rumble in the distance was followed by light sprinkles. It was later in the evening so rain clouds just happened to look like clouds naturally darkened by the fleeting lights. He had a feeling it wouldn't be particularly long until he was soaked through. After all, there wasn't a particularly nice amount of coverage around him. Yet, the last thing he wanted to deal with was the smell after rain. It wasn't flattering on anyone in his opinion and rain had a way of making most things unappetizing. At least, initially. He supposed it was a necessary evil to keep the great circle of life rolling. He hurried his pace along in search of a somewhat drier place to wait it out.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
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Ooc —
Thank you for getting this up <3

Lenny loved the rain. Torbine was an oceanic land, and she was used to her fur being drenched. Here, though, there wasn't as much of that, so she had to rely on the showers to fall and give her some semblance of what home felt like. Sure, it might not smell the best on a wolf, but it felt amazing, and Len lived for it. 

The fields were alive with the flashy bugs, reflecting in moonstone eyes as Len chased them around the Glen. With the six months that Kyr had been gone, the girl had found ways to entertain herself, and found that she actually enjoyed these games she'd created, even now that she'd found her sister again.

The young Archer was so wrapped up in this game that she hardly noticed the other figure in the field until she got far too close. Lenny did try to stop, but the ground was still muddy from the last spring shower, and she slipped directly into the boy's side. And Len was not a lightweight - all compact muscle on her solid frame - so this hit would not be gentle.
237 Posts
Ooc — Impala
It came unnanounced, mostly quiet, at least until he was suddenly disturbed. Not just mildly, either. This girl had completely surpassed personal boundaries and was immediately colliding with him. Ears fell flat against his head and he stumbled just a bit to the side. At least he wasn't the only one short on God given grace around here. His head twisted to the side and down to look at her. When he was certain he wasn't going anywhere, and more certain she was done violating him he turned his hips backwards and took a few step backwards to give them some distance. 

 Some mud had gotten on him in the process and he probably would have shooken his head, but he was a bit busy watching her reaction. Hopefully, she wasn't going to be scared and run away. Even if she had caused a full Collision he figured they had made it this close thus far. What was a few words between crash buddies? 

"Are you alright?" His eyes were a bit widened, but more in inquisition and surprise than anything else. Rain continued to fall around them and he rested his body so as to not look threatening in any way, "You slipped," As if he made some great discovery in stating the obvious. She probably knew exactly what she did. Social graces escaped him today.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
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She definitely had slipped, right into this poor boy's side. And the funny thing was, she probably wouldn't have slipped if she hadn't tried to stop so abruptly. So really, this was all her fault. Poor guy. She didn't blame him for taking a few steps back. 

"Yeah, ya know, I'm fine," she said, standing up straighter and offering him a sheepish smile. If she were human, she would have been scratching the back of her neck and hunching her shoulders. "I had a cushion to break my fall. Not saying you're squishy or anything!" Uh-oh. She was definitely making it worse. "Just, y'know, it could've been worse."

Clearing her throat, she shifted her forepaw, watching it slide in the mud before moonstone eyes flicked back up to the boy she'd tackled. "Are you okay, though? I mean, I'm not exactly light." Oh shit. Had she even apologized for running into him in the first place? "I'm sorry I, uh, ran into you like that. I was chasing the fireflies and... uh... yeah." A light laugh punctuated the last bit of her sentence - she was feeling just as awkward as he was.
237 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision finally felt a slight ache in his side. It had come after the fact. He found he was more shocked to actually, finally, meet another than he was to have her crash into him. His shoulders shrugged away the pain with an indifferent roll and his ears twisted as the girl began to speak. 

 Her smile was obviously nervous and he tried to offer her a warm smile to dissuade her from any thoughts of regret. He was fine, and so would she also be. A hearty chuckly fell from his lips and he nodded his head, "I'd have to agree. It could have been much worse," He wasn't really sure how--unless he had fallen either on his own or onto her. He was sure he was big enough to cause her some discomfort. 

 "I'm fine," he gestured towards his side and then looked back towards her, "It'll buff out," It was an odd concept to him: Chasing fireflies. Collision had never really been one to be described as fun. He wasn't good at that. Games, pass times--they weren't his way. He was more the type to seem as though he were always on a mission. He was. "Were you having fun?" He wouldn't quite understand it. Perhaps, however, she was happy and that seemed to make it alright with him, "I'm Collision," Would she gather the irony in that?
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
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Wow. This guy was totally taking this much better than she could've imagined he would. Lenny's posture relaxed a bit and she offered him an easy smile, tail swishing behind her. Now that she knew that he wasn't going to tear her ear off for ramming into him, she could get down to the business of knowing him. 

A rather undignified snort of laughter escaped her when he presented an "it'll buff out." "Let's hope so. I'd hate to permanently damage a handsome guy because I was being an idiot," she responded, tone breezy and lighthearted. He was handsome, objectively - large, healthy, unique colors and eyes that were the exact opposite of her own. 

