Two Rivers Isle eat popcorn in the morning, pancakes in the night
198 Posts
Ooc — H2O
written vaguely, hope this is okay!

the waters had begun to roar again with life now that the winter ice had come and left. the days were growing warmer with each passing moon and iseul could not be more thankful. She had been able to see the stars more recently, along with the flowers that recently began to bloom around the isle and bring about some curious creatures.

and seemingly today was no different. the woman had tasked herself with remarking the borders along the edges of the territory, working her way from the middle down towards the southern tip where the rivers grew their widest. it was a risk to cross it due to how fast the current could secretly be underneath as the rivers grew exceedingly deeper in this part of the isle.

but her pondering comes to a close after the most recent scent marking, as some lingering smell from a wayward breeze comes to bring something fresh to her nose. The deputy would come to pause now, coal nose lifted and flaring as she comes to notice that the isle has a new visitor. her ears can be seen flying themselves all around, desperately trying to find a location of any sound that may not be coming from her or the isle itself.

with the most recent crop of puppies, iseul had more reason to be protective of the land her family called home. she can't seem to locate exactly where the scent comes from, but either way she would be at the southern border and send out a loud and echoing bark that would bounce off the trees and enter the open land. perhaps a welcome or a warning depending on how one would take the message -- but for the moment she did not care how it came across.

"you approach two rivers isle, stranger who walks near."
Iseul is still learning English and will frequently pause to find the right word. This often occurs with an audible 'uh' or 'ah' sound, as well as speaking a bit slower to try and avoid mistakes. Your character is welcome to notice this!
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RE: eat popcorn in the morning, pancakes in the night - by Iseul - April 11, 2023, 11:00 AM