Redhawk Caldera your own story is the safest place you'll ever be.
2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
Finley rolled her shoulders and gave Jaws a sidelong glance, pondering his rather thoughtful comment.  She sucked in a deep breath through her mouth that was released through her nose, her mind wandering one of the many paths within her imagination.  "Yeah," she muttered, annoyed.  She didn't want to feel bad for the whore.  After all, she was a whore - which is actually not true at all.  Fin had done way worse in her life than Grimm had.  And speaking as one who'd also fallen victim to the wonder that was Elwood's irresistible charm and penis, she couldn't really blame the girl for her actions.

But still.  Elwood was hers.  And Grimm needed to know that.  And she needed to know that it wasn't because of her unhinged vagina that they'd gotten together.  Those were probably the more important things that she needed to get off of her chest.  But there was other shit too, like.. You can show your face around the Caldera, it's all okay, blah blah blah...

Fin began to chew on her lip.  "Do me a favor," she said after yet another moment of silence, "If you see her, don't tell her I'm looking for her?  She'll probably just make a run for it and I really don't want to go chasing after her."  She was going to make this right, damnit.  Even if it meant pinning her down to the ground and shrieking an apology at the bitch, she was going to give it so that she could check it off of her list and thus make one step closer to her ultimate goal - Elwood.
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RE: your own story is the safest place you'll ever be. - by Finley - March 21, 2015, 08:37 PM