"I was having fun," she stated, tail still swishing behind her and silver eyes crinkled in a smile. Busy games like these were enjoyable, if not a bit sad. She had her sibling back, and a new pack - she shouldn't still be attached to these creature comforts like she was. And then he gave her his name, and her smile twisted just a bit into a smirk. "Well, that's perfect then. It's like fate. Too bad my name isn't Crash or something like that." She laughed again, then turned her full attention back to him. "I'm Lenny. It's nice to meet you. I swear I'm not usually this much of a moron."
237 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision was as easy going as they came as long as there was good intention behind one's actions. His lips would remain pressed back into a warm smile; inviting, but not overly enthusiastic. Even in happiness it was likely no one would know how he truly felt. He couldn't even tell anyone. Words often escaped him. 

  She was a bit of an awkward girl. Her gestures and sounds less serious and more genuine. He could respect that. Where did she come from? Were there more like her en route? He didn't know how he would do under a large crowd. One on one visitations were perhaps far easy for the time being. Wait? Handsome? A compliment like so was lost on him, "It's quite alright," He assured her an hoped that she would forget what had happened. Mostly in fear of not knowing what to say. 

 "I don't think I do many fun things," His eyes grew a bit serious and he seemed to stare off as if he were in deep thought. What was the last fun thing he had taken part in? Uncertainty did not become him. 

 "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lenny. Moron or not," He realized what he said seemed a bit harsh. She said it first though, right? "Er, I mean I'm sure you're not a total moron," No, that title would go to him today. "Probably not even as much as you think you are anyways," Frustration. He was pretty sure he had become offensive in about three different ways without even making an attempt to do so. Maybe she would just gather he didn't speak very well when it came down to personal things. He was much more on the calculating side of things.
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Yeah, Lenny was pretty awkward, but she was certainly not the only one who was in this situation. The both of them seemed to be running into that issue where you mean well, but keep saying the wrong things. And the young Archer thought it was hilarious.

"Oh, well, if you'd like, I can help you find some fun stuff to do," she offered with a smile, dark tail swishing back and forth. The girl had been so long without a true playmate that she was eager to gather as many as she could find, and it was just... kinda sad that this guy didn't have fun. It was her duty to help those in need. 

He misspoke, about three times in just as many sentences, and it was funny enough that the inky wolf snorted with laughter. She bent forward and looked back up at him with a bright smile, moonstone eyes crinkled. "I'm not laughing at you, I swear, but that was funny. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who does stuff like that," she told him, straightening back up. "Don't worry, I don't take it personally." 

Overhead, the clouds gathered, small droplets of rain beginning to fall upon the already-muddy earth.
237 Posts
Ooc — Impala
She was a woman of good nature and he would find that would work to his benefit as he tripped over how to say things. Not once but many times. He had admittedly worked himself into a bit of frustration. Talking had never been his particular forte--not about casual things anyways, "What did you have in mind?" 

 The question he asked seemed the only thing to spring to mind. It was highly suspect to assume that he would have the same definition of fun as she did. She seemed to be light hearted and almost carefree. Perhaps that was just in this moment? Yet, it was admirable how quick she was able to relax and be so welcoming of his presence. Not that he made it hard to be trusted. 

 "I'm glad you don't. I don't know much about this place or much of anyone. Best to not start off with enemies," And Collision meant that. He did not want his new start to be something he had to dread. In time he would have an array of relationships. Positive and negative and of course he hoped it was more of the prior than the latter. Conflict kept the world going 'round, but there was strength to be had in numbers. 

 Ears would flit backwards as a few rain droplets crowned his head. Did it rain always in this place? How frustrating.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
166 Posts
Ooc —
"You're right about that," she remarked in response to his statement on enemies. She tipped her head to the side with a smirk. "I'd rather be your friend than enemy."

She would've suggested they play in the rain for a while if the man hadn't flattened his ears to his head when it began falling. A smile crossed her maw and she nudged his shoulder lightly. "We'll figure the fun out later," she offered, jerking her head toward a clump of trees a ways off down the field. "For now, race you to those trees? Maybe we can get out of the rain for a little bit."

Without waiting for him to respond, Lenny gave a little hop and began to run, slowing just a bit to let him have some time to catch up.
237 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Lenny was a particularly friendly girl. He was pleased that he wasn't being faced with someone unpleasant as one of his first meetings within this place. He wondered what the others where she came from were like. Hopefully, all similar to her. A very slight smile decorated his face as she speaks her last part and then bolts off. 

 A single chuckle withdrew from the boy as he started off after her. Running was not his forte and her frame was built to be quicker than his own. His legs reached after her and his ears pressed back as he moved at no  more than what was probably considered a slow gallop to anyone else. The boy fell in even pace behind her. Honestly, there was no intention to beat her in a race of speed.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.