Neverwinter Forest i need breakfast before i face this shit
the oath
207 Posts
Ooc — Siro
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Rian was hungry. His stomach gurgled, causing the two toned earthen colored juvenile to squirm as it grumbled audibly the second time around. A low groan of protest left his lips as he blinked sleepily, shuffling around, trying to avoid disturbing the den's other occupants. It was early in the morning: the sun was up, as told by the light that filtered in through the rendezvous den's open mouth as it yawned but his eye lids were still heavy and though he fought against it, his head buried against his front paws and a low huff left his lips as he quickly and efficiently dozed off. It was a talent, that. Yet, his stomach gurgled again, violently, and for a moment in it's demand for food he wasn't so sure he wasn't going to be sick. He was running on empty and his body was generous with letting him know that it wasn't pleased about it.

He shook off the last lingering traces of sleep before he pushed himself to his paws and loped outside the den, squinting his eyes — a milky blue starburst with green as they made their transition to their adult coloration — as they took a few seconds to adjust to the sudden onslaught of soft, morning light. He paused only long enough to allow his eyes to adjust before he set off. He wanted to hunt on his own. He knew going into it that he likely wasn't going to be successful and as much as he enjoyed having food brought to him (because it was always there for him) he wanted to emulate the adults he'd watched hunt. They made it look easy, so surely it had to be easy! He was confident as he followed a nutlike aroma, stopping when he found the small chipmunk.

He wasn't successful and eventually the rodent scurried up the tree out of Rian's reach and after a frustrated snarl at it, the juvenile turned with a loud huff and stomped his way back to the den (of which he had not gone all that far from) following the scent of whatever fresh kill someone had dropped off for them. He neared it (a few rabbits), grabbed one by the scruff and tugged it off to the side where he angrily tore away strips of meat from his breakfast and chewed as if it personally offended him.
As ruthless as it all may seem the wild cares not for the weaker beings.
Messages In This Thread
i need breakfast before i face this shit - by Rian - August 25, 2016, 01:36 PM
RE: i need breakfast before i face this shit - by Cypress - August 29, 2016, 01:30 PM
RE: i need breakfast before i face this shit - by Rian - August 29, 2016, 02:43 PM
RE: i need breakfast before i face this shit - by Cypress - August 29, 2016, 11:24 PM
RE: i need breakfast before i face this shit - by Rian - August 30, 2016, 03:08 PM
RE: i need breakfast before i face this shit - by Cypress - September 11, 2016, 02:38 PM