Hushed Willows As I lie here
394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She had just finished taking a nap that she had been woken up by a nightmare that she was still hung up on as she walked through the willows. Looking around at all the scenery and the memories she had that were tied to each place. More bad than good but she felt that her heart was healing slowly all at the same time.

86 Posts
Ooc — Tuft

On the chill afternoon day, Tuft was finishing his daily round near Minnow's den. Honestly, one of the reasons why he was there was to be around Minnow. Her radiant smile just made Tuft beam with joy. He still had feelings for Reina, but she seemed to not want to be around him for now. 

He just finished his last marking of the territory, when he saw and heard Minnow startle awake. "She must have had a terrible nightmare!" Tuft thought to himself. He ran over to her den and made sure that she was okay. "Is everything okay Mrs. Minnow? I thought I heard you get startled." he said looking at her to make sure that she wasn't hurt.

394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Seems like the male she had met previously heard her wake up and she had really hoped no one had noticed but  it was unavoidable now as she seen him approach. “Yeah it was just a nightmare. I don’t have many good memories in this territory.” 

Her mother died here and as far as she was concerned it was all her fault and the woman’s mind was keen on making sure that she didn’t forget it either.
86 Posts
Ooc — Tuft

"I'm sorry to hear that." Tuft said. "Is there some kind of herb that prevents nightmares? My mother used to tell me that whenever I got a bad dream to eat a couple of dandelions. It seemed to always work for me.

He paused a moment to get his bearings. Blushing, he stepped closer to her and asked her "So...I was wondering...have you ever had a mate before? I've always dreamed of having a big family like my own, but I just haven't found that special someone yet.". 

394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The woman thought at what he had said and she had remembered the other wolf she met speaking about some plants that would help her as well. “I met another wolf not far from here telling me about some herbs maybe in spring I’ll look for some.” She knew most weren’t growing this time of year.

His next question threw her off guard a bit and surely the male was just trying to make conversation. “If I’m honest I haven’t really been around many males but my brother as of late.” And before that it was her dad and her brothers. Then the she wolf pack. “One day if I meet the right person definitely.”
86 Posts
Ooc — Tuft

Tuft got excited at the mention that she hadn't met anyone either. "That's great!" Tuft said. He immediately grew embarrassed, forgetting that probably shouldn't have been said aloud. he tried to recover by saying "Not that's its great for you to be single! I just meant that its great that you know someone that could help fix your nightmares.". 

There was an awkward silence that followed that remark. His ears perked up in attention at the sudden realization of why he was going to meet her in the first place. "I was actually wanting to come see you to show you something! You wanna see it?" He asked Minnow doing a quick play bow and wagging his tail.

394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Minnow chuckled at his response and how quickly he tried to fix it. Not that the woman took it the wrong way to begin with. The woman thought it was cute.  There was a brief quiet before the male spoke again and she smiled at how happy he got. 

She got up from lying down before speaking. “Okay lead the way.”
86 Posts
Ooc — Tuft

Tuft had practiced this moment a thousand times in his head, just waiting for the perfect opportunity to present itself. He couldn't believe that this was actually happening! When she agreed, Tuft went sprinting off into the forest yelling out "Great! You'll just have to catch me first!". 

Several minutes later, Tuft led Minnow to a spot on the shoreline of the lake. At this time of the year, the lake was still completely frozen, with snowbanks surrounding the lake. It was golden hour, so the crystal clear ice reflected the orange and red light which made it look like it was on fire. Icicles hung from the willow trees refracting the golden light every which way. 

Tongue hanging out, Tuft leaped on top of a boulder where he could see the entirety of the territory. He looked over at Minnow and said "Come on up! I'll catch you!"

394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
He sure had a lot of energy but so did the female as she watched him run into the trees and Her tail swayed behind her as she ran after him. 

She followed him to the lake and she watched in awe. “Oh wow.” It was so pretty and she had wondered why she’d never noticed it before. It had been forever since she’d been back so it was to be expected.

