Whitefish River What Do We Have Here?
703 Posts
Ooc — Raven
@Moonshadow I had the time to create a thread. Hope that's alright.

Getting more and more acquainted with the members within the pack Howl felt as though he was putting himself to good use. The more he knew within the pack the more he could offer his help and the more others would be likely to seek out his help. That is what he had set out to do, to help others till his path was made clear.

An additional perk of meeting members of the pack was a better association with the smells different members gave off, and which ones didn't fit. Whilst walking through the territory he crossed paths with the scent of a female he didn't recognize, with a scent distinct and not mixed in with the others of Kaistleoki (yet). He took a moment to smell the trail and see which way it lead before deciding to investigate.
Howl is always open to some interesting plots.
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534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The still had yet to seek out the female named speedy and it wasn't from lack of trying. First the woman lurked near the borders; trying to get a whiff of all the scents within the back. That way she knew who was pack and who was not. She was of smaller frame for now but she was probably to hunt later in the day.

Her heat was to come swiftly and the woman didn't even know where she would even hide herself away for that time
703 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Following the scent, he was soon walking along the border of the pack. Perhaps someone was skirting around the border looking for an opening or an audience with someone. But it seems strange that they wouldn't have called for someone. In either case, it was fortunate that they were near the border, easier to steer them away if they were in the wrong place.

At the border, he sifted through the differing scents. Ira's, his own and others that patroled the boarder were prevalent, making this new scent stick out. Soon after, a strikingly dark female came into view, slowly smelling about the border. 

He didn't want to be rude as the reason for her presence could have multiple explanations. "Excuse me Miss." he said to make his presence known. "Is there something I can help you with?" he asked in a knightly tone.
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534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She was pulled out of her many drowning thoughts by the voice of a male and her green eyes turned towards him as he spoke. "Oh hello." She figured many wouldn't know she was new and she'd have to explain herself to some and that was okay. "I'm Moonshadow, I just recently joined" she started off short and simple . "I was just getting used to everyones scents on the border."
703 Posts
Ooc — Raven
She turned her head towards him flashing her olive eyes in his direction. She seemed slightly shocked to encounter someone, but not in the way someone who had done things wrong would have been. Her following statement and introduction gave Howl a sense of ease. A new recruit who's scent hadn't had time to settle among the others. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance Miss Moonshadow. My name is Howl. I am a noble among the pack." he said with a gentlemanly bow of his head.

New members would join here and there but there was always the possibility of someone telling a fib. He had been around long enough to know it wasn't beneath some within the wilds. "Would you mind if I confirmed your claim. I'm sure you are likely a trustworthy individual but you can't be too careful." he asked trying his best not to sound rude or accusatory. Upon joining a pack it was customary for the leader to brush against new recruits, marking their acceptance to other members while their scent was still new to other preexisting members of the pack. If Howl were to confirm Ira's scent upon this new female his inquiry would be settled.
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534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
He introduced himself and she would keep his name for future reference and if they were to cross paths again. "Pleasure to meet you too." She replied back simply and listened to the next thing the male said and she nodded her head. "I understand."
703 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Upon the female's acceptance, he walked up to her. Face to face he could see more of her green eyes. Against the deep black of her coat, they seem to highlight their color, one slightly more faded than the other like olive and emerald side by side. Along with a scar within the corner of her right eye. Shaking his head slightly to cease his staring he gave a small smile towards her. 

Larger and taller than her he lowered his head and proceeded to take in the scent around her neck and chest. Ira's scent was there alleviating any suspicion, but apart from that, Moonshadow's scent was distinct. Relaxing and calming, reminding him of newly grown lavender. Lifting his head and nodding his confirmation he sought to know more about this girl. "So. What brought you to Kaistleoki?" he asked.
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534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
He stared at her eyes for a second or at least noticed her flaw and she looked down for a slight moment, embarrassed a little. She watched as he proceeded to smell her; his height only slightly intimidated her but she stayed calm and once he was finished she looked up at him. "A fresh start I guess you can say."
703 Posts
Ooc — Raven
When she spoke of a fresh start it hit home to Howl. Not long ago he had joined this pack with the hopes that it would lead him to a better future and a better life. He wasn't completely sure that he as on the right path, but he did feel that it was a better option than him aimlessly wondering as a lone wolf. "Understandable" he stated with a smile expressing a small amount of empathy.

"Care to walk and talk?" he asked gesturing with his head. Now that initial introductions were finished he saw no reason to keep her from her initial intention of acquainting herself with the scents along the border. It would also give Howl a chance to patrol the border and get better acquainted with this new member"And how fresh of a start were we looking for? Are you new to the Teekon Wilds as well?" he asked.
Howl is always open to some interesting plots.
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534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The woman gave him a short nod and stayed put for a breif second and would allow him to lead the way and would follow. "I don't know I guess I needed a change of scenery and people." And god only knew she needed it. "I've been here for roughly two winters."
703 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Her responses were vague and Howl didn't want to press her, especially since she was so new. If she needed someone to talk to, he knew he would be willing to be that wolf, but that would take time if it was something she needed.

Two winters in the Wilds meant she had been here for some time now. Having asked her his own array of questions he thought to offer some information about himself. "Ah. I myself recently returned to the Wilds after a few years of absence." he informed leaving it open to any comments or questions she may have.
Howl is always open to some interesting plots.
Just PM me and we and plot and thread!
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
As they walked she tried her best to keep up, focusing for a long time has become a small difficulty that she knew would become much harder as she grew older she just hoped she wouldn't loose all her eyesight in that eye.

as they talked she had always thought about leaving the wilds for a little bit something always kept her put. "What made you come back?" She questioned.
703 Posts
Ooc — Raven
"Well... I came back with the intention to... revisit some wolves and places, but ended up staying after hearing of the quakes." his answer was somewhat vague. But she didn't need to know his extra baggage, that he came back with the intention of visiting the grave of his fallen wife. "I felt the need to stay and help" he confessed.
Howl is always open to some interesting plots.
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534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She had remembered the quakes and it had torn apart her life. "I almost left.... my children were the only things tying me her but...." she paused for the time being. "..their gone too." She had lost all three of them one after another. "But enough about that i don't want to bore you." More like she didn't want to cry but she left that part down.
703 Posts
Ooc — Raven
She spoke of wishing to leave the Wilds following the loss of her children. He didn't know if they had been lost during the quakes, but it didn't matter. To lose a child for any reason was a horrible experience and one the Howl understood first hand. She wanted to change the topic and reasoned that it was to prevent his boredom, though Howl assumed it may have been for other reasons, so he wouldn't press. But... "I can solemnly say it wouldn't bore me if you wanted to talk about it. I obviously don't know your pain... but I... I also lost my children." he confessed. It was something he often kept hidden, something others didn't need to know. But if his past experiences could tell Moonshadow that she wasn't alone in her feelings, it was worth telling. "Actually caused me to switch packs." he said in a more casual tone trying to be light-hearted even though the topic was heavy. It might also give Moonshadow an out if she didn't feel like expressing her story any further.
Howl is always open to some interesting plots.
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534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She gave a short sigh and listened as he spoke about his own and how it made him leave his pack. "I stayed within the same pack pretty much since I arrived in the wilds along with my brother... at first I was happy. Everything was okay, then my brother disappeared. I met a guy, coupled with him then he left.... I got three beautiful children out it. But then it fell apart, the quakes hit and then my pack disbanded and all my children disappeared." Rowan hated her, moonshine had gone missing along with falling star. "And so now I'm here hoping just maybe things will end up differently."
703 Posts
Ooc — Raven
She spoke of her past and at every turn experienced disappearance, loss, and disbandment. Nothing had stayed consistent in her past and as she said, she needed a fresh start. "I hope that for you aswell" he said glancing over at her with a small smile. "I'll tell you though... You are doing a lot better than I was" he said in hopes to bring some light to the conversation. He knew his decision to try and get back into things was a difficult step for him and took far longer than it should have.
Howl is always open to some interesting plots.
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534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She chuckled softly. "I honestly don't feel like I'm handling it at all. It may look like I am but in reality I guess you can say I'm falling apart." The fears that constantly plagued her were secretly driving her insane but she'd never tell anyone that.
703 Posts
Ooc — Raven
He took a moment to pause their walk and look at her. "And it's ok to feel like that... To acknowledge where you are physically and mentally. But every step forward no matter how small is progress..." he spoke from the heart. He empathized with her situation and felt as though in a way he was talking to his past self if he could have. Despite only just meeting, it didn't matter to him. No one deserved to endure the feelings of such events, and he wanted so badly to help those feelings in such a way. He knew he couldn't help everyone and it would take time for those he could help, but to start he needed to at least try. "Coming here is progress. And I... the pack" he corrected "Is here to help you stay together if you need help"
Howl is always open to some interesting plots.
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534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She listened intently to what he said and it rang truth and she felt a bit better "I suppose your right. I'm getting better day by day but it still hurts." She gave him a small smile hoping to ease the mood.
703 Posts
Ooc — Raven
He was happy to hear that what he said rang within Moonshadow's mind. Now that the heavy bit of the conversation was over Howl was determined to lighten the mood. He thought to himself for a few seconds. "If you could do anything... or go anywhere, to have fun or enjoy yourself. What do you think that would be?". He thought back to what Star and he had talked about. About doing what would make you happy if you knew what it was.
Howl is always open to some interesting plots.
Just PM me and we and plot and thread!
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She had never really thought about the things she wanted to do. The woman was so used to thinking of others before herself and making them happy before her. "I never really had the time to think about that really...." she didn't even know where to start.
703 Posts
Ooc — Raven
The fact that she couldn't think of one thing was really telling for Howl. Before joining this pack Howl wasn't sure what would bring happiness into his life, but he at least had an idea of the things he likes and disliked doing. "Well there's no rush, and now you have all the time you need to think about it..." he paused for a moment to give her some room to think. After a bit of silence, he thought maybe some small starters would help fuel her brainstorming. "Maybe a good start it so thinks of something you dislike." That would at least narrow down what not to do.
Howl is always open to some interesting plots.
Just PM me and we and plot and thread!
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
When he asked about what she disliked, the first thing that popped up was a person and it wasn't particularly a thing so she kept her mouth shut. "I don't really dislike anything in particular. But I mean I enjoy helping people."
703 Posts
Ooc — Raven
"Helping others... well." Helping was a rather general term. He could try and think of ways that she could help him, maybe help with a hunt. But he wanted to see if she might be able to find something to do one her own. Surely in all her time helping there were tasks she looked forward to...maybe. If not he would find something for them, but he wanted this to be her decision. "Was there anything you helped with regularly?" he felt like he was asking a lot of questions and knew that for some making decisions was hard, but options were easier. "Hunting perhaps?"
Howl is always open to some interesting plots.
Just PM me and we and plot and thread!