Sly Fox Sand Dunes pawsteps over sand dunes
161 Posts
Ooc — Kai
All Welcome 
Darkwoman had busied herself hunting. 

But the land of sand grew colder to her fur. She'd given a vow of silence for now, yearning for attention and receiving none. 

Dare she look elsewhere? 

Choices, choices - the kind that made her mind swim. 

Kusuma fretted, her paws shifting in the sand. 

But for what?
i'll be your mother and i'll hold your hand
you should know i'll be there for you
Harta is welcome in all threads!
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
One whiff of Candle’s scent altered him irrevocably. When she thwarted his attempts to get closer and went after Zoug, it was difficult not to trail after her. The air cleared and so did his head, a little, though he was a man changed in a matter of moments.

He left any thoughts of servitude there in the sands. Talis was slave only to his own instincts now. His desire to sire pups grew exponentially stronger. He knew his best chances at realizing his dreams was to return to The Tribe. He could only hope the other females would not deny his attentions.

Talis pointed his nose and toes at the ravine, though he hadn’t gone very far when he saw Candle again. His heart leaped and he darted toward her without thinking, only to realize the closer he came, the less she looked—and smelled—like the coyote in heat.

The strange woman was striking in her own right. She was taller, her eyes the color of sunflowers. Upon closer inspection, her coat faded through several shades of gray. She didn’t smell nearly as tempting as Candle, though Talis nonetheless felt something hook and tug in his lower belly as he rolled to a stop.

Um… hi.
161 Posts
Ooc — Kai
Coyjackal had spent endless nights and days hunting that she did not recognize the man coming next to her. What he had on his mind was unknown to her, and her experience with men was limited. 

Her head turned to greet him, looking him over. Her eyes of golden sunflowers were originally startled, but settled down soon after. He smelled of Tribe.

This one says hello. she responded to his words.
i'll be your mother and i'll hold your hand
you should know i'll be there for you
Harta is welcome in all threads!
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
She gave him an assessing look. Talisman wondered if she liked what she saw. He knew his coloring was quite beautiful, though beauty was in the eye of the beholder, wasn’t it?

Are you from The Tribe? he wondered. I haven’t seen you around but I’ve also been kind of… Disloyal? Fickle? Unreliable? I’ve always been a wanderer. Anyway, he continued, chuckling sheepishly, I’m Talisman. You can call me Talis.
161 Posts
Ooc — Kai
Talis can call Kusuma, Kusuma, she responded. He wasn't bad looking, no - but her lack of knowledge - and indeed her one past lover had not been male at all - would lead her to think that, as well, wouldn't it?

Kusuma... she started, not knowing how to finish. is Tribe... but not... Tribe? how did she explain? Came from large silver bird, across big lake. Ran away. 

And didn't know where she'd go from there. 

Does Talis know of big silver bird?
i'll be your mother and i'll hold your hand
you should know i'll be there for you
Harta is welcome in all threads!
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He didn’t know if she was trying to be funny, so he swallowed the laugh that bubbled up in his throat. Kusuma, Talis repeated in his head, tail swishing. It wasn’t as pretty as the woman who bore it, he decided.

His pale head tilted when she tried to explain her relationship with The Tribe. It kind of sounded similar to his own situation, though Talisman couldn’t say he knew anything about a big silver bird. Or could he?

Actually, yeah, I’ve seen something like that before, in my travels, he told her. It didn’t move or sound like a bird, though. I never knew what to think of it. My dad didn’t know, either… wait, what do you mean, you came from the big silver bird?
161 Posts
Ooc — Kai
Silver bird really big. Big enough to put Kusuma inside, and many Others. Fly over big lake. Land. Kusuma ran away. she clarified as best she could, tucking her paws under her tail is embarrassment. Her knowledge of the language was... not the best. 

Talisman wasn't a bad name, and his pelt looked awfully similar to the sand itself... but really she was just grateful for the company. 

But what is Talis story?! she yipped, a sort of playful tone to her voice. Maybe he could help her Hunt! That'd be nifty. Why has Talis come to Kusuma? Does Talis like hunting?
i'll be your mother and i'll hold your hand
you should know i'll be there for you
Harta is welcome in all threads!
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He had trouble comprehending what Kusuma meant. Did she mean the gigantic silver bird had swallowed her? But then how had she escaped? She’d mentioned others too. It made no sense, as far as Talisman understood the physics of a bird. Then again, he didn’t truly think “bird” was the right terminology here.

Before he could voice any of the questions swimming around in his brain, Kusuma asked about his story. There was a sudden shift in her demeanor, like a manifestation of the transition between acquaintanceship and friendship. His lips pulled into a smile and his tail swayed.

I don’t dislike hunting, he replied candidly. It’s kind of a necessity of life, isn’t it? As for my story, well, my mother died when I was very young and my dad and I traveled together. I only recently came to this area and learned about The Tribe. Speaking of which, I was making my way back to the ravine. Would you like to come with me?
161 Posts
Ooc — Kai
Kusuma nodded. Kusuma has been... lonely. Talis knows how it is? Feeling together but... not together? sometimes, she cursed her tongue for not knowing common as well as she should, given how long she'd been around others. 

How she wished she hadn't needed to leave the coywolves in search of her own way.

But... yes. Kusuma will accompany Talis.
i'll be your mother and i'll hold your hand
you should know i'll be there for you
Harta is welcome in all threads!
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Definitely. I’ve struggled with trying to fit in with The Tribe, mostly ‘cause I’m not really used to living in a group. But everybody there has been really cool—cooler than I deserve, really, Talisman admitted, ears pressing down a little guiltily.

But his ears perked up again when Kusuma said she’d accompany him. He grinned and motioned with his head, then began walking. He wondered what S’ari and the others would think of his prodigal return. He reassured himself by remembering S’ari’s words from their first encounter.

Anyway, sounds like we’re a couple of misfits. We can always keep each other company. I could definitely use more friends, Talis said as they walked side by side.

And of course he was open to more than that, especially as he hungrily recalled Candle’s scent. His pale eyes flashed over Kusuma’s face, wondering if she was looking for that flavor of companionship. Talis still didn’t think he was cut out for commitment, though he was definitely down for some flings.
161 Posts
Ooc — Kai
no muse but must post or checker gets coyjackal 0- 0

Kusuma had no idea what 'flings' were, or that Talis was of the sort to want some, but she was definitely down for company. 

She trodded along behind him, and then beside him, telling him about her adventures before the big silver bird.
i'll be your mother and i'll hold your hand
you should know i'll be there for you
Harta is welcome in all threads!