She watched as he hopped up on the huge rock almost effortlessly and the woman had no real experience with climbing. She took a jump and used her hind legs to push herself up her nails scratching against its as she did so. “It’s beautiful over here.” She said once’s she actually got herself up there.
86 Posts
Ooc — Tuft

Yeah, it sure is…” Tuft replied. Thinking of how to say the next part, Tuft sat down on his haunches on the partially snow covered rock. “I’m sorry I’ve been kind of sporadic and crazy lately. I’ve just have been trying to find a way to say this, and it’s making me really nervous.” 

He looked over to her, and tried to force the words out of his muzzle. “I…I think that I like you. Phew! It’s done!” Tuft couldn’t hide the fact that he looked as if a million pounds was lifted off him. “Please, you don’t have to say anything, I just wanted you to know that. If you don’t feel the same way, that’s okay. You are just an amazing wolf, and even a great friendship would make me the happiest wolf that’s ever lived.

He sat there looking at the most picturesque wolf he’d ever seen, in the most beautiful scenic area, just glad to have this moment.

394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The first thing he did was apologize for his behavior and the woman sent over a look of understanding but the last part made her cock her head to the side in confusion. He looked like he was struggling to speak and she waited patiently. His next words made her tail wag slowly against the snow. Swishing it off the rock they were sitting on. “Really?” She questioned.

Minnow never really had anyone say they liked her before. She had many crushes before, first was Rowan and she thought maybe she even was developing one on Sumac but that was short lived of course. “I like you too.” She said simply. “I’d be willing to see how this goes and get to know you better.” 
86 Posts
Ooc — Tuft

"What am I thinking! I barely know this wolf, and I'm already saying that I "like" her? I totally messed all of this up didn't I?". Tuft thought to himself. He lowered his head, ashamed that he talked about his feelings toward her. "I totally get it why you'd say no. I'm not the smartest and sometimes I do get fleas...wait...Did you say you like me too?" Tuft said. 

It took almost all of his strength to now howl out with glee right there and then. A huge gleeful grin spread on his face, a gentle *thump thump* reverberating off the stone as his tail repeatedly smacked the stone.

"I am...uh...umm...glad you feel that way too!" Tuft said truly flabbergasted at her remark. "Would you want to talk now? Or do you want to meet again right here, same time tomorrow?"

394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
It’s like he had already programmed his mind for rejection and the male started rambling and it took a bit of composure for her to not bust out laughing like her writer was doing when he started talking about flees. “Yes I do.” 

She did think he was pretty cute and now she sees him as a goofball. “Well I don’t have much to do. Are you from here?” She asked. Maybe he was born in this land as she was or from somewhere else.
86 Posts
Ooc — Tuft

"No, I was actually raised in Glacia Tempest." Tuft said. A look of forlorn creeped along his muzzle. "It was even more beautiful than what you see here. You should've seen it! In the winter, on a special night each year, there would be colored lights that illuminate the entire sky! And during the springtime, there were these magnificent red and gold flowers that we'd call 'Blood and Honey'. They smelled so sweet.".

That look of forlorn was quickly washed away by his happy grin. "What about you? You are honestly the nicest person I have ever known, you must have had great parents!". 

394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
He spoke of his home and it was a place minnow had never even heard of but the way he described it, his home sounds beautiful. He then returned the question back and she smiled. “I’m actually from here.” Which she should probably elaborate. “I was born in this territory back when it was Elysium.” Her heart sank however when he mentioned her parents and she would not cry. “My parents were great. “
86 Posts
Ooc — Tuft

Tuft could see the tears starting to form on Minnow's eyes. Obviously this was a touchy subject for her, so he decided to avoid it. Genuinely surprised by the fact that she was raised here, he asked "No way! What was it like growing up here? And here I thought I was showing you a secret place, you probably know every nook and cranny here!".

394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She just slowly shook her head. “I actually left at a young age shortly after my mother died. I didn’t really get a chance to explore inside the territory. I was too keen on everything outside of it.” 

Maybe if I hadn’t my mother would still be here

She thought to herself she didn’t want to say that out loud.

