Phoenix Maplewood temple walls always listen
All Welcome 
Anyone welcome! Care to join Judith on a patrol? c:

Judith was, foremost, wary – she'd joined the Maplewood not hours before. The trek had not been easy on her young body, but it had been a welcome challenge – and an even more so welcomed distraction. She still longed for home; its dusky plains and rocky bluffs fresh on her mind. But she had nothing to gain by clinging to sentiment. It was gone now, cleared away by the hungry summer flames. There was nothing left to return to. Ashes, perhaps, and the charred remains of her friends, family. The way the girl saw it, she had two choices; wallow in self pity, and block out the world that continued to spin around her, or make a boat out of her sorrows, and sail away towards greener pastures.

In her arrival in the Phoenix Maplewood and the land it inhabited, she'd made it clear to herself, and to the world, which path she had chosen. But Judith gave herself little time to dawdle. Despite the soreness that seemed to have crawled into every muscle in her body, there were other things to do. She had already established to herself the need to make a good first impression, and the youth was not one to let an opportunity pass her by. Evening's somber light was just beginning to trickle down the horizon, the temperature was fair and the wind mild. Rested and still itching to make use of herself, Judith had already pushed into the fringes of the woodland, as to begin familiarizing herself with its terrain.

Trees in such abundance were a notion that she'd had yet to explore prior to arriving in the Maplewood. Her homeland had been a canvas of gently rolling hills, ragged cliffs, and a seemingly endless expanse of plains. There she'd felt comfortable, aware of her surroundings and always in control. But now, she walked among these great, towering things and felt dwarfed, overwhelmed even. Judith veered towards an open, grassy swath. From her position, she could make out a lightly trodden path, which presumably led somewhere near the borders, but no other breaks in the thick wood that encompassed her. She quickly settled upon a particularly lush patch of vegetation, as to catch a bit of rest before continuing.
Messages In This Thread
temple walls always listen - by Judith - November 28, 2015, 06:02 PM
RE: temple walls always listen - by Ukko - November 28, 2015, 07:23 PM