Sun Mote Copse how hard did i just seal the deal
Sun Mote Copse
131 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
All Welcome 
When Njord and Meerkat broke the news to Stingray about his brother, he was too stunned to react in the moment. He appeared to take it remarkably well, much like his dam's initial reaction. That was only due to the way time froze in place when they uttered Swordfish's name, his true one and his chosen one alike. Stingray's thoughts froze, too, and only began a sluggish churn hours afterward.

How many nights had he lay awake with Fish's sea blue eyes piercing into his soul? How long had he carried the guilt of leaving his brother behind? He believed Swordfish must be dead, and that was the only comfort Stingray could find in not searching far and wide for him.

To learn his brother was indeed alive, that Stingray had forsaken him ... That was too much for the young Sveijarn-Corten to bear.

It began slowly, a persistent stabbing of guilt in his belly while he patrolled the southern border. His brother's oceanic gaze was back in the rear of his skull, weighing him, judging him. By the time he crossed the river into thicker forest, the stabbing had moved up into his chest. The closer he drew to Fish's Loch, the more it felt like a hand was reaching in there and squeezing his heart.

When he could see the lake, it all came to a head. It felt like he couldn't suck enough air into his lungs. His heart pounded and his ears began to ring. His stomach was filled with writhing snakes and his head was filled with the sense of impending doom. Stingray's legs wobbled like jelly. He made it only a few more steps before he dropped to his hindquarters and began trembling and gasping for breath.
Messages In This Thread
how hard did i just seal the deal - by Stingray - May 25, 2024, 01:36 PM
RE: how hard did i just seal the deal - by Seal - May 28, 2024, 10:15 AM
RE: how hard did i just seal the deal - by Meerkat - May 28, 2024, 12:25 PM
RE: how hard did i just seal the deal - by Stingray - June 08, 2024, 09:31 PM
RE: how hard did i just seal the deal - by Seal - June 25, 2024, 12:24 PM
RE: how hard did i just seal the deal - by Meerkat - June 27, 2024, 09:07 AM