She smiled at him though even though it hurt to talk about. “I did love it though when I had my whole family with me. My mother, father and brothers.” She just wished she had appreciated it more now it was just her and @Valiant

tags for reference! :)
86 Posts
Ooc — Tuft

A light sprinkling of snow was drifting down slowly as Minnow talked. Tuft could sense her uneasiness as she talked about her family. “Did something to her?” Tuft contemplated.

He was afraid to ask her more about it, but he felt the words come out of his mouth before he thought more of it. “Did something happen to your family? You just seem sad when you talk about this place and your parents.” 

As someone who also has had family struggles, Tufts heart went out to her if it was the case.

394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She sighed before speaking. “My brother lost his memory and disappeared. My mom died in a bear attack and my dad I don’t know what happened to him.” The woman left out that her mothers death was her fault for not staying in the territory.
86 Posts
Ooc — Tuft

Tuft was taken aback by how sharp and blunt Minnow was discussing the death of her mother and the loss of her family. A pang of guilt struck Tuft right then, feeling that it was his fault for bringing up this difficult discussion. Desperately wanting to comfort her, he said "I'm so sorry. Being here must be incredibly challenging."

He moved right next to Minnow, feeling the wonderful fluffy fur and gentle warmth that she had. "I know it doesn't mean much, but I can sympathize with you. All of my pack was killed by a bear because of me." Tuft said, collecting his thoughts. "I led a bear named Noctus straight into our den after a hunting trip. I don't think that I could ever forgive myself cause of that.". A couple of tears streamed down his face recalling the horrific event. The images of his parents and brothers and sisters dead on the ground burned into his memory.

Wiping the tears away, Tuft asked "Do you think your brother and father are alive? Have you tried looking for them?".

394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
He got closer to her and it felt nice because it was cold outside so she didn’t mind it.

“I was so young I didn’t really quite under it.”  She then listened to his story and it was similar to hers and the woman noticed his tears and her ears flattened and her face softened as she gave him a gentle nudge of comfort.

 “I’m so sorry. I know how hard it is but you can’t blame yourself.” Even though she knew she had to learn how to take her own advice. “I understand I blame myself for what happened to my mother and my aunt.” 

He then asked another question. “I searched for my family for months and there was no sign of them I only just found my brother Valiant.”
86 Posts
Ooc — Tuft

The gentle nudge against Tuft was just what he needed to boost his spirits. He laid his paw over her own, saying "Thank you. Sometimes its not the pack we are born with that we need, but the wolves who care about us the most that we want." And with that, Tuft nuzzled against Minnows muzzle, kissing her with a gentle lick.

The sun was just about to set, making the colors of the sunset even more dramatic and beautiful. Clearing his throat, Tuft said "Well, its getting late. I should probably go."

394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She was enjoying the man’s company and smiled as she felt his tongue touch her cheek. He was talking about leaving and she felt a weird feeling in her chest and she didn’t want him to go just yet. 

The woman hopped off the rock and looked up at him from the ground. “Lay with me? Just till I fall asleep?” Minnow questioned. She didn’t want to feel needy but that’s exactly how it sounded.
86 Posts
Ooc — Tuft

Butterflies fluttered in Tuft's stomach. His heart pounded like a jack rabbit. "This can't be real! The most angelic wolf I have ever met is asking me to sleep with her?" He thought to himself. 

"As you wish." Tuft said with a smirk on his muzzle. He gently helped her get to her feet and helped her get off the boulder. Once they were back to her den Tuft went over to her sleeping area and spread the leaves around evenly, providing a soft cushion to lay on. "There, that's better!" He said to minnow. He went over to a spot next to hers and circled around a couple of times before laying on the ground with a sigh and an exasperated chuff. 

He looked over to her to excited to ever go asleep and whispered to her "I'm the luckiest wolf alive. You'll be the first thing I see in the morning. Good night.".

394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
He agreed and she felt her tail sway back and forth happily. Ever since reuniting with her brother being alone made her feel uneasy and uncomfortable. 

They made their way to the den and he seemed to be quick to make it cozy and she took a spot next to him and cuddled close tucking her tail around them. She was warm and content for the first time since arriving. 

She felt her heart skip a beat with what he said and she smiled softly. “Goodnight.” She said simply before a long awaited sleep overcame her.