Sunbeam Lair You displease the host, there is no defense
4 Posts
Ooc — Bloo
All Welcome 
The King would not hear any defense now. Mair was gone.
her paws felt fuzzy and the world spun out.

Dust kicked up into the air as her legs scrabbled to keep her upright when the sensation of the world tilting brought her back to her senses. Despite her best efforts she slumped to the ground dropping the doe she'd been dragging up the mountain with her.... she'd fallen asleep on her paws. Laying there with a weary sigh she went over the current circumstances of her existence: Mair wasn't anywhere she was supposed to be, food had taken her a week to catch with her last meal having been days before that and the tall broad was leaner than she'd been since adolescence. Sleep wasn't a luxury that had been permitted either for as soon as the sun had risen it was evident the Princess had left and in her rage she'd been quick to follow suit hunting diligently for her ward, panicked and feeling scorned running and sniffing through forest, valley and fields. The plan was to cover the eastern part of the mountains using a trick she'd learned from her Tutor in the pack, The rising sun was East and to the Left was North and the south to your right. At Sunset she'd make note of where the west was and push herself to continue traveling throughout the night only allowing herself to catch a few hours of sleep out in the open where she sunrise would wake her as it broke the darkness. Her life was over at this rate anyway if she didn't find Mair.

"You can't go off on your own acting like you have a whole to take care of you! You need to take orders for once and help provide for us unless you want to join a pack so soon after abandoning yours" 
Those last words had been harsh. Where had Mair run off to? Did she have hurt feelings or was she mad? Was she okay?

Rolling over with a groan she closed her eyes squinting them so tight she saw little bursts of color behind their lids. "C'mon Tanya lets go..She's fine. She's probably back at the cave" she flexed her paws into the soil beneath her for a moment focusing on how the tips of her claws felt sinking into the ground until any images of Mair broken and wounded below the mountain or attacked, or m-
Her eyes flew open and she gasped standing up all at once, wobbling and turning to the doe to grasp it's throat between her jaws hard enough flesh tore as she tugged it in desperate bursts up the mountain eyes burning with tears. The Cavern was so close but she couldn't smell anything over the blood of the doe. Her stomach rumbled queasily. 
Mair...I messed up...I should have said no. We should have stayed home. 
37 Posts
Ooc — Raven
The bear's thunderous stride led him up the side of the mountain overlooking the valley to the East of which he called home. The chill in the air high up in the mountains combed through his coat and filled his chest. A welcome sensation in contrast to his usually warm isolated state.

With the chill came the scent. The blood hanging in the air, luring Drust forward.

Soon a trail of smeared blood across the stone was his guide and its source was not too far.

He caught up and the body of a fallen doe came into sight. Along with the tall smokey female struggling to stand.
*This boy is a wolf - - - Not a bear - - - Common mistake*
4 Posts
Ooc — Bloo
The wind parted the peppered fur along her spine and she grit her teeth which threatened to chatter and cause her to drop the prey which had begun to slide a few feet at a time on the cold ground easing her progress up the slope toward the shelter of the cavern. Knowing she was close filled her with renewed energy and she pulled, tugged and dragged backwards for a good few minutes longer before her eyes raised past the body of her prey landing on a massive white bear. Her mouth opened allowing the doe to flop unceremoniously back down to the ground and the sound of it's skull smacking the frost hardened dirt brought her back to her senses.
It had been so long since she'd had food.
She needed to eat.
"I'll fight for this if you try to steal it....take whichever half of her you want...just let me eat" 
The words flew from her mouth and she hated herself for it. Mair wouldn't have anything left but she was starving and desperate to survive without the fog of exhaustion and hunger making her travels slow and sloppy. It was a weak attempt at a threat and she figured the creature would laugh...half a doe? When it could just slap her down the mountainside with one strike of it's massive claws? Even so she stood up taller over the doe waiting for a reply if she was to even get one trying to make it at least look like she'd put up a fight if he tried to take it all. 
37 Posts
Ooc — Raven
The shiny honey of her eyes laid themselves upon the bear and her prey collapsed to the floor.

A flurry of notes clamored their way out of her mouth, ones Drust unsurprisingly could not comprehend. The language of others foreign to him. But she was not all unfamiliar.

The panic in her eyes, the defensive stance over the doe, the hostility imitating from within... directed at him. The dialect he was most familiar with.

Experience suggested a brewing altercation, something likely avoidable if he simply left.

Yet, being witness to her condition meant he was unable to do so.

Words, a grumbling belly, both insufficient communicators of the hunger pitted within this female. The way her skin clung to her so close and her strength failed to hold her steady, these things made it clear.

Yet she did not feast, dragged her meal up a mountain... Why?

His gaze flitted past her a moment. An entrance into the mountain in the near distance. A destination?

He held his ground. Aware any advance may be misinterpreted. With his eyes, he once again found the clouded female and attempted to communicate his question.

Gesturing from her, to the doe, then the cave ahead, before returning to her. Contemplation in his eyes.
*This boy is a wolf - - - Not a bear - - - Common mistake*