Hoshor Plains And besides in the mean-meantime I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart
-Peace in your Violence-
394 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Dreven chuckled darkly. You're not wrong. But we can still see. He too thought bitterly that they had failed, but it was what it was. IT wasn't as if he couldn't find her something else to munch on if he should need too. He was just pissed off and irritated now.

Though he was unsure exactly what she wanted. He did stop when she spoke out. Stared at her with barely concealed irritation, but she was already gone, before his one eye fell upon her. So he stood quietly and wondered what the heck she was doing. After all he had not been close enought to scent the doe too closely.

Then she was there with a prize and he chuckled. Looks as if you didn't need me after all little two bit. There you go enjoy.

He tilted a tattered ear forward. He should find a creek or something and soak his throat. And a nap, he was growing tired.
Dreven is a mature character. He is often filled to the brim with suggestive words, comments and the like. He also swears a lot. If you cannot hand this, or if it makes you uncomfortable, please don't hesitate to send me a pm and I will try and tone it down for our thread.
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RE: And besides in the mean-meantime I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart - by Dreven - July 08, 2024, 09:53 AM