Hideaway Strath Do I speak my truth or do I filter to how I feel?
Tha gràin agam air an t-saoghal
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725 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
As he reached out for her, she expected his body to pass right through hers.
A ghost, illusion. But it didn't; her warmth met his.
That little squeak, the way her ears folded. She looked so cute, so small.
He just wanted to wrap her up, keep her safe.

Her tongue quickly touched his muzzle - Derg smirked. Then returned the shy kiss to her cheek before he bowed his head over her, tucking her in close to his chest, even going as far to place a paw over her. She was here now. Safe.
She trembled under him. Was she cold? He watcher closer, taking note of every detail of her body and posture. She'd lost condition since he'd first seen her -- anyone would when travelling alone. He was glad he'd been hunting for the best part of the day. 
"I'm glad too, love."
Love. A pet name, he supposed. It just...slipped from his lips. No bother, just play it cool. She wouldn't like him the same way, she just wasn't used to being alone for so long - away from her family.

"You're safe now."
He pressed his nose to the top of her head. She didn't seem hurt, just a little worn. But he had to make sure.
"No one hurt you right?" He pulled back as he asked to look into her eyes, looking to make sure she was being truthful.
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RE: Do I speak my truth or do I filter to how I feel? - by Derg - November 22, 2020, 10:53 AM