The Heartwood Such Destruction, So Little Time
7 Posts
Ooc — Morgan
All Welcome 
Dangoth had seen the ashen land from afar the night before. He had resolved to explore it once he had rested, just in case. A hollowed space under a fallen branch was a fit enough spot for him, in the safety of the forest he remained until midday. When he yawned and stretched the stiffness from his limbs the sun was nearly overhead.

The sight was fascinating to him, it appeared that nothing lived, but that had to be a clear misconception, right? The scent of others was heady in the air. When he met a clearly defined line he halted and lifted his nose to the air in a call. He would seek permission, to fulfill his curiosity.
-Peace in your Violence-
372 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Have some Dreven <3

Dreven lifted his red eyed gaze from the mouse that ran around at his feet. He would catch it and release it. Finally, he bent and with a snap of his jaws he grasped it in his teeth, one crunch, a cut off squeak, and swallowed it with a quick gulp.

He heeded the call, brown legs tearing up the ground. Every paw step, soot and ash flew up and colored his brown fur gray. He arrived at the borders promptly and stared at the wolf for a moment. Tail above his back, neck arched.

He smirked. You rang?

He traced the form of the male in front of him, large, muscle bound. He would be fun to tease, to push to his limits. Dreven saw the scars. So he was a bit hot headed, meant perhaps a bit more passionate. Those were the ones that always sang so beautiful when dominated.

Dreven was not as rude to this one. As he had called politely at the borders. The other had just shown up. Though it was clear he lived here, and would protect it with his life.
7 Posts
Ooc — Morgan
Only minutes passed before a shaggy brown wolf arrived. Covered in scars much like himself. He wasted no time. "Curiosity is enough to kill anyone, but I am no stupid cat, I seek permission first as it is clear there is a group here who intends to stay." He paused and rolled his shoulders, his icey blue gaze boring into the males red eyes. "I wish to learn more about this land." Looking the wolf over again, from the scars, to the eyes, to the somewhat vacant stare he wondered something else. Who else is here, and how alike are we?
-Peace in your Violence-
372 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Dreven had a healthy dose of respect for any wolf, that could answer without preamble and get right to the point. However, if he was understanding correctly and chances are he was, this stranger wanted permission to enter their lands, to what look around?

He stared incredulously. You want to come onto pack lands and explore? Or you want information?

Dreven licked along the seam of his muzzle. His tongue curling around a fang as he waited for the answer. His own red eyes continuing the stare as the other did. If this stranger wanted to stare into a strangers eyes and possibly cause a fight, well Dreven was game.

His stared was cool, calculating. How much information does he give. And what does he omit?
7 Posts
Ooc — Morgan
His head tilted slightly, what was the problem? "Both, yes. I hold knowledge of plants. I wish to expand that further, your land appears to hold nothing living but that cannot possibly be true." He was growing impatient now but did his best not to show it. He flicked his tail releasing some tension.

"I am Dangoth, I travel alone but I see the draws to a pack, I'm curious about... opportunities." He had to pause, licking his lips, trying to find the correct word. "Perhaps I could be of some... assistance?" His icey stare finally released Dreven's and he now only wear his usual blank expression.
-Peace in your Violence-
372 Posts
Ooc — Danni
His ears perked forward. Perhaps this one could be of assistance to Saga. She had asked him recently of herbs and plants.

We do host a bounty that you cannot see with naked eye.

He spoke truthfully. Dreven moved closer. How are you with violence? Are you simply a healer, or will you take a life if it is commanded of you. Dangoth? Or do you operate from the shadows with your poisons and your herbs?

If this wolf was okay with fighting, there would be room for him here. Though he would need to have a grace period, for Malacath to decide if he stayed or died. But that would be the next step in the conversation.
7 Posts
Ooc — Morgan
My coat bathes in crimson more frequently than most, and I have enjoyed it. Dangoth told Dreven simply. No theatrics, this wolf was not one he needed to intimidate or threaten, and Dangoth had a feeling he could handle the truth. "I've used both methods, while poisons would be less noticable and more strategic they come with the price of requiring storage space, teeth and claws are always readily available and my go to while traveling."
-Peace in your Violence-
372 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Dreven listened, but made no comment as of yet. His eyes glittered dangerously. Had Dangoth threatened or attempted to intimidate. Dreven would have ripped his throat out. He only was loyal to one or two at a time. And his spots were taken by Malacath and The Saga.

My name is Dreven. I am Harbinger of the Forsaken. I will allow you entry. However, your true test, must be to pass muster with our leader and our Saga. Then and only then will you be a true member of our pack. Should they decide that you shall die. It will be by my claws and my teeth. Are these terms acceptable to you?

It would be his body that would duel out justice as if this wolf did not pass muster, it would fall on his head. It would be his mistake.
7 Posts
Ooc — Morgan
The Forsaken It would fit him nicely should he pass this test that Dreven spoke of. He rolled his shoulders once more, releasing the tension that had built in them. Yes, I understand. He nodded, meeting the other males eyes. He knew if his meeting didn't go well he likely wouldn't be able to escape, but it didn't stop him from posturing to move his body forward. Waiting for the go ahead.
-Peace in your Violence-
372 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Dreven met his gaze again and a smirk began to play with his maw. You have not passed it yet, so i would not stare so bodly. It can be an invitation for both bodily harm or other pursuits. Be mindful.

Dreven turned and motioned for the other to follow him into the heartwood. Welcome to the Forsaken Dangoth. I hope you prove yourself here.

He said no more. He would take the male through the forest and the other hidden areas and then have him meet both Malacath and The Saga. Only then would he truly be a part of their pack. Granted if he passed their muster.
7 Posts
Ooc — Morgan
He walked with confident steps to the side but a little bit behind Dreven. His position showed his respect for the man's higher status, but also he uncharacteristically lagged behind as he craned his neck this way and that. Who knew if he'd actually be staying or not to get a real good look of the place so he'd take as much in while he could, while keeping up the pace as best he could.

He desperately wanted to paw through the cinders and ash to see what lay underneath, he could see some faint signs of life and he wanted a closer look. For now though, he resigned to stay with Dreven. "I appreciate the word of warning, I will do all that I am capable of." He told the man as they walked. He was pretty sure he could handle it though.
-Peace in your Violence-
372 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Dreven chuckled as the man craned his neck to and fro trying to see everything. You will have ample time to explore I promise. But if you would like to look at something now. I will stop.

Good. Was all the brute offered. Though he did stand still for a moment, for the other to dash to the side for a quick look if he would like. He couldn't go searching, deep down and deep in, but here in the outskirts of the main area, he could allow.
7 Posts
Ooc — Morgan
Dangoth refrained from satiating his curiosity for now. Deciding, rather, to stay with his guide so as not to waste any time. Best to get this trial over and done with. "How can you promise me time to explore if my future here is uncertain?" He asked bluntly.
-Peace in your Violence-
372 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Dreven smirked. If you don't pass muster I already told you what would happen. Consider it a last wish.

Dreven looked at him straight on. Because I will kill you if they bid me too.

Dreven had thought he was very clear, perhaps he wasn't.