Verdigris Ravine I met a traveller from an antique land
The Tribe
256 Posts
Ooc — Harvest
All Welcome 
@Hazelnut maybe?

S'ari was very pregnant now, and was set to give birth in little over a week. She could not believe how quickly her pregnancy had flown by, considering how much it had seemed to drag until now. Spring was truly on its way now and she was sure there were some places in the desert where little pale flowers bloomed, probably around the oasis. But it was beautiful here, too, new greenery climbing the canyon walls, shooting up around the pools.

She'd had her birthing den dug some time ago and now she lay just outside of it, too fat and lazy to make it very far away. She basked in the dying sun and watched the desert sky alight with a blaze of sunset colors, and sighed contentedly.
"We are creatures of the desert..."
— S'ari resides permanently in the Lowlands and will never leave.
9 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
i am late but here :D

Hazel had come to realize over she was not the best at socializing. At the very least she found seeking the others out to be a hurdle she had yet to completely get over.

Funnily enough she was much better at stumbbling into social situations. Much to her dismay; she was not prepared to conversate when she came across a very much pregnant coyote.

Oh, he-lo Her greeting through a mouthful of mouse. Ga' a lil' bun in th' oven? She hadn't meant to state the obvious—or anything past hello for that matter—but Hazel had a habit of letting words slip out to fill potionally awkward silences. It was rarely a effective solution.
The Tribe
256 Posts
Ooc — Harvest
S'ari lifted her head at the approach of another. Ah, she said, grinning. S'ari has not met this one. You must be new to the Tribe. Coyote welcomes you. She glanced down at her pregnant belly with a chuckle. Yes, S'ari is due very soon, she is sure. She wonders how many she will have... S'ari glanced back at the coyote. Does this one have a name? From the looks of her, she wasn't very old--perhaps a yearling.
"We are creatures of the desert..."
— S'ari resides permanently in the Lowlands and will never leave.
9 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
Mhmm! Hazel flashes a crooked smile, well, as much as she could with her mouthful. Best drop her prey before any awkward conversation complications arise, she thinks, and does just that.

Ah, thanks. She followed S'ari's gaze and nodded. My parent only had me, but like, you can have more than one right? It was a stupid question in hindsight because... duh. Hopefully a little chuckle on her end would do good to brush off the obvious observation.

My name's Hazelnut, but you can call me Hazel if it's easier.