Nova Peak amber, what will become
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rowdy's first few weeks of life, he didn't quite live up to his name. he slept. he ate. he slept again. by all accounts he seemed rather bland -- besides the curious two nubbins that formed the end of his spine.

by week four he was up and walking. he could see, he recognized his siblings, and he tolerated his father's presence. but really, rowdy lived for raider -- his stupid little face would light up when she swept into the room. he'd drop what he'd been chewing (sibling, stick, father, whatever --) and bumble towards his mama, his stunted tails wriggling his whole end.

but today, it was only papa in the den. rowdy tried more than once to nurse on riley -- each time he was warned away with what to him felt like an offensively cruel nip. rude! awful service, leaving zero stars on yelp.  where was the milkmaid?!

he was getting hungry.

rowdy began to notice his papa was restless. he pounced on @Ruckus and tried to cajole @Riot into play -- both entertained him for a while, but once again, rowdy's little stomach gurgled.

he stopped playing instantly, nudging at his papa's mouth. the heaping gruel deposited at his feet was categorically inedible -- rowdy stared at it in disbelief, watching as his father sped off and suddenly, goldeneye stood in his place.

maybe this was the new milkmaid?
Messages In This Thread
amber, what will become - by Rowdy - June 19, 2024, 02:45 PM
RE: amber, what will become - by Riot - June 19, 2024, 09:28 PM
RE: amber, what will become - by Rowdy - June 20, 2024, 09:41 AM
RE: amber, what will become - by Riot - June 23, 2024, 02:07 AM