Wapun Meadow Honey, You're Familiar like my Mirror Years Ago
crying is okay here
55 Posts
Ooc — Sprout
Congrats on 90 posts! Nearly to 100 woop!

I s'ppose not, they replied with a laugh, drawing a foreleg over their head to scratch at an itch behind their ear. But that's alright. I think a flower kind of matches you, he mused contentedly, their voice warm and sincere. Sweet and pretty, y'know? Moss continued, his gaze tracing the dance of birds through the sky, a soft smile on his lips.

Hmm... Maybe if you wanted to, you could find something else, he suggested, his eyes narrowing thoughtfully as he scanned the ground around them. Like a rock or something.

They paused, considering the possibilities. Or maybe a feather? Moss added, his eyes lighting up with the idea. I found one earlier, he said, pulling up his tail beside him to show her.

from my rotting body flowers shall grow
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RE: Honey, You're Familiar like my Mirror Years Ago - by Moss - June 18, 2024, 12:59 AM
RE: Honey, You're Familiar like my Mirror Years Ago - by Moss - September 13, 2024, 05:39 PM