Stone Circle I learned long ago 'bout a better way of killing birds.
199 Posts
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Taktuq noticed the stranger and moved to be a defensive buffer for Sanja's sake, which the mother-to-be greatly appreciated.

The stranger spoke - and of the many things they capitulated, Sanja understood very little; she looked to Taktuq and back a few times, as if to seek clarity.

Inkeri, home, name - Ethan? She gleaned the basics but that did not assuage the instinctual feeling to drive out this rival woman who would only be a burden to their group.

Sanja was tense through the entire exchange; her fur bristling, tail low, while she watched the stranger. Sanja heim, and Taktuq, and Inkeri. This stranger was not one of them. E-tan, where heim? Not here, certainly - not if Sanja wanted her children to thrive themselves.
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RE: I learned long ago 'bout a better way of killing birds. - by Sanja - August 07, 2022, 06:51 PM