Shadowwyn Moor What could I do
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
331 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Inkeri ran around the fallen trees frantically. Her long legs tearing up the ground. She hadn't seen her sister in a few days, she had been with Lucius. Anja had said Stay. Stay. And now where was @Anja. She didn't know.

She slipped and slid along the way, the bright colors not even drawing her pause. She was certain it would be beautiful, but only if Anja was here. Where was Anja. Her breathing came in gasping pants, and her sides heaved. She could finally run no more, and she fell into an ungraceful heap.

She curled around herself so tightly and lay her tail along her nose, and closed her eyes. Maybe if she pretended it was all a dream, it would turn into one?

Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
137 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Ethan was not far away from where he heard a wolf struggling. Then he heard what sounded like said wolf falling. Concerned, he sniffed the air, picking up the scent of a female wolf not that far away.

He started in that direction, slowly, as to not startle her. When he spotted her, curled up on the ground, he wasn't sure what he should say or do. So he settled with, "uh, are you alright?"

Ethan is a transgender male so he appears to be a female wolf to those who do not know him. For realism all wolves should misgender him until he introduces himself.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
331 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri was thrown from her thoughts and with slow movements, she lifted her head. Sadness wafted over her in waves. It wasn't a dream. Heart beat clicked up in tempo, and she had to take a deep shaky breath. This wasn't okay. Where was Anja. But she didn't wish to share too much with another she barely knew.

No not alright. Want my sister, but I will be. I am Inkeri.

Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
137 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Ethan didn’t want to seem too nosy, but he didn’t like the state the she wolf was in and he wanted to help her, so in a gentle tone he asked “did something happen to her?

Ethan is a transgender male so he appears to be a female wolf to those who do not know him. For realism all wolves should misgender him until he introduces himself.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
331 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri slowly moved, lifted her head higher. Green eyes taking in the wolf in front of her. She gave a soft whining sound. Pitiful and high.

No. I don't know where she went. Went. She speaks with gods and fights demons. I must find her.

Inkeri stood anxious now. If someone of Svart finds her. She may die. Die.

Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
137 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Ethan didn't know what Svart was but when she said that her sister could die, he knew he had to do something. "first off, my names Ethan, secondly, I will help you find her. Can you tell me what she looks like, and where you last saw her?" He asked gently.

Ethan is a transgender male so he appears to be a female wolf to those who do not know him. For realism all wolves should misgender him until he introduces himself.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
331 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri didn't know what else to say. Her body was not cooperating with her mind. I am Inkeri. Inkeri. She looks like me. Me. She parroted sadly.

She stood and slowly moved forward and backward. It has been days. She went to sleep. I went to hunt and then when i came back she was gone.

Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
137 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Ethan could tell the wolf was in distress and wasn't really sure what was what. "Ok..." He said softly, "do you know a place she would go to be alone, or just go to to spend some time?" He asked, not sure where to start when he wasn't getting much information.

Ethan is a transgender male so he appears to be a female wolf to those who do not know him. For realism all wolves should misgender him until he introduces himself.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
331 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The problem was that Ink simply didn't have the info to share. They were new to area and Anja was missing.

No. No. We are new to the area.

Inkeri shifted and moved. Eyes on the surrounding srea, hoping by some twist if fate her sister would simply show up. Though knowing she wouldnt.

Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
137 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
"Alright... which way did you guys come here from? We could start by going back that way..." Ethan decided, though he wasn't very hopeful of finding this wolf's sister.

Ethan is a transgender male so he appears to be a female wolf to those who do not know him. For realism all wolves should misgender him until he introduces himself.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
331 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri motioned towards the general area of the Sunspire. Was that right. She blinked trying to remember. Yes that seemed right. At least in that general area.

I don't think we will find her. Anja is lost. Lost.

She shifted sadly. I have never been without her.

Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
137 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
"If you don't think we'll find her, do you still want to look? If not, perhaps the 2 of us could stick together? I'm expecting pups, you see, so perhaps you could help me raise them? not as a mate or anything, but just kinda stick around?" Ethan asked, a little sheepishly.

Ethan is a transgender male so he appears to be a female wolf to those who do not know him. For realism all wolves should misgender him until he introduces himself.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
331 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri listened, ears forward. She nodded, thinking, wondering. She could help she supposed. For a time. I will help you for a time.

Her obligations were growing. Lucius and now Ethan.

Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
137 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Ethan smiled. He hoped that when he did have his pups, they would help keep her mind off her lost sister. And for now he hoped his company would help. "do you have a place you live?" he asked. "if not, I don't either, so perhaps we could find somewhere." he said.

Ethan is a transgender male so he appears to be a female wolf to those who do not know him. For realism all wolves should misgender him until he introduces himself.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
331 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri shook her head. Not yet.

She studied the other, and dipped her head. Come along. We find. You mm a den. Must be warm and dry.

She didnt knoe much about babies but she knew that.

Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
137 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Ethan nodded. He padded along with the women, until the two reached an area Ethan thought would suit a den. There were a bunch of trees surrounding a small clearing, and the ground was soft. Ethan had lived in underground dens his whole life, and knew how to dig one out, so he padded over to a tree with large roots, and gestured to Inkeri. He would build the den under the tree, through the roots. "I'm going to start digging a den under these roots. Can you look around for some brambles to make a defense around the entrance?" He asked. it wasn't a hard task so he hoped she could handle it while being mentally unstable.

Ethan is a transgender male so he appears to be a female wolf to those who do not know him. For realism all wolves should misgender him until he introduces himself.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
331 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri nodded her head and moved off in search of brambles. Were she privy to the other's thoughts, she would have balked and possibly left. She was not unstable, just different, at least that was how she felt.

SHe found a few thick bushes of brambles and drug them back to Ethan making a small pile. Then if she was allowed, she would help to dig. Four paws would get more done than two.

Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
137 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Ethan nodded gratefully at the brambles, then again as she helped dig. It would take a good moment to dig this den, and his longer fur always got in the way, getting clogged with dirt often and slowing him down.

Ethan is a transgender male so he appears to be a female wolf to those who do not know him. For realism all wolves should misgender him until he introduces himself.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
331 Posts
Ooc — Danni
This wolf had a hard time with the dirt. Inkeri felt bad. That would be heavy and weigh them down. She would have to help get some out if the other would allow. She tilted her head and worked in silence.

It was a nice reprieve from her racing thoughts and search of her sister. She had not realized how exhausted she was mentally and physically.

Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
137 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
The 2 worked until the sun had set. They had hollowed out a decent enough area for the 2 of them to sleep in for the night, but it still needed work before being safe for pups. Ethan quickly went and got some moss for nests, before returning and making 2 nests for himself and Inkeri.

Ethan is a transgender male so he appears to be a female wolf to those who do not know him. For realism all wolves should misgender him until he introduces himself.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
331 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri nodded in thanks. And then studied the area. She would hunt and start filling caches in the morning. She did not want this wolf to go hungry. So with a satisfied churl, she settled to her belly and lay her head down. She would stay away for a time, watching and waiting. Guarding.

Last post from me. Thank you for the thread.

Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
137 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Ethan nodded thanks to her for keeping watch, and he settled into his nest, the load in his belly weighing him down and tiring him out.

Ethan is a transgender male so he appears to be a female wolf to those who do not know him. For realism all wolves should misgender him until he introduces himself.