Its an outlaw angel scenaio. Which is nerve wracking lol they never end well.
Amalia caught his smile and felt prickly her fur rising slightly and her cheeks burning, but she ignored it as best she could. As always Amalia enjoyed his gait. She wasn't sure what it was about it. But it tickled something.
They maybe prey, but they still love and lose too. It seems rude.She smiled with a small self-conscious one. It did. She would never be able to fathom the thought of killing someone unless it was in defense of.
Amalia chcukled.
Absolutely not, sir. You'll eat some too. You worked just as i did for it.
His smile was different and she didn't understand, but it didn't bear any mind. When he settled near her she plopped a half in front of him and nudged him.
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RE: Boots - by Amalia - July 27, 2022, 01:01 PM