Broken Antler Fen We'll give the world the world to you, and you'll blow us all away
534 Posts
Ooc — Caitie
@Sebastian @Aviana @Odette
Rest of the pack welcome to mill around the den lol
Pearl awoke with a start from her nap in the middle of the day, shooting pains going through her abdomen. She quickly stood up, gasping, and let out a short howl to her husband to let him know their kids were arriving. And certainly soon.

Waddling her way to the whelping den they'd dug earlier, she delt with the sporatic lightning pains that occured closer and closer together. The pale woman paced outside the den, wincing with every violent contraction. Frick, is this supposed to hurt this much? she thought, becoming increasingly hormonal with the inevitable coming of her kids. She grinded her teeth together as she pulled through a longer contraction, definitely the worst so far. Little did she know, it wouldn't be the worst she'd endure that day. With one last look around the outside world as a wolf not a parent, she breathed in one last breath of fresh air before heading down into the whelping den. 

Pearl attempted to control her breathing throughout the now short and awful dear-sweet-jesus-there-is-a-war-going-on-down-there contractions, but it didn't really help. Well, they were here, and while she was excited, it was still a scary experience for the first time. She let nature's instict take over, but her small body was pushing out a rather large puppy, so it didn't stop her from gasping and clawing at the dirt while it traveled the course of birth. With a final cry of determination, she gave a last push, exposing her firstborn @Mato to life outside the womb. More calmly than expected, she carefully pulled the male over to her side, licking and niping away the sac and fluids from his tiny grey face. So her firstborn came to breathe air with tiny adorable noises, filling her heart with pride and adoration. I have a son. Look at him. My son. So handsome. He looks like me and Seb. My kid. She smiled at him adoringly, filled with so much more now that she had a child of her own. Instictively pulled him over to suckle on a teat, giving him another lick over the head. 

Another searing pain was a harsh reminder of 'hey lady you ain't done yet, you got more kids'. Pulling her attention from her small and squirming son, she resumed the terrifying process of birth. This next one seemed to be graciously smaller than the first, but not by much at all. She was very well prepared to start yelling, because this freaking hurt and where the frick was Seb. Hormones wouldn't let him near her pups at first, at least until they were all delivered. Speaking of which, her second born slid out with nothing short than a loud 'auGHHHH COME oN!!' and a motley of muttered Lakota curses. And thus were the first words @Nova came into the world to. She hoped they couldn't hear, but she couldn't remember when they could. She pulled another darker colored pup, all browns, over to her side, wondering where that coloring came from as she cleaned her up. With hormones racking her brain, she couldn't very well come to a straight conclusion. But look at this! It was a girl! And she was beautiful! Grinning stupidly when she made little puppy noises, Pearl gently nuzzled the heads of her two feeding kids with a chest exploding with pride. She made good things. 

Apparently two things were not enough, as her attention was drawn away once again by another contraction. 'HOW MANY OF THESE DO I HAVE?? HOW MANY GOOD THINGS?' she thought, more joyfully this time as this one didn't seem as painful. @Ivy slid out with ease, her being smaller than the rest of her siblings. Pearl was fine with this. Three was all there was, right? This was a good number for their family, she thought blissfully, ignoring the bloodied and torn birth canal, having passed most of the levels of pain down there. The new mother cleaned off her smaller pale daughter, happily licking her three suckling children.

With a start came the worst contraction yet. Pearl was nearly writhing in pain, but had to try and keep still for the sake of her fragile newborns at her side. OH MAKA WHAT THE FRICKITY FRACK IS THIS, came the passionately yelled words of the confused mother. Four puppies? How were they gonna handle this? Where did four even come from, and more importantly, why was the last one the biggest? With a torturous few minutes spent panting heavily and wincing, the fourth and final puppy was pushed out of the by now unrecognizable birth canal. Born into blood, brief yelling, and slient swearing still being muttered. Sounds about right. Perfect situation to be born into. With a heaving sigh of relief, she suspiciously eyed her belly for a presence of another one. Reaching over to @Benjamin, she delicately cleaned away more blood than anything from his fur. By now the first one was getting fluffier, but they all still looked like damp potatoes. Except Ivy and Mato. They looked like wriggling pebbles.

Finally, the storm had passed and all of her tiny little children were suckling by her side. She proudly looked on at them, panting and exausted. She weakly called for Seb, whom she suspected was beyond ready to be an actual father and see his children. Pearl didn't quite remember what she did to the wolves who looked in, but there might've been some snapping involved. These were her little ones, but now she wanted to show them off. They were good. This was good. This was a good family.