Wild Berry Meadow you swallow me, i'm a pill on your tongue
those whom life does not cure, death will.
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a gentle flush of lavender and pearly pink doused the eastern rim of the world, casting the frigid hemisphere in idyllic swirls of pastel colors. below the slow ascent of the sun most of the valley slept, iliksis among them.

the sun was slow to reach his curled form and it fanned out in the canopy in long fingers of pale yellow. under an arm of snarling heather the male had made a bed for himself, and besides him sat the grotesque figure of the skull he had purloined from the wood's borders. his breath came in rhythmic and slow metronome -- for but a moment, the monster appeared innocent as he slumbered.
warning: PG-18+ explicit content.
suspended between survival and civility
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Master Guardian

she was a gnarled, ugly scar in direct comparison to the kaleidoscope of flora that lay before her.  every petal that brushed her, every pastel dream that whispered too close withered under her footfalls.

the sun crept up from the horizon, shadows elongating under its glare; a fiery halo shrouded the woman as she crept along the berries and bushes, aiding her sinister mien.

the scent of something putrid caught her attention as it wafted gently across the meadow, stomach-turning in a sickly sweet way.  mindlessly, she made her way towards it and as she drew close, plumes of breath betrayed the slumbering man.

delicately, she danced circles around his sleeping form, slow and meaningful, as she scented deeper — scents of women crept from his pelt, semen dripping out of rotting flesh — and although something in the most feral part of her brain screamed run, run, run, she instead continued her dance, one-two-three, in-out-in.

those whom life does not cure, death will.
270 Posts
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iliksis, if left to his own devices, would have slept well past the sun's zenith. unknown to his sleeping form, he was not left to his own devices -- a spectre of a being flitted about him. it watched him, it studied him -- had iliksis been awake to witness it, he would have admired how similar her ritual of sizing up others was his to own.

a crunch of snow finally betrayed her presence, and iliksis woke with a jolt. his luminant yellow gaze flared open, and without moving his head from the ground he spotted the lithe form of a slim umber-colored wolf. she had a sharpness about her he did not recognize, and a most unusual pelage -- with two heterochromatic and very intense eyes haunting her snipey face.

she was moving in a bizarre maner, and it caused the hackles along his thin spine to lift in affront. he finally lifted his muzzle from the ground and his ears pulled ahead in assertive annoyance. 'what the fuck do you want?' his simmering glare seemed to convey, though no words formed from his ghastly lips.
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suspended between survival and civility
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Master Guardian

from silent footfalls a crack of ice and snow betrays, and the slumbering man flashed — piercing, sulphourous eyes studying from beneath the concealing heather.  as she landed once more she halted, stiff and watching as he studied her, ears pushing forth in an assertive and questioning manner, hackles raised.

she gives one soft sway of her tail against her hocks and tears her own intense glare from his, to the skull, and then back again.  she wasn't sure what she wanted — or expected — from this encounter, but that had been what had drawn her to him.

reigi vocalized, a soft purr that tapered off into a near whine at the end, her own angular ears swiveling forward and facing him, streamlined body taut and waiting to bolt or strike if the situation calls.

those whom life does not cure, death will.
270 Posts
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her gaze fell on the skull. his skull. the quill-like hackles along his back did not cease in their formation. he did not rise from the cold burrow he had made for himself.

he tore his gaze from her to the skull. it was no longer appetizing to him. he may have questionably loose moral standards, but he did have a code -- and that skull was no longer edible as far as he was concerned. however, it might bring him great and wicked satisfaction to see someone else eat it. in some ways, it might be symbolic - symbolic in a twisted way only a sick mind like iliksis' could possibly comprehend.

he carefully lifted a hind leg and suddenly, with the rapacious action of a spring, kicked the skull out from next to him. it clattered wildly as it skid across the snow, and iliksis watched the female for her reaction.
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suspended between survival and civility
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Master Guardian

his posessiveness towards his trophy was something that she understood — she was quite prone to resource guarding too, but she could not help but wash her intense gaze back over the putrid thing.

her muscles had wound and coiled tightly, ready to react to movement and as he spurned the cold, rotting skull from the warmth of his belly, she lurched towards it, grasping it fully in her jaws after it clacked across the frozen ground.

she worked violently and without method, tearing flesh from bone and bone from sinew, jerking her head back and forth as she manipulated the fetid thing around between clamped jaws.

she'd never tasted something so vile, gooey remnants slogging off down her throat as she tore, rotting white matter mashed down by girth and precum; though it did nothing to defer her assault, it was not something she wished to experience again.

raising her head from her new prize, she runs her salmon pink tongue over her muzzle, saliva thick and clacking.

those whom life does not cure, death will.
270 Posts
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twice since iliksis had entered the wilds, his sexual deviancy had been satiated. first with the unfortunate yearling akantha, and second with this strange and warped creature who, despite possessing a fully functioning nose, scarfed down the remnants of his violation without a blink.

iliksis closed his eyes for a moment, victorious - a female, gargling on what he had just expunged -- the sensation ripped through him in a feral and ripe manner that made his fur stand on end.

she made quick work of his work, and a satisfied, sickly smile played on his lips. he said nothing, though his gaze clearly appraised her inviting figure.
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suspended between survival and civility
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Master Guardian

he continued to watch her from the shadows, and although perhaps this stranger did not deserve it (unbeknownst to reigi), she awarded him by stripping down one of her many guarded layers.  

slowly, she lowered herself, hovering over the skull, and began to gnaw on it.  the noise of teeth scraping against bone was primal, cutting through the air, stark and different from the beautiful, frozen pastels that surrounded the pair.

she noticed his guard hairs raise although his intense gaze was shielded beneath closed lids.  she paused from her gnashing for a moment, waiting. then they opened again, consuming her whole.

she was not particularly inclined to study him the same way, reigi would much rather focus on the prize that this shadowed stranger had bestowed upon her.  but she wondered, in a shallow kind of way, what had caused him to relinquish the rotting thing?

she cocks her head at him, ears flicking back once before returning to their neutral, forward position — what now?

those whom life does not cure, death will.
270 Posts
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she bent to the ground, and iliksis watched as he was apt to do. he lifted his muzzle, affirming her action with a pleased expression on his face. he had not bequeathed the skull to her for nothing - it had been his toy, and he graciously was loaning it -- though what terms that loan was forged upon, it was for reigi to find out.

while she set to gnawing the bare skull, iliksis rose. he was slow, and moved in the manner of a large cat. he took several steps towards her though he kept the distance appreciable. he stopped several feet from her shoulder, settling on his haunches with a strange lightness.
warning: PG-18+ explicit content.
suspended between survival and civility
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Master Guardian

reigi was not a rabbit-hearted, fear-soaked doe, yet when he emerged from the shadows she gave pause, hackles raised as he showed her the full of himself for the first time.  the sun was still low, rising, and a soft yellow light drenched the shadow-cloaked swain.

there was something about this that she did not like.

and though under normal circumstances, that would be her cue to move on, there was something that held her there.  the skull.  she wanted it.  in her mind, it was hers.  or it would be... she just had to figure out how.

he settles back down and she drops her prize, moving towards him and closing most of the distance with an inviting confidence, head bobbing once more as she scents him over, tail raking against the piled snow.

it seemed he had been alone for some time, and the scent of sex drenched him, women weaving in and out like ghosts.  she can smell fear, too.

what had he been up to?

those whom life does not cure, death will.
270 Posts
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iliksis prided himself in causing fear among the sensibly minded, but this one did not fear him. she seemed suspicious, as she ought to be, but there was none of the rewarding terror. iliksis could fix that, if he was so inclined.

she came close to him, an extraordinary gesture that was so very uncommon for the greyfurred male. it was not often anything approached him, for fear of death or otherwise. she seemed to be scenting him and he proudly boasted the perfume of his conquests for her -- he thought back on anatha and his heart fluttered with ugly pride.

he could do the same for her, if she so wished -- iliksis certainly liked the prospect.

she was close enough that he could kiss or kill. he liked to play the game, and so, he simply stood still awaiting her verdict.
warning: PG-18+ explicit content.
suspended between survival and civility
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Master Guardian

some pp, let me know if i need to go back.  i can rewrite this post entirely if need be.

maybe if she'd seen the fear in anatha's eyes, she would not have wanted to make herself the next toy.  maybe if he'd known there was never anything in her to break, he wouldn't be interested.  she was an intelligent creature but held no form of higher functioning, in her life sex was something to be taken, it was a game, it was a conquest.  her only experiences with the act were raw and primal, some consensual and some forced.

so when he does not make a move towards her, the brazen girl reacted in turn the only way she knows how, by stepping forth and running herself along him, tail high as she circles.  she comes back to the front of him, her spine arching as she lowers herself into a play-bow.

this was a game until it wasn't, but she would enjoy dancing in the inbetween.

those whom life does not cure, death will.
270 Posts
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he was not accustomed to a female this forward; the roles had never been reversed this way before, and iliksis' reservation was sour across his features. he did not move as she brushed past him, though the touch was electrifying and iliksis did not try to quell the ferocity of the beast that stirred within him.

if he had known this conquest was requited, perhaps he would not have engaged in it. it gave iliksis no pleasure to indulge in the wants of others. it was not in his nature to be giving, or to perform acts of kindness. it would always be that way.

he marveled the agile way her spine arched, and it drew forth a powerful image of unsatiable lust in the male. lust not just for conquest, but for killing -- her spine was beautiful, bendable, breakable -- and her mismatched gaze a trophy he would delightedly pluck from her skull.

these were just dark fancies for now, that floated along the realm of his thought. he rose slowly, his tail curled above his hips as he prepared himself. he would wait for her to be so bold as to touch him again -- and if she did, he was not responsible for the ugly things he committed upon her.
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suspended between survival and civility
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Master Guardian

she could see he was interested in her at least in some way by the way his gaze lingered, in the arch of his tail, but was becoming frustrated by his inaction.  if she knew the gory thoughts that raced there behind his eyes, she could have prepared herself, she could have run

but reigi stood once more, mimicking his stance and arching her tail over her body, more insistently wagging at him.  nobody had ever reacted to her advances with such indifference before, only surging her on.

in an uncharacteristic doelike fashion, she sprung from his reach, making playful catch-me-if-you-can circles as she wove between the trees.  and if he showed no more interest?  

she'd lurch in long enough to try to nab that skull and find someone who could be better company.

those whom life does not cure, death will.
270 Posts
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mutely the depraved man watched this bizarre dance; he was composed, but only just so - this strange creature enticed him in a way he had not expected.

snow flung from the flat of her hocks as she bounded away from him, now out of range of any attack he might have schemed. dutifully he followed her, picking up a predatory lope as he carried behind her. her sharp features were accentuated by dawn's lilac light, and for a moment he drank in the beauty of it.

in a few strides he had swallowed the distance between them as they darted between the trees. once he was close enough, he sprung lion-like upon her, attempting to bowl her over and send her sprawling into the ground. if she lost balance, he would fall upon her immediately -- if she regained her footing, he would innocently lope behind her as if this was all play.
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suspended between survival and civility
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Master Guardian

there it was again, that spark of interest as he followed her gamine form between the trees, trudging through the snow together.  had someone spied this encounter from afar, they might dismiss it as something playful, something casual.

and in a way it was, but in a way it was something much deeper.

before she knew it, he was on top of her and they were barreling through the snow.  her stilt-legs thrashed underneath her to try to find footing but they failed; all his weight was suddenly upon her and a whine escaped from her lips, ears pinning back in a faux kind of surprise.

those whom life does not cure, death will.
270 Posts
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the male's ambush was successful; in a flurry of snow and limbs he was atop her, breathing the same air as her and feeling the rapid rise of her chest against his. she whined, a noise that was not alien to iliksis - it caused excitability in him and he growled, his lips curling back to reveal hungry fangs that raked passionately against her cheek.

he shifted his weight, splaying his hind end over her body. it occured to him that taking her down had been easy -- too easy. he waited then for her to struggle or fight back, hoping she would do both so that he could deny her the simple pleasure of escaping from underneath him. without struggle, iliksis' appetite was hardly roused -- either violence or terror would need to precipitate their coupling, for iliksis' desire could only be aroused if he felt that those underneath him were truly his victim.
warning: PG-18+ explicit content.
suspended between survival and civility
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Master Guardian

he grazes her cheek with his yellowed fangs and her hackles raise in fear-delight, and a thought crosses her mind that this is what prey feels like before it is felled.  it is exhilirating in a way the feral woman cannot describe; fear-inducing and adrenaline-coursing, and in a world that has been so desolate and cold she takes it in stride.

she plays right into his hand, because remember, this is a game,, and she once more attempts to regain her footing, limbs thrashing wildly as her head turns back to bare her own fangs at him and scrape or latch onto whatever she can because now the wild, feral heart in her has awakened and pound-for-pound they are the same. now that is atop of her it is something she is intimately aware of.  

her tail cups around her nether regions in a coy, protective gesture, ears smoothing back against her head, fur still standing on end.

those whom life does not cure, death will.
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beneath him she squirmed, and something awakened in her -- she fought back with force this time. iliksis tightened his grip -- or at least, attempted to -- trying his best to keep her flailing limbs underneath him as they tusseled.

if he could pin her hocks to the ground, or to him, he could make her immobilized. immobilized enough that he could then clasp her with his teeth -- likely along her scruff to subdue her.

yet something came over the shade -- a vague sense of reluctance. he was troubled by the emotion, but it took root in him and drained him of the joy he found in playing with his victims. in scorn, the dark male cast reigi aside -- and stole quickly into the forest to ruminate over the strange sense of hesitation that had enveloped him.
warning: PG-18+ explicit content.