Hoshor Plains Can't be sure when they've hit their mark
-Peace in your Violence-
382 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He stopped moving. Blinked slowly and thrn turned back to her. Red eye boring into her. A frown on his face.

Because i deserve it? Because I'm a shitty wolf.

Dreven tilted an ear. Maybe you. I just want to hunt until i either firget I exist or cease to exist one of the two. Hey healer. I get hurt. Don't save me.

He turned back around as she jump skipped after him. A small little twitch of his ear. Knowing she was coming.

She was annoying, but he wasn't particularly bothered.
Dreven is a mature character. He is often filled to the brim with suggestive words, comments and the like. He also swears a lot. If you cannot hand this, or if it makes you uncomfortable, please don't hesitate to send me a pm and I will try and tone it down for our thread.
Messages In This Thread
RE: Can't be sure when they've hit their mark - by Dreven - May 17, 2024, 03:06